Chapter Forty

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"I'm boooooorrrrrreeeeeedddddd." Nate drew out the word as he lay on my floor, the Wii controller all but forgotten. I rolled my eyes. My brother made a noise that sounded like a grunt of agreement, but I couldn't be sure. On the tv, the title screen for Mario Kart played on loop, waiting to be started.

"You've said that five times in the last ten minutes," Mar said, her voice slightly dull. 

"I don't caaaaaarrrrrreeeeee, I'm still boooooorrrrrreeeeeedddddd," he responded, rolling his head back and forth. Once more, I rolled my eyes. Nate and Goten felt the need to voice this boredom every five minutes. It was getting old.

We were a week into summer vacation and already bored out of our minds. We had been doing exactly what Nate said we shouldn't; sitting around each others' houses. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sighing, I tossed my controller onto the couch next to me, standing up and stretching my stiff muscles. My tail swung lazily behind me.

"I'm getting a bottle of water. Anyone want anything?" I asked my friends and brother. The three of them shook their heads.

Leaving the living room, I make my way through the empty house to the kitchen. Gohan and Videl were in West City visiting Videl's father. Gaea was at Uub's house, spending time with her friend.

Reaching the kitchen, I had just opened the fridge when I suddenly felt a presence behind me. Less than a second later, hands covered my eyes.

I froze, tensing to fight. I couldn't tell who my assailant was, for they had their Ki lowered. Just as I was about to attack, they chuckled.

"Relax, Pigeon. It's just me," Trunks said, releasing me.

I breathed a sigh of relief then whirled around, punching my boyfriend in the arm. Not too hard, but enough so he knew he scared the shit out of me.

I crossed my arms, glaring at Trunks.

"Thanks! You can explain to my parents why I had a heart attack!"

Trunks pouted. "Awe c'mon, Pigeon. I said I'm sorry. Please forgive me?"

I sighed again, but this time with mock defeat. I couldn't stay mad at Trunks, especially when he was giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, okay! I forgive you," I said, attempting to keep a smile off my face and failing.

Smiling as well, Trunks pulled me into a hug, kissing me afterwards.

"So how was your grandparents' house?" I asked him once we broke apart. Trunks shrugged, but continued smiling.

"It was fine. We got to see a lot of Mom's and Grandpa's old inventions. They were really interesting."

During Freshman year Bulma took her first trip home to West City in sixteen years. She brought with her Trunks and Bulla, introducing them to Hank and Bunny. This was their first trip back since Baby took over.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. I know Hank and Bunny adore you two."

"Mmm." Trunks reached around me and grabbed something from the still open fridge. He held up two bottles of water. "Want one?"

"Yes. Thank you," I replied taking one and closing the door. I had almost forgotten why I came here in the first place.

"So, how has life in Waynesboro been?" Trunks asked, leaning against the counter.

"Boring as hell," I replied, twisting open my bottle and taking a drink. "We've literally been sitting around doing nothing."

Trunks frowned. "Well we'll have to change that."

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