Chapter One

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I was seven when we first found out about Baby. Dad had finally killed Buu. We were rejoicing. The whole world was rejoicing. 

Dende had summoned us to The Look Out three days afterwards. We all went. Dad, Mom, Gohan, Videl with her pregnant belly, Goten, and me. 

Anyway, when we got to The Look Out,  Dende was really nervous. Mom and Dad could tell. We all could...

"Goku! Goku!" He had called as he saw us approaching.

"Hey! Dende! What's up?" Dad asked, as we all landed.

Dende looked at the ground. He was wringing his hands, and sweat was beading up on his forehead. We all waited patiently for him to answer Dad. After what seemed like ages, Dad finally said, "It's that bad, huh?"

Dende looked up, and I could see the fear in his eyes. He sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry to bother you with this. Especially after what you all just went through, but this is very serious and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible!"

His hands were clenched into fists, his eyes were wide and absolutely full of fear. It scared me. I had never seen Dende look this way before. I looked over at Goten, and I could see that he was also scared.

Dad held up his hands. "Take it easy, Dende. I'll help. But what exactly is going on?"

Relief filled Dende's eyes, canceling out about half of the fear. Was he really that scared that Dad wasn't going to help?

"Oh thank you! Thank you so much, Goku!" Dende exclaimed. He unclenched his fists and clapped his hands together. He was definitely relieved, though fear did linger.

Dad chuckled slightly and told him, "Of course, Dende." Then he got all serious. "Now, what's this about? You haven't told me. If I'm to help you, I need to know what's going on."

Dende nodded and took a breath. This was hard on him, but for reasons I didn't know.

He looked up at Dad and I thought I saw tears well up. A look of shock passed over Dad's face. He looked back at Mom, and she stepped forward. She knelt down beside him and said, "Dende, what's the matter? What's happened? We promise to help you the best we can."

Dende nodded, and Mom stood up. Dad and Dende locked eyes, but still Dende didn't say anything. Finally, I had enough. I concentrated and I found Dende's energy. Then I read his mind.

"Namek has been attacked," I said. Every turned and looked at me. But I didn't look away from Dende. 

"Some sorta parasitic being has invaded the bodies of the Namekians. Whatever it is, it takes over the hosts' body, taking complete control of it. The hosts' soul is trapped inside. Sometimes it's even crushed. But this being has not only just taken control of the Namekians, but it seems to be heading for Earth as well."

Everyone looked from me to Dende. Then Dad asked, "Is this true, Dende?"

We all looked over to him. His head was lowered, and his fists were clenched again. 

"Yes," He finally answered. "This thing had harmed My People. I'm afraid that it wants to do the same thing here as well. I don't know why, but I do know that it is dangerous. You must be careful."

He said this, but kept his head down. There was more. I read his mind again. I paled, then got angry. Goten noticed.

"Hey, Rosey, what's wrong? Your face is really red." 

They all looked back at me, but I shook my head. I wasn't going to answer that. If they wanted to know, they had to ask Dende.

Videl must have also realized that there was more, because she said, "There's more, isn't there?"

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