Chapter Forty-One

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Video to the side of how the Zipper works for those of you who don't know what it is!


The Zipper was a long, oval shaped ride with cars attached all around. Each of the cars was built like a cage, making sure that you couldn't go flying out as the ride spun you upside down. Put simple, the Zipper was a screaming metal death trap.

"I don't know about this one, Trunks," Goten said, eyeing the contraption as it started back up. Almost right away screams came from the cages.

Trunks laughed. Goten frowned.

"I'm serious! Is that thing even safe?"

"Would they let people on it if it wasn't?" Nate asked. The blond smiled. "Don't worry! Trunks and I have gotten on this thing plenty of times!" My brother didn't answer.

I wasn't going to lie; I was a little skeptical of this one myself. The whole thing seemed to shake as the main part made loop after loop, all of the cars spinning on their own.

"You guys are whimps," Nate said jokingly, laughing. "Seriously! It's a lot of fun!"

"You can survive an invasion and face the greatest evil we've ever faced with nerves of steel, but you can't get on a carnival ride?" Mar teased my brother. Goten's face hardened.

"Let's do this!"

Though this seemed to be the most popular ride at the carnival by far, it didn't take us more then fifteen minutes to reach the front of the line. Like the Ferris Wheel, the Zipper's cars where meant for two people. This time, I was accompanied by Nate.

"You ready for this, Ginger?" he asked as we were strapped in. The Carnie running the ride slammed the door, locking it after.

"As I'll ever be," I replied, holding on to the grips tightly as the ride started.

Automatically, the car Nate and I were in began rocking back and forth. As we went higher, we started to tilt backwards.

"Get ready!" Nate exclaimed, laughing. Seconds later, our cage gave way, sending us twirling upside down.

Surprisingly, I laughed.

"This is awesome!" I declared as we started to ascend. "It's just like doing loops in the sky!"

The blond grinned. "See! I told you it would be fun!"

I laughed again as the ride slowed, coming to a halt, letting old people off and allowing new ones on.

A few more cycles of this gave way to uninterrupted movement. As we flipped around, my pony tail constantly hitting me in the face, I laughed, whooped, and screamed in pure joy and delight. Beside me, Nate was making similar noises.

Finally, our time was up. The old pattern started up again; loop, stop. Loop, stop. When Nate and I reached the bottom, the same Carnie that locked us in let us out, opening out door and undoing our straps. The two of us stood off to the side to await our friends' arrival. 

Mar and Bulla were the first ones to appear. The two of them were laughing their heads off as they walked over the grass to where Nate and I stood. Nate raised an eyebrow but remained smiling.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

Another wave of giggles over took our friends, leaving us even more confused.

"Couldn't you hear him?" Bulla asked, fighting her laughter enough to speak.

"Hear who?" I questioned.

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