𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥

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i know i said i was done with this except for the requests im finishig but i couldn't not write this lmao

not very oneshot more of a drabble

very fluffbutt

842 words

 Valentine's day aws never a really big deal down in the Pit. You were either too busy running from demons (both mental and physical) to find love or didn't have a care for love at all. Even those who had found their mate didn't participate in the holiday.

That is until they are summoned topside.

Valentine's day was always a big thing in the ministry. Love in general was a big thing at the ministry. Even the single people got at least one Valentine. The ghouls quickly adopted this tradition, as gifts were definitely something that tickled their brains.

It started early on during Papa Secondo's reign, when Omega had secretly given a nicely written letter (in ghoul standards) and a very shiny rock to Terzo. The rest of the ghouls found out, and it spiraled on from there. Alpha begrudgingly made Valentines for all the ghouls, while Chain and Lake gave out little rocks and trinkets to anyone who would pass by. By the time Terzo's reign had begun, Valentines were just something the ghouls did.

Delta and Pebble would work together to make little statues to give to the ghouls, while Air would manipulate the wind just a little bit to make the budding flowers float through the air on the holiday. After Omega retired and moved to the infirmary, he would make little Valentines for anyone who stepped foot into the infirmary the whole week of Valentines day.

Ifrit and Aether would have a fun little competition to see how many people they could hug whenever Valentines day came around, though they never really kept count and called it a tie (Ifrit always won). Zephyr and Mountain would make little sticky notes with cute messages and post them on their packs' bedroom doors for the whole month of February. Dewdrop would always find some way to sneak into everyone's rooms and leave a little rock, secretly liking the anonymity it gave him.

Once Copia had become the leader of the band, Valentine's day for the ghouls got even better. Swiss would go around and give all the ghouls the biggest, wettest, most loving kiss, just because he could. Mountain and Cumulus would make little bouquets of flowers to give to everyone. Cirrus would go around and hand out little candies to all the siblings, saving the little treats she baked for her pack. Aether and Ifrit still did their hugging competition, but Aether also began writing little Valentines with Mountain and Zephyr just for the fun of it. Rain would make little drawings of hearts and stars, handing them out to everyone with a shy smile.

Dew still anonymously left little rocks in everyone's rooms, but he did try to do a little more for everyone. It began with little notes that he never signed, then progressing on the little sculptures made of melted glass. Eventually he worked up the courage to give Rain a little rock in person and quickly found out he really liked the feeling he got when giving gifts. And ever since then, he has been an absolute menace. Everyone gets the most all out gift now and a little kiss on the cheek, leaving everyone (Rain) a flustered mess.

By the time Sunshine was summoned, Dew had become known for the best little Valentines and everyone was trying to one up him (they never could). Sunny's first Valentines day consisted of Dew giving her a very pretty melted glass sculpture and a whole day off snuggly snuggles. Now don't worry, everyone got their respective gifts, and Swiss still got hit kiss and Rain got his snuggly snuggles as well, but Dew was focused on Sunny, seeing that it was her first topside Valentine's day.

When Phantom and Aurora were summoned, they didn't believe in any of the rumors about Dew during Valentine's day. How could that little menace of a ghoul possibly be the sappiest person the ministry had ever seen during Valentines day. Well, it's easy. Just pay attention to the way he gently puts his hand on Mountain's back as he passes behind him. Or the way he sits and quietly listens to Cumulus talk with hearts in his eyes. And don't forget about the way he subtly compliments Rain whenever they're about to go do something.

By the time Valentine's day arrived again, Aurora and Phantom thought they were fully prepared for the Dewdrop Special (they were not). Dew got Aurora a whole array of hair dye and helped her dye it rainbow that day. He gave Phantom a squishallow that he had been wanting for a while and even helped him find a home for it in his already massive stack of plushies. And by the time the day was over, Dew had the two tucked under his arms as they watched some shitty romcom that Swiss and Mountain had picked out,

So, in conclusion, Dew is a sap and is extremely happy that he gave Rain that little rock for the first time because he loves gift giving now.

i love you guys so much thank you for reading this and being so nice in the comments and requesting things <3333333

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i love you guys so much thank you for reading this and being so nice in the comments and requesting things <3333333. if i could i would give everyone who read this a big fat kiss and heart shaped chocolates 😭❤️😭❤️😭

happy valentines day !!!!!

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