Chapter Forty-Eight

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The fight between Trunks and Goten reminded me of something out of a cartoon. One minute they're laughing and teasing each other, the next they're almost so serious I'd be afraid they would kill the other had I not known them. The two seemed like fairly even opponents, but I didn't doubt that they were holding back.

"It's a shame they didn't know each other as kids," Gohan says, sighing, but with a grin on his face. I glanced at him, giving a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. He pointed out to where the boys were throwing casual punches, going back to teasing one another.

"Are you listening to what they're saying?" I shook my head, tilting it slightly and training my advanced hearing towards Trunks and Goten.

They were "insulting" each other, going between making up crazy phrases such as "you're a green acorn" and bringing up funny and embarrassing memories they have of the other. I giggled.

"See what I mean?" Gohan asked, laughing as well. "Now, imagine if they'd known each other their entire lives. This would be ten times funnier."

I giggled again, nodding in agreement. I had to admit that'd be pretty hilarious.

"Those two already act as if they've known each other their whole lives," Piccolo comments. "But that's what fighting a life and death war does to you."

I watched the two boys I loved fight each other. The namekian had a point I had found to be true multiple times in my short life. When faced with a nearly unbeatable adversary, you tended to become closer with your allies.

"I think Trunks has this one in the bag!" Uub's voice brought me out of my slight trance. I blinked, looking first to him, then back to where I had been and saw what he meant.

Goten appeared to be more worn out, their match having gone back into deadly serious mode. Trunks was hitting my brother with a relentless swarm of assaults, but Goten was able to block them. Well, most of them anyway. But he looked like he was growing tired quickly.

"C'mon, Go!" Bulla yells. "Kick his ass!" I thought I saw Trunks flash her an almost irritated look, but it was so quick, I couldn't tell for sure.

With a sudden burst of strength, Goten brought a fist up, bashing Trunks square in the face. The lavender haired saiyan skidded across the tiles, coming to a stop ten feet from the edge. Rubbing his face, Trunks stood up straight, giving Goten a look that was a mix of pleasant surprise and very slight anger.

Goten grinned at my fiance, placing his hands on his hips. "That was pretty decent, Trunks!"

Trunks smirked. "You think so?" Goten nodded.

"Oh yeah! But now it's my turn!" Suddenly, Goten wasn't on his side of the stage anymore. My eyes widened as my brother turned to the offensive, throwing his fists at Trunks with such energy, it caught the older saiyan off guard.

"Shit!" I hear Trunks curse as he's forced to do nothing but block Goten's attacks.

"Holy crap!" Krillin exclaimed. "Where did Goten get all this power from?!"

"He was storing it for later, obviously," 18 states. "He was just making Trunks think he was getting worn out." She glances over at Uub. "Looks like you spoke too soon, kid." Uub didn't reply as he watched in amazement at the abrupt turn of events.

"And it looks like young Goten has Trunks backed into a corner! Or, more accurately, backed to the edge of the arena!" The announcer yells. Hearing this, Trunks looks down quickly and curses when he sees that the announcer was right. If he didn't act, Goten would push him off the stage in a matter of moments.

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