Chapter Forty-Four

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"Right. No, of course. Mom, look we'll be there in like ten minutes, okay? It'll be fine."

I sighed, moving my phone to the dresser so I could put my hair up. I clicked the speaker button and Mom's voice filled the space of my room.

"It's not fine because you three should be here already!" I could hear the impatiences in her voice and a mental picture of her half yelling into the phone popped into my head. I sighed again, finishing gathering most of my hair into a bun.

"Look, I already told you why I stayed behind. It's not like I made Trunks and Nate stay with me. Anyway, look, I'm getting ready to leave. I'll even teleport us to the arena if you want."

This time, Mom sighed. "No, no. I don't want to risk you guys getting caught. Just get here soon. I don't know how many more openings they're going to have..."

I chuckled. "Mom, I'm fairly certain the announcer guy already has us all down. I don't need to worry about signing up." As I talked, I grabbed my phone, did a double check to make sure I had everything, and left my room. I couldn't help the silly grin that plastered itself on my face as I walked down the familiar halls of my old house here in Japan. It's where I had been staying for the past week or so while we waited anxiously for the tournament to start.

Which is what Mom was getting on me about at the moment. Everyone else in our group was already at the arena, signed in and waiting for it to start. I, along with Trunks and Nate, was still at the house.

I had wanted to wait for Mom to leave so I could surprise her by wearing one of her old outfits that she had when she was my age. The shirt - which was more like a short dress - was a light teal color. The sleeves stopped right above my shoulders, exposing a few of the scars I had aquired from my many years of fighting Baby. The shirt ended about mid thigh, with a slit on the right side. I wore white slacks under it, made from a soft, cottony material. The shirt was a light silk, making it shimmer slightly in the sunlight. I added my own accessory to the outfit, a pair of orange gloves that fit over my middle finger. I wore no shoes, which is what I preferred.

"Still, I know how excited you and boys are for this. I just don't want you to miss it."

"I can stop time, remember?" I laughed again. "Mom, I swear, it'll be fine. We're getting ready to go. See you there. Love you." I hung up after she replied.

"Well, it's about time, Ginger! I thought we were gonna be here all day!" Nate teased as I reached the bottom of the stairs. He was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with black lines on it. It kinda reminded me of something you'd see in an action movie.

He and Trunks, who was wearing a simple black tank top with his long hair pulled back, were sitting in the kitchen, watching cartoons on the tv. Japanese cartoons. That neither of them seemed to understand. It was rather funny.

"Oh, you sound just like my mom," I said, waving it off. Trunks smiled, taking in my outfit.

"Chi-Chi actually wore that at one time?" my fiance asked, amusement in his voice. I nodded.

"There was a time all of Mom's clothes looked like this. But, when we started hunting Baby, she traded them in for more... universal clothes."

"I can't see it," Nate chuckled. I shrugged.

"Anyway, let's get a move on! Mom is already having a panic attack since we're not there. Plus, I'm too excited to stay here any longer." I reached for the remote, turning off the tv. Nate and Trunks stood up from where the sat at the kitchen table, both of them grinning.

In no time, we were in the air, flying over the countryside. It didn't take long for the houses to move closer together, going from small towns, to the suburbs outside West City, to the city itself. Though I had been "home" for a week, I still felt the excitement of entering the city, as if each time was the first.

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