Chapter Forty-Two

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As the rest of June came and went, my friends and I kept busy, not once returning to the bored state we had been in the start of Summer Break. We alternated from swimming at the pool, to going to the carnival the rest of the time it was there. We also went to the arcade and the movies, just so we would have something different to do.

The start of July brought more excitement over the Tournament, which we found out was scheduled for the sixteenth. July also signalled the start of practice for Fight and Flight. But, most importantly, the seventh month meant the Fourth; a parade, cook outs, fireworks, the whole nine yards. It would be my first Fourth of July celebration ever.

The morning of the Fourth started early. Gaea had come rushing into my room, practically yelling at me to get up and get ready.

"What's the rush?" I mumbled into my pillow, still mostly asleep.

"No one else is awake and the parade starts in thirty minutes!"

I groaned. "Gaea... And you couldn't have woken up your parents? Or even Goten or Ares?" The full blooded Saiyan had taken up residence with us after he had returned with Dad, Tarble and Vegeta from their trip through space.

"I know you'll be ready faster!" was her reply.

Groaning again, I pushed myself into a sitting position. Red hair spilled down my back and over my shoulders. It was getting long. I'd have to cut it soon.

"C'mon, Aunt Moona! Don't just sit there!" Gaea exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling. I allowed her to pull me off the bed before taking my hand back and stretching.

"Okay, okay. Let me shower and get ready, then we'll go. Okay?"

Nodded happily, Gaea skipped from my room and downstairs. Shaking my head, I headed for the bathroom to get ready.

When we got to main street where the parade would come by, we had about five minutes left. People lined both sides of the street. Most sat in chairs, but some stood. A few were even floating, hovering a few feet off the ground to simulate sitting.

"So where's Trunks gonna be?" my niece asked, peering down the street excitedly.

"With the sports teams," I replied. "As for where at position wise, I have no clue." I knew what was the real reason why Gaea had chosen me to wake up; my fiance.

The news of our engagement hadn't been made public yet. Neither of us really knew when or how to tell our families. But we knew we'd have to tell them soon.

As the minutes ticked away, more and more people came and lined the street. I noticed that some of the ones that were floating only moments before were now standing or sitting on the sidewalk, taking a break to conserve energy. I couldn't help but smile slightly in amusement.

"Ginger! Pancake!" I turned around at the sound of my name and saw Nate jogging up the street towards us. I smiled and waved while Gaea frowned and crossed her arms.

"I told you not to call me that!" my niece complained. Nate grinned.

"Aww, c'mon, Pancake! Don't be like that!" Gaea huffed and turned her back to him.

About a week or two ago, Hercule came to visit his daughter and her family. While here, he called Gaea 'pancake', his nickname for her. She had never really complained about it before - until, that is, our blond haired friend had caught wind of it. Thinking it was 'cute', Nate has called her that ever since.

Ignoring him, Gaea looked down the street again, waiting for the parade to start. 

"So I'm assuming that you're the only two here?" Nate asked, floating off the ground and stretching out like he was laying in bed. I nodded.

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