Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Mar! Pssssssssst! Mar! Wake up!" I floated above my best friend, shaking her shoulder. It was 1:40 a.m. here in West City, and I was totally surprised Mar was in bed and asleep.

"Mar! Wake up!" I said a little louder, shaking her slightly harder. Mar groaned, half-heatedly swatting at my. I briefly remembered my first day at Waynesboro, when Videl and Dad woke me up.

"Mar, we're going shopping without you!" I whisper yelled in her ear. 

"Mahhhh, wha...?" Mar groaned, rolling over so she was on her back. slowly, she pried her eyes opened. I wiggle my fingers in a wave, still floating above her. 

Mar's eyes narrowed as she tried to make sense of what was going on. "Moon?"

"Surprise, Sleeping Beauty." I flashed her a grin.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, rubbing her face with her hands.

"Well, school just let out in Waynesboro, and Trunks, Nate and I were wondering if you'd hang out with us. We didn't expect you to be asleep."

"Yeah, me either," Mar yawned, stretching her arms over her head. She started to sit up, so I moved out of the way, landing next to the bed quietly. She looked over at me and smiled.

"So, shopping, huh?" she asked, standing up. I shrugged.

"There's a mall that's like a five minute flight from Waynesboro. Nate says there's an arcade in it and stuff, so yeah, we were gonna go. Do you want to come with us?"

"Hell yeah! I get an opportunity to get you some dresses!" Mar made a squealing sound and disappeared into the bathroom. I frowned, blowing a strand of hair out of my face.

I sat down on her bed, waiting for her to be done. It wasn't long before she opened the door and stepped out. Mar had on a strapless pink shirt with white shorts, a star necklace, and flower earrings. Her hair was separated in two loose, back pony tails. 

"Ready?" I asked, standing back up. She nodded, quickly slipping on white flip-flops. I walked over to her and took her hand. Her bedroom was instantly replaced with my kitchen in Waynesboro. 

"Hey babe," Mar said, letting go of my hand and going over to Nate, giving him a peck on the lips. I rolled my eyes but smiled. 

"Where's Gohan?" Mar asked, looking around for my older brother. "In fact, where's everyone? Are we the only ones here?"

"Well Videl works until five, Gohan has to finish stuff up at the school, and Gaea doesn't get out until twelve thirty, so yeah, we're the only ones here," I replied, gesturing to the four of us.

"Don't forget your parents live in West City again," Trunks adds. I nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of your parents, did you say hi them before coming to get me?" Mar asked, going over to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of fruit juice. I shook my head.

"It's like two a.m. over there, Mar. Just cause you're usually awake, doesn't mean they are. Plus, I"ll see them for dinner."

"You mean breakfast?" Mar asked, smiling. I rolled my eyes. 

"So it's two in the morning for you and you're out here, acting like it's high noon?" Nate asked. He still hadn't gotten used to the idea that his girlfriend was from a different time zone.

"Yup!" Mar said proudly, not adding the fact that she had been asleep. "I'm just a master of both time zones!" She paused for a moment. "What's that called?"

Trunks and I shrugged in unison. "I don't think it has a name," Trunks said. "I don't think it's really been done before. Cause, y'know, most people don't have a best friend who can teleport around the world in a blink of an eye."

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