Chapter Eleven

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"It's so nice out," Bulla said as her, Mar and I leaned against the edge of the pool.

"Yeah, it is," Mar agreed.

The boys and Gaea were off splashing each other, and I could tell Bulla and Marron wanted to join them.

"You guys don't have to sit here with me," I told them.

"We're not about to leave you, Moon," Marron said.

"Yeah. We're your friends," Bulla agreed.

"I just met you, Bulla," I told the blue haired girl. She simply shrugs.

"That doesn't mean we're not friends."

I rolled my eyes. After a few more minutes, Nate calls over to us.

"Come on, you guys! You're missing all the fun!"

I can see the longing in Bulla and Mar's eyes as they watch them. I sigh. "Go. You know you want to. I'm fine. Just go and have fun." 


"I'm serious Mar. I'm fine. Just go have fun."

Reluctantly, Mar nods, swimming over to the others.

"Well, I'm not as easy to convince," Bulla said, crossing her arms. I roll my eyes.

"It's just cause she's known me longer. Mar know's that once I have my mind made up, it's not gonna change."

"Well I think differently. Everyone will change their mind. They just need to find the right reason."

I sigh. "Whatever," I say, jumping up so I was now sitting on the edge of the pool. I lazily swish my feet around the water, my tail doing the same behind me.

"Hey, looks like we got ourselves some lookers over here," a loud, male voice says somewhere to my right. Bulla rolls her eyes and I sigh.

"Hey baby. What's cooking?" Another voice asks, it's owner crouching beside me. I don't answer. "Awe, come on. Don't be like that," he said, moving closer.

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. Another boy, the first voice, had climbed into the water beside Bulla. She wasn't giving the time of day either.

"What's this?" The one beside me asks, reaching for my tail. I instantly smack his hand, pulling it away. He simply smirks. "Ginger here's got a temper."

"Ignore my friend, Miss. He's not the smartest tool in the shed," the one beside Bulla told me. "By the way, my name's John and he's Carter. What are your names?"

"Not," Bulla said.

"Interested," I finished. 

"Look at this, John. They must be related. They finish each others sentences," Carter said, amused.

"Again, ignore Carter. Like I said, he's not the smartest tool in the shed. But I bet you two get straight A's," John said, moving closer to Bulla. She made a sound that sounded like a strangled gasp.

"Well, you must not be too smart yourself either, John," I say sweetly. "Cause most people would have taken the hint when we didn't answer." With that, I stood up. "Come on, Bulla. I'm hungry," I added, walking towards the concession stand. A few seconds later, she catches up, smiling like crazy.

"Man, did you see their faces? That was awesome!" She laughed. I couldn't help but chuckle. "The next time I get caught between two boys, I'm calling you over." I laughed slightly harder.

We made our way over to the stand. As we waited in line, I glanced back over at the pool, looking for our group. I couldn't find Gaea or Uub, but I found Mar, Trunks, Goten and Nate. Mar was on Nate's shoulders while Goten was on Trunks'. They were playing Chicken.

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