𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 || 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

636 18 12

phantom x gn reader


sorry everyone with nice handwriting 😭

2089 words

Being new to the ministry was hard. Especially when you're a ghoul. First, you had to get your pack to accept you, which was easy for Phantom, minus the rocky start with Sodo. Then you gotta get the siblings to like you. Which was way harder. One wrong move and you were the laughing stock of the ghouls. He had heard the stories of older ghouls who were sent back because of rumors spread by siblings. He didn't want to be like them.

The library was bustling with siblings today. Despite having rules about being quiet, the library was definitely loud. More of a hang out than a study spot. When Phantom walked in, a couple siblings glanced at him, but most ignored him. Some even started whispering about him. He hoped it was only good things, but that would be pretty unlikely considering he hadn't been on tour yet.

He glanced around, looking for a spot to sit. Why had he even come here if he didn't know anyone? Did he actually think that some siblings would wave him over and talk to him? He pursed his lips and scanned the room.

In the corner, by one of the big windows, was a lone sibling. The way they sat with their back to the sun cast eerie shadows across their face. h/c hair gently fell over their face as they leaned down to pick something up. Seeing that they were alone without any whispering siblings beside them, Phantom decided to make his move. He strided across the room and plopped down on the other end on the couch they were sitting on.

y/n looked up from their studies, seeing a ghoul sitting next to them. It was quite strange, no ghouls ever came to the library unless it was the dead of night. They raised an eyebrow before looking back at their notebook, messily written words scrawled across the papers. Picking up their pencil, they began to write again, taking notes on the text displayed on their laptop.

"I'm Phantom," the ghoul stated awkwardly, his voice quiet. y/n looked away from their notebook and at the ghoul. His eyes were fixated on his hands, which were in his lap.

"y/n," they responded, returning to their notes. If they were being honest, the ghoul was adorable. Must be one of the new summons that everyone was talking about. They haven't heard anything bad about him so far, so there really was no need to worry. Poor guy was probably nervous and had no friends, awfully similar to themselves. They crossed one leg over the other and sighed, scribbling down more notes.

Phantom watched them write down words he couldn't quite understand. Not that he couldn't read, their handwriting just looked like shit. All the letters jumbled together in chaos. He wouldn't even want to know how they were able to read it. It just looked like scribbles. He wasn't even sure if they were writing in English (they weren't, it's German, but bbg is new so he doesn't know).

y/n continued to take notes, making sure they got every single major point and all the small details. They paused however, to doodle the cute ghoul next to them in the corner of the page. It wasn't big, no bigger than 3 skittles, but Phantom noticed. He was glad ghouls had to wear masks, or else everyone would be able to see the vibrant blush that spread across his cheeks. They finished the drawing and flipped the page in their notebook, closing the tab to the text they were reading and switching it to something else.

Phantom watched as they scrolled through the document, stopping to write stuff down every once in a while. He was almost certain they were writing in a different language, but he could be wrong, considering their handwriting was terrible and clumped together. He watched for a little longer before looking at his watch, seeing an hour had passed since he sat down. And that also meant that practice was in 15 minutes.

𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘, 𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝖒𝖊 || ɢʜᴏꜱᴛ ʙᴄWhere stories live. Discover now