Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Students, all juniors and seniors please make your way down to the gym at this time. Again, all juniors and seniors please report to the gym at this time. Thank you." The PA system clicked off. Standing up, I followed the kids in my homeroom out into the hall. It wasn't hard to find Trunks and Nate; One was jumping up and down like a hyperactive puppy and the other had lavender hair. I smiled.

When I reached them, Trunks wrapped an arm around me and Nate fell into step beside the two of us. I wrapped my arm around Trunks' waist.

"Can you believe it's been three months already?" I asked them as we mixed with the other kids going down to the gym. 

"No, I can't," Trunks admitted. Nate nodded in agreement.

March was when we had made the wish for everything to return to normal and already it was June. The last day of school to be more specific. One year since Baby had made the wish on the Black Star balls. 

Trunks, Bulla, Goten, Nate and I didn't have a problem staying caught up with the other kids, considering they had the "advantage" with the year of fake memories and all. But I'm still glad that today was the last day. Finally a summer where we could actually sit back and do nothing

When we finally made it to the gym, the three of us quickly found seats on the bleachers, slightly away from all the other students. The band was to the left, playing enthusiastically while cheerleaders went through their routine in the middle of the gym. 

"Think about it guys," Nate said, pointing to the other side of the gym where the seniors where seated. "That'll be us next year. I think there's gonna be some video for the seniors, which is why they're here again.  "

I laughed. "Nate, I don't even want to think about that right now! Let's live in the moment, shall we?"

"And by that you mean this crappy end-of-the-year pep rally?" Trunks questioned, grinning. I laughed again. 

Slowly the rest of the school leaked into the gymnasium. Through the crowd, I spotted Goten and Bulla making their way to the sophomore section of bleachers. I wave to them and they return the gesture. 

Soon, the entire school is in the gym. The principal, Mr. Henry, walked out to the middle. The band stopped playing and sat while the students hushed themselves. When it was silent, Mr. Henry spoke.

"Wow, end of the year already?! Can you believe it?!" The words had barely left his mouth and the student body was cheering. Mr. Henry waited patiently for us to quiet down before resuming. "I feel like the year just began yesterday!"

"That's because it pretty much did," Trunks whispered in my ear. I giggled, rolling my eyes.

"But, nevertheless, I would like to thank each and every one of you for making this a great year," Mr. Henry said, turning in a circle so he could see every student as he said it. "I truly mean it. You ladies and gentlemen are awesome!" Another cheer rose from the kids, some loud whoops. 

Once more, the principal waited for most of the noise to cease. He went on about how this was a good year for sports and other school activities, but I had momentarily zoned out. It wasn't until Trunks suddenly stood up and walked down off the bleachers that I came back to reality.

"Where's he going?" I asked Nate, scooching closer to him. Nate chuckled.

"Get you head out of the clouds, Ginger," he said. I rolled my eyes, shoving his shoulder. Chuckling again, Nate continued. "Mr. Henry called down all the team captains to congratulate them on wins from this year."

I mouthed a silent 'oh' and clapped with the other students as Mr. Henry congratulated each of the team captains on their wins and new records for this year. After a few minutes, Trunks came back up to sit with us.

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