𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 || 𝐚𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

834 18 1

aether x gn kit reader

platonic fluff and dad aether

1064 words

"Um...hello?" a small child called out. It was dark and the noises from the outside were getting very loud. They shivered from the cold air coming from the open window. The underground was always a little too cold for the kit's liking. Their tail trembled behind them as they padded down the hallway.

"Hello?" their small voice squeaked, barely being able to be heard. Another noise rang throughout the hallway. The kit froze, turning around slowly. Nothing was there, but they could feel the intense gaze piercing into their soul. They backed up against a wall. Tears slipped down their cheeks as they watched the hallway. Their tail wrapped around themself. The floor felt cold as they sunk to the ground. They didn't know why they were here, they didn't even know where they were. Everything was worse knowing that they couldn't find their parents. A soft sob escaped their lips as their head sank into their hands.

Footsteps came from a hallway down, startling the young ghoul.

"Mama? Papa?" the ghoul questioned, staring at the two approaching figures. They looked similar to their parents, with one being big and buff, like their father, the other being short, like their mother.

"How did a kit get down here?" they overheard one say. They didn't even have an answer to that themselves.

"Hello?" the other one called out. The small ghoul slowly stood up, eyeing the approaching figures suspiciously. Their presences weren't those of their parents, but they sure looked like them. They cautiously approached them.

"Mama? Papa?" they questioned again, only this time their voice was more shaky. One of the figures stepped ahead and lowered himself to the kit's level. Purple eyes gazed into their own white ones.

"Oh dear, you don't even have an element yet," the ghoul whispered, stroking the kit's cheek with his thumb. The other ghoul approached and looked into the small ghouls eyes. Their fiery red eyes pierced into their white ones. More tears ran down their face as they faced the two unfamiliar ghouls.

"Oh don't cry," the purple eyed ghoul cooed. "Dew, can you get one of the summoners? Or a tamer?" The red eyed ghoul – Dew – nodded and turned swiftly on his heel.

"I'll get you back to your parents, don't worry."

The ghoul grabbed their hand and led them down the hallway. The walk was silent, other than the occasional sniffles coming from the small ghoul. The two stopped in front of a large door. It was old and worn, obviously had been used for a while. There was a small plate on the wall next to it with a word written on it, though the kit couldn't decipher what it said. The ghoul opened the door and led them inside.

It was a standard room for ghouls, with a bed in the corner and a couch on the wall. A dresser sat near the bathroom door with a tv hanging above it. Stacks of papers were neatly stacked on the desk by the foot of the bed. The ghoul motioned for the child to sit on the couch, and they quickly obeyed. The smooth fabric of the couch felt nice against their cold fingers. The ghoul draped a blanket over their shoulders and knelt down in front of them.

"I'm Aether," he informed. "Can you tell me your name?" The kit gulped. Never had they been separated from their parents like this, and this strange new environment made everything worse. They looked into Aether's eyes, slowly bringing themself to trust the ghoul.

"y/n..." they mumbled. Aether nodded and took the kit's hand in his own.

"I know you're scared, I would be too," he began. "I have someone trying to find out why you're here right now. You'll see your parents again soon." y/n nodded. A small yawn snuck past their pursed lips and their eyes drooped. Aether picked them up and gently laid them on the bed. He grabbed another blanket and tucked them in, knowing that the extreme temperature change was bothering them. The kit yawned and snuggled into the blankets. Aether's heart instantly melted at the sight before him. He grabbed a banana plush and handed it to them. They immediately took it and held it close to their chest.

"You'll be back home soon, kid," he stroked their hair. "I promise."

He got up from the bed and tiptoed across the room. Slowly, he slipped out the door and down the hall. Dew, you better have contacted someone. He swiftly walked through the halls, heading towards Dew's approximate location. He found the fire ghoul talking with a summoner.

"We never summon kits," she explained. "It's against the rules, especially kits without an element." Aether nodded and crossed his arms.

"I have no idea why this kit has arrived," she admitted. "I'm deeply sorry."

"It's fine, Sister," Aether sighed. The summoner nodded and walked towards her room. SDew shook his head at Aether.

"The tamers don't know why either," he grumbled. His tail twitched as he paced the small area of the hallway.

"We'll find out," he assured. "Go to bed, it's late. We'll find out in the morning." Dew nodded and headed towards his room, mumbling incoherent curses. Aether shook his head and walked back towards his room. This kit couldn't have appeared out of nowhere.

As he entered the room, he noticed the small ghoul had moved. They sat in the corner of the bed against the wall. Their eyes glanced frantically around the room.

"A-Aether?" they mumbled. Aether nodded and walked towards the scared ghoul.

"What's wrong?" He gingerly sat down close to them. Tears were streaming down their face as they clenched the blanket.

"I heard...I heard a noise," they finally stuttered. Their voice trembled with every word uttered. Aether sighed and patted the kit's head.

"S'probably nothing," he comforted. "Don't worry, kid." y/n scrambled into the older ghouls side, gripping his arm for dear life. Aether chuckled and slowly untangled his arm from their hands, throwing it around their shoulders instead. The kit snuggled into his side, gripping the banana plush instead. The two sat like that until Aether finally heard the kit's breathing even out. He looked down to see their eyes closed. Smiling, he wrapped tem in a blanket and held them in his arms. He fell asleep minutes later.

𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘, 𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝖒𝖊 || ɢʜᴏꜱᴛ ʙᴄWhere stories live. Discover now