Chapter Thirty-Four

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As we made our through the castle, I was surprised that we didn’t encounter a lot of guards.

“They’re all probably surrounding Don Kee by now,” Ares tells us. I knew he was right, but it didn’t stop me from being worried. What if they were planning a counterattack?

Suddenly, our little robot started beeping.

“Giru, Giru! Dragonball detected! Dragonball detected!” I stopped, pulling him to me.

Somehow, the radar had appeared on his back. I poked it a few times, but it didn’t do anything. The robot squirmed in my hands, trying to get free.

“Trunks, you take Gaea and Dad and go find the Dragonball,” Moon said, seeing my struggle with the robot. “Ares, Goten and I will face Don Kee and Ledgic.”

Goku nodded. “Ares, you can lead them to Don Kee’s room. Goten and Mooney, be careful.”

“We will Dad. Don’t worry,” Goten replies, smiling.

“Let’s get this over with. I want to get off this planet,” Moon says. We all nod in agreement before splitting up.

"Why couldn't I have gone with Uncle Goten and Aunt Moona?" Pan asked as we creeped through the palace halls. The robot had sort of taken charge, leading us in the direction of the Dragonball.

"Because we need your sharp eyes so we can find the Dragonball, Panny," Goku told his granddaughter. Pan huffed and crossed her arms.

"Giru! Giru! This way!" I looked up at the bot. He was pointing down a dark hallway.

"He sure likes that word," Pan observed. "I wonder why."

The three of us turned down the hall. Though it was dark, we could see perfectly. Points to our Saiyan Sight.

"Maybe it's his name," I joked, remembering Goten trying to name him.

"That's it!" Pan exclaimed. "Giru! That's what I'm going to call him!"

"Giru, Giru!" he said as if agreeing. Pan looked pleased.

"Trunks, Panny, look," Goku says, pointing ahead. I turned my attention to where is finger led. In front of us, a door was taking shape.

It was made of wood and looked heavy. Intricate markings were carved all over it, including the Imekian currency symbol. I was getting really tired of seeing it.

"That must be where the Dragonball is," I say.

"I don't sense any power levels," says Pan.

"That doesn't mean they're not there," Goku replies. "They could just be hidden."

"I say we just go for it," I tell my companions. Without waiting for an answer, I shove the door open and step inside the room.

The room was well lit compared to the dimness of the hall. It was probably the same size as the library back in Waynesboro High. Pink paint covered the walls with a plush white carpet covering the floor. A massive bed lay to our left, covered in expensive looking quilts and pillows. Other pricey items lay around the room. 

"Whoa! Look at the size of that TV!" Pan exclaimed, pointing towards a wall. 

The television took up nearly the entire wall in length and in height. Looking at it, you could tell it was ultra thin. Probably like one the Magic Tree House books I read a kid. Beside the television was a stand. And, on the stand, was the Dragonball.

"And there's the Dragonball!" Goku cried happily, running up to it. Pan and I were right behind him. 

The two-star ball gleamed like it had a fresh coat of polish on it, making the black stars stand out more than normally. I grimaced slightly at the memory of Baby being pleased when they were brought to him. 

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