Chapter Forty-Six

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Mar and Reona flew at one another, not wasting any time. As they got towards the middle of the arena, Reona phased out, reappearing above Mar. But my blond haired friend must have expected something of the sort, because when Reona threw a fist, aiming to hit her right on the head, Mar phased out as well, reappearing beside the purple haired girl and kicking her in the face. Reona flew backwards, doing a backflip and landing on the edge of the arena, pushing off and immediately coming back for Mar.

"Get her! You can do it! Go Marron!" Nate hollered from beside me as the two exchanged some more hits. It seemed that they were pretty close in strength, even this early into the fight.

Suddenly, Mar landed another good hit on Reona, sending her crashing to the stage. The older girl was barely able to flip to she landed on her feet in time.

"That Reona chick has some pretty decent reflexes," Gohan observes. I nodded in agreement, smirking.

"Too bad she doesn't know Mar's spent pretty much her whole life keeping up with Saiyans," I say, crossing my arms.

"Don't overestimate her that easily," Ares says, watching Reona as she launched herself back at Mar. "After all, the man who screams into that mechanical stick says that she's a returning winner."

"Oooooh! That hit almost knocked Marron out of the arena!" I turned back to the fight in time to see Mar shoot back towards her opponent from where she had been floating over the grass. I breathed a sigh of relief. As long as she didn't touch the grass, she was still in.

Mar approached Reona, her fist drawn back. Quicker than a bullet, she was on top of the other girl, her fist buried in her stomach. Reona coughed, doubling over as Mar drew back. My friend smirked, rearing back to kick her. As she brought her foot around, Reona caught it. I heard Mar gasp in surprise.

Standing up straight and still holding Mar's foot, Reona raised her hand, a small Ki blast forming. Before Mar could get free, Reona let the blast go, hitting my friend square in the chest and letting go of her foot simultaneously. Mar flew backwards, quickly coming up on the edge of the arena where she had just been moments before.

"Mar!" I shout, my eyes wide.

But, while in midair, Mar recovered, flipping so her belly was towards the ground. A split second later, she phased out, reappearing behind Reona, who stood in the middle of the arena. She was using her momentum from the other girl's blast to propel her. It would have been an awesome gut shot, had Reona not screamed.

Well, it wasn't a scream exactly. It was more like a yelp. But whenever she did it, a powerful sound wave flew from her mouth, hitting Mar head on. My friend once more flew backwards, hitting the arena and skidding to a stop right before she fell off the edge.

"What the?!" Krillin exclaims, leaning forward and rubbing his eyes, as if trying to make sure he'd seen that correctly. "Did she just blast Mar with her voice!"

"I've heard of creatures like this!" Tarble says excitedly. "A banshee! They can create sound waves with their voices! I never would have guessed there were some on Earth!"

I looked from him back over to where Mar was standing up. There was a cut on her forehead dripping blood down her face.

"How powerful of a one do you think Reona is?" Goten questioned. Tarble shook his head.

"It is hard to tell. All banshees are different, depending on how much they've trained their voices."

"Well, let's just assume that Reona is a pretty decent one," Trunks says. "Considering how easily she knocked Marron aside."

'Mar, are you okay?' I sent the blond.

'Y-yeah, I think so...'

'That chick, she's a banshee. She can create sound waves with her voice!'

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