Chapter Forty-Nine

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In the blink of an eye, we were in the final rounds of the tournament.

My fight with Ares had been fun. The older saiyan had put up an amazing fight, but in the end it was I who came out victorious. After the two of us, Buu and Piccolo were up. However, both of them decided the fight wasn't worth it. Buu retired to the mess hall to eat his pink heart out while Piccolo took up some perch high above the rest of the stadium to watch the rest of the tournament. Both of them were disqualified.

Gohan and his opponent, Mikan, were after Piccolo and Buu. It was an incredibly close fight, but with a lucky Ki blast my older brother sent Mikan flying out of the ring. He came back to us looking pleased and shocked that he won. Mikan had walked back with him, joining our already large group. It turns out that she didn't live too far from Capsule Corp and, after learning more about her, we had agreed to hang out before I went back to America with my family.

Since Vegeta had left with Dad, the last two fighters of the first round were Kimiko and Gamma. The fighters had an intensity that took everyone by surprise. The audience went wild as the two gave it their all. Booms had shaken the arena to the core as their blows hit one another. I thought Eric was going to have call a tie until suddenly Gamma had unleashed a fury of attacks, driving Kimiko off the edge. As she was brushing herself off, Gamma had offered a hand to Kimiko and helped her up, smiling. When they came back to the waiting building, many praises were given to the two. Like Mikan, Kimiko and Gamma had stuck around with us.

During the ten minute intermission between the rounds, Nate, Mar, Bulla and I ran into Reona and Lilith while getting water from the mess hall. Bulla glared at the Succubus the whole time, causing Nate, Mar and I to roll our eyes. After retrieving the water we were sent to get, I invited both the girls to come back and hang out with us. Reona grinned, agreeing right away. Lilith eyed Bulla before also agreeing. As we were walking back, I nudged Bulla in the ribs, giving her a look. But she ignored me, her eyes never leaving Lilith's back.

The start of the next round featured my brothers, niece and I fighting back to back. First was Goten vs Uub, and though the younger boy put up a hell of a fight, Goten was the one to win. Next was Gohan and 18. Something about their fight seemed long over due to me. Mar cheered loudly for her mother while I rooted for my brother. We playfully shoved each other, as if us fighting would decide the outcome of Gohan's and 18's. After three minutes of intense fighting, Gohan came off the stage with the title of winner.

Mar and I fought next, though I think it was more of a friendly bout than an actual fight. We rarely actually hit each other, dodging the majority of the time. I was reminded of our time on Vegeta when we played tag though the city. As much as I hate to say it this way, Mar knew that she wasn't going to win, but she was perfectly okay with that. She let me land a hit on her that sent her tumbling off the stage and into the grass. We walked back to the others, laughing and carrying on like normal.

Gaea was paired against Gamma for the next round. Gohan yelled encouraging words to his daughter the whole time. That didn't stop Gamma, though. He pushed against Gaea hard, a determined look on his face. But my niece wasn't giving up so easily. She landed really good hits on the older boy, almost sending him out of the arena. But at the last second he phased out, using his momentum to knock her out instead.

The last fight of the second round was between Bulla and Lilith. I sighed slightly as Bulla half smirked, half glared at the other girl as they made their way to the stage. The starting words had barely left Eric's mouth and the two were already going at each other. It was clear early on that neither was going to give up easily. The fight bordered on chaotic and resulted with both girls hitting the ground at the same time. As they got up, I was afraid that they would start fighting again, but the blue haired saiyan surprised me. She grinned, holding out her hand for Lilith to shake, swearing that she'd win the next fight. Lilith laughed, shaking her hand. The two regrouped with us, all hatred forgotten.

This brings us to where we are now: the semi finals. Eric gave us another ten minute intermission before we had to begin, and I took this time to fix my hair. It had started to fall out of the bun, so I braided it, knowing that it'd stay put that way.

"I can't figure out which of you three I want to fight the most," Gamma jokes as we stand around, waiting for Eric to restart the tournament.

It was down to Gohan, Goten, Gamma and I. I could feel the excitement coursing through my veins. As I had with Ares, I looked up at planet Vegeta, smiling at it's red glow. Hopefully it would give my brothers and I strength in these final few fights.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting!" Eric's voice brings my attention back around to center stage. He looked just about as excited as I felt.

"For the first match of the semifinals, we have siblings Gohan and Rosamoona! Please, make your way to the arena!"

"Go get him, Pigeon," Trunks says from behind me. I grinned turning around and give him a hug. He hugs be back, pulling away and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Oh quit with the PDA already and let's get this show on the road!" Gohan teases. I chuckled, pulling away completely from Trunks. He winked at me and I grinned back, turning to my brother.

"Let's do this," I say. He grins back and we walk in sync up to the stage. Eric smiles broadly at us, watching as we take up our stances. I watched Gohan, unable to hide the smirk on my face. I had had this planned out for the entire tournament.

"Ready, set, fight!" Just like with Bulla and Lilith, the words had barely left his mouth before I was flying at Gohan. Surprised at my sudden movement, Gohan tried to move, but I phased out, appearing directly in front of him. I kicked him hard enough to send him out of the ring, but not hard enough as to hurt him.

"D-damn, Rosa! You didn't even give me a chance!" my older brother laughed, sitting up and rubbing his head slightly. I chuckled, jumping down to help him. In the background, I heard Eric announce that I was the winner and we'd be moving onto the final match of the semifinals. "Good job!"

I beamed at the compliment as we walked back to the others, passing Goten and Gamma on the way there. They smiled and congratulated me and I wished them both luck. By the time Gohan and I were back at the building, the fight was already under way.

Gamma had a good fighting technique, but Goten wasn't going easy. My younger brother played defensive at first before switching suddenly to aggressive offensive. Gamma's red eyes widened with surprise then narrowed in concentration as he struggled to hit Goten without receiving a hit himself.

"Jeez, when did Uncle Goten get so good?" Gaea asks, her arms crossed over her chest. I laughed.

"He's always been good, Panny," Krillin says, laughing as well.

"Who's good at what?" My group collectively turned to see that Dad and Vegeta were back, standing a few feet behind us. Their clothes were torn and ragged, but neither were hurt.

"Uncle Goten is really good at fighting," Gaea says again, pointing to where Goten and Gamma were still fighting. Dad cranes his neck to see over us.

"What round is this?" Vegeta asks.

"The last one of the semifinals," Tarble answers his older brother. "Gohan and Rosamoona just fought and Rosamoona won in less than a minute! Now Goten and Gamma are fighting. Whoever wins this one will fight Hercule."

"Wow, congrats Mooney!" Dad tells me, grinning. He looks at Gohan. "And you too, Go! I'm proud of you all!"

Abruptly, the crowd went wild. I looked around to see what had them worked up and was greeted with the sight of Goten holding out a hand to Gamma, who was on the ground. A smile worked it's way across my face and I started cheering loudly, along with the rest of us in the waiting room.

Goten did it! He won! And although he still technically had to fight Hercule, he was the new World Champ.

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