Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Mom, we're home!" Trunks yelled as we walked into his house after getting home from the mall. I smiled. Both Briefs kids did that whenever they got into the house. 

"I'm upstairs!" came the reply. Just as Trunks was headed to tell her he was going to come with me to breakfast in West City, someone stepped around the corner from the kitchen.

"Trunks, it's your dad!" Mar exclaimed. Trunks whipped around on the stairs, leaning over the railing to see if she was right. He furrowed his brows, confused. 

"That's not..." He trailed off, taking in the man standing in the doorway.

He certainly looked Vegeta. He had the same flame-like hair and the same ebony colored eyes. But they didn't seem as... Hard as Vegeta's. But that wasn't the big give away that it wasn't Vegeta. This man still had his tail, and he was wearing the old Saiyan armor; the kind that had the weird shoulder and hip extensions. Given this information, it wasn't hard to figure out who this person was.

"Tarble?" I guessed, already knowing the answer. He nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes! You must Rosamoona! Kakarot has told me all about you!" He looked over at Mar and Nate. "And you two must me the Humans known as Nate and Marron!" Finally, he turned his gaze at Trunks who was still standing on the stairs. "You're clearly Trunks, my nephew! You looks very much like your father!" A large grin broke apart his face. "It is a pleasure to meet you all!"

"Wait, if you're here, then does that mean-" Nate didn't get to finish, for someone cut him off.

"Yup! That's right! We're back!" My head shot to the top of the stairs where Dad was standing, Bulma right behind me.

A few weeks after we returned from The Grand Tour, Dad and Ares left with Vegeta to find Vegeta's younger brother, Tarble. Ares had told us that he had become separated from him after Friezia blew up Planet Vegeta. And it looks like they've found him.

"Dad!" I cried, phasing out and reappearing at the top of the stairs next to my father. I flung my arms around him, giving him a big hug. "You're finally back!"

Dad chuckled, wrapping his arms around me. "It's good to see you too, Mooney!"

"When did you guys get back?" Mar asked from below. I broke away from Dad and looked down at her.

"A few hours ago," a deep voice asked. I looked over the rail to see Ares standing behind Tarble. Vegeta was behind him, and... Someone else...

"Who's that with them?" I asked Dad quietly. Dad looked down, as if he needed reminding who else was there.

"Oh, that's Tarble's wife! Gure!" As if in response, Vegeta and Ares moved away, giving me a better view of Trable's wife.

She was probably only two feet tall. Her skin was an off color, either grayish or blueish, and she was bald. Her eyes were completely black, but I could see emotion in them. Gure sported a purple dress with matching boots and gray gloves. All in all, she resembled a small robot.

"Apparently after he was separated from Ares, Tarble crash landed on a planet inhabited by a species of Artificial Life forms. Kinda like Giru," Dad explained, his eyes moving to the small bot perched on Bulma's shoulder. He was watching all the action from up there. 

"They met and were married years later. He's been with her ever since," Dad finished. 

"Well that's sweet," I commented. Trunks had moved down from the stairs and was standing in front of his uncle. The two shook hands, smiling at one another.

"Don't start the story telling just yet, Tarble!" Dad called down, a grin on his lips. Tarble looked up at Dad, perplexed.

"I'm going to go get my wife from West City! She'll want to hear all about you! Mooney, why don't you go find your brothers? Then we can all sit down and have dinner together!" 

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