𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐮𝐲 || 𝐩𝐭. 𝟐

277 10 8

secondo x male reader

part two cause you wanted it

some dirty jokes ✌️🤪

1055 words

 Weeks have passed since y/n had been appointed as Papa Emeritus II's assistant, and he was still unsure if it was a blessing or a curse. On one hand, he got to go to all the big important Ministry parties and eat all the good food, but that also meant he had to go with him. AKA the big scary Bone Daddy that everyone wanted in their bed. Well everyone except y/n (he's lying to himself).

The guy still scared him shitless, but there was something about him that was just...ugh. Maybe it was the permanent scowl set on his face, or the piercing gaze of his bi-colored eyes that had butterflies going nuts in y/n's stomach. Maybe it was the Italian accent. y/n always had a thing for Italian's. But all the other Papa's had the same accent, so what made Secondo's any different?

"Fuck," he murmured, rolling over to look at the ceiling. I do not like Papa Emeritus II. I do not like the way his eyes shine under the light, or the glitter that always somehow ends up in his Papal paint. I do not like the way his voice gets slightly higher pitched when he's yelling at his brothers. I do not like the way the green in his Papal robes makes him look way more majestic than he should. I do not like Papa Emeritus II.

y/n's phone lit up on his nightstand, vibrating with a new text. He groaned, rubbing his eyes and picking it up. It was a text from Jason.

Jason 😾: r u up?

y/n sighed, sitting up and yawning.

y/n 😎: yea ??

Jason 😾: i need help

y/n 😎: with what ????

Jason 😾: come to my room

y/n groaned again, throwing his phone on his bed. He slowly got up, his back popping loudly. His phone vibrated again with another message from Jason.

Jason 😾: dude u comin

y/n 😎: yea hold on

Grabbing a shirt from the ground, y/n walked out of his room. He carefully navigated the halls, making sure he was going the right way. Eventually, he made it to Jason's room. He knocked quietly, hoping it was loud enough for Jason to hear but not loud enough to wake anyone up.

"Fuckin finally, c'mon," Jason mumbled quickly, dragging y/n into the room.

"What's up with you?" y/n asked, his voice hoarse with tiredness.

"IthinkImightbeinlovewithWinston," Jason blurted out, his eyes widening as he spoke.

"Excuse me...WHAT?!?!?!" y/n gasped, staring at Jason in shock.

"I think I might be in love with Winston," Jason repeated, this time slow enough for y/n to comprehend what he had said.

"I knew it!" y/n whisper shouted, a wide smile spreading across his face. Jason's jaw dropped, and he looked like he was going to insult every bit of y/n's existence, but quickly refrained.

"Do you think he likes me back?" Jason asked quietly, almost too quiet to be heard. y/n gave him the you fucking dumbass use your brain for a second look. Jason sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"Just tell him, you'll be fine," y/n assured, checking the time on his phone. 6:45. "I have to go get ready, have fun confessing your love!"

"Wait! No I need–!"

y/n shut the door behind him, speed walking down the hall to his room. He would be no help to Jason if he couldn't even confess his own lo– not love. He does not like Papa Emeritus II.

"y/n? What are you doing out so early?" Speak of the devil.

y/n turned around slowly, meeting the gaze of none other than the man of his nightmares (dreams).

"I was- uh...just helping a friend," he replied, chuckling nervously. Secondo raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Well, I'll see you in an hour, Si?" Secondo asked, seriously debating if his assistant just got his brains blown out.

"Mhm..yea," y/n mumbled, looking at the ground in an attempt to hide the raging blush spreading across his face. The walk back to his room was quiet, save for the occasional alarm sounds he would hear from inside the other Siblings of Sin's rooms.

y/n opened his door quietly, stepping inside of his room. He quickly grabbed a change of clothes from his closet and walked into the bathroom. Soon, the sound of running water filled the room, followed by the sounds of a shampoo bottle falling and agonizing whines.

"y/n!" Jason called out as soon as y/n walked into the cafeteria. He waved him over, looking around anxiously.

"Where's Winston?" Jason asked, still trying to find the other guy. y/n shrugged, sitting down at the table with his slightly cold waffles.

"Probably jerking off cause he thinks you're so fine," y/n mumbled, basically inhaling the waffle.

"Fuck off," Jason murmured, rolling his eyes.

"Ok," y/n replied, checking his phone for the time. 7:55. "I have work anyway." Jason pouted, watching as y/n stood up and disappeared out of the cafeteria.

The whole time y/n was walking to Secondo's office, he felt as if something was going to go terribly wrong. Perhaps he didn't brush his hair right and now it's everywhere. Or maybe he forgot to put clothes on and no one wants to say anything cause they think it's funny.

"Get your act together," he whispered to himself, running a hand through his hair. He quietly knocked on Secondo's door, opening after a couple seconds with no answer.

"Oh my Satan!" y/n shouted quietly, not expecting to see THAT. His boss, the big scary guy that he totally wasn't in love with, was railing some poor ghoul into next month.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry!" y/n muttered, covering his eyes with his hands and shutting the door quickly. He ran a little ways down the hall, stopping to lean against the wall to catch his breath and process what he just saw. Papa II, his boss, NAKED!!!! And absolutely destroying some poor ghoul.

"I think I'm gonna pass out," y/n whispered to no one in particular. There was no doubting how utterly and disgustingly in love with Papa Emeritus II he was now. 

guess who's back !!!!!!!


i've been trying to get back into writing so here i am!!! i have a couple of ideas floating in my brain rn for some more things to write so prepare yourselves to get bombarded by shitty oneshots once my brains works again. who knows, u might get a halloween special out of me (idk tho). 

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