Chapter Thirty-Two

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Morning came early for us.

After a quick dinner and new room arrangements, all of us headed off to bed, ready to take on the next day. Not only did the ship still need repaired, but we needed to have a word with this Don Kee Ares said ruled Imecka.

A loud knocking on the door startled me awake.

“Trunks! Goten! Time to get up!” It was Pan, loud as ever.

Groaning, I sat up, scaring the little robot.

“Giru! Giru!” it exclaimed, flying around the room. Goten groaned, similarly to what I just did.

“Come on, sleepy heads! It’s time to get up! We have work to do!”

“Yes Pan, we know,” I called. A few seconds later, her footsteps could be heard retreating. I sighed.

“Do we really have to get up?” Goten whined. I nodded.

“Unfortunately, yes. There is a bunch of stuff to get done.”

Goten groaned again, flopping down on his bed. Sighing again, I got up and stretched.

Quickly, I showered and redressed, meeting the others in the kitchen.

“Morning Monkey Boy,” Moon said, smiling and walking up, kissing me lightly. I smiled back.

“Good morning to you too.”

“Hey Trunks! Where’s Goten?” Goku asked, looking around for his youngest son.

“If he’s not out here, then still asleep,” I reply, pointing back towards our room.

“I’ll go get him!” Pan exclaims, jumping up and running back. I chuckle.

“No doubt it’s going to get messy,” Moon laughed. She walked back over to where she was cooking breakfast.

“Smells good,” Ares compliments, walking out from his room.

Moon smiles. “Thank you! Hey, Trunks? If the radio is still working, find a CD to put in, will you?”

I smile back. “Of course.” I walk over to the radio hanging on some cabinets above the table. After poking a few buttons, it turns on. Opening the cabinet, I pull out a stack of CDs. Flipping through a couple, I smile at one with a green cover. Popping it open, I slide it in the machine and hit play. Instantly, Irish jig music drifts through the kitchen.

Moon laughs. Glancing over at her, I can tell she’s already starting to dance along with it. Still smiling, I walk over to her.

“Care to dance?” I asked, holding out a hand. Laughing again, Moon takes my hand. I pull her out into the middle of the small kitchen and start dancing. Neither of us really knew how to dance to this type of music, but it didn’t stop us.

“Aunt Moona! Trunks! What are you guys doing?!” Pan called above the music. I looked over at her to see she was smiling.

“Dancing! Join us, Gaea!” Moon exclaimed, holding out a hand. Pan ran over and joined us, still smiling, and now laughing with Moon and I.

We spun around in a circle, trying to find a way to stay even the slightest bit in tune with the music. On each pass, I saw Ares, Goku, and soon Goten standing to the side, just at the edge of the kitchen, watching us.

The song ended and we stopped spinning. As the next one started, Moon ran over to Goku and took his hand.

“Come on, Dad! Dance!”

Goku allowed her to pull him into the kitchen, grinning and laughing. I took over Goku’s spot next to Goten while they danced.

“Is this the important work that needed done?” Goten joked. I chuckled.

“She asked me to put a CD in. I just happened to pick this one.”

“Just like you happened to know that my sister loves Irish music?”

I nodded, grinning. “Exactly.”

“I do not get it,” Ares said, watching father and daughter dance. Pan was clapping off the side. “What is the purpose of all this?”

“For fun,” I reply. “People on Earth dance to this for fun. That’s what we’re doing.”

Ares watches as Moon and Goku finish dancing to the song. Before the next one begins, he walks out, bowing to Moon.

“Would you like to see how we Saiyans dance?” Breathless and grinning, Moon nods.

Ares smirks, taking Moon by the hand. As the music starts back up again, he starts one of the strangest dances I’ve ever seen. It’s actually similar to the Irish dances you’d see on television, but at the same time, it was completely different.

I wish there was a good way to describe the dance, but I honestly can’t think of a single way to. Moon was enjoying it though, and at about half way through, she started to pick up. Soon, she was twirling and jumping, and all the other weird stuff the dance contained. When the song ended, Ares led her over to me. Smiling, he gave me her hand. I smiled, nodding slightly.

“Wow! That was cool!” Goten exclaimed excitedly. “Could you teach me sometime?!”

“Why of course. It would be my pleasure,” the older Saiyan said.

“Uhh, hey Aunt Moona? Not to be a killjoy or anything, but I’m not so sure about breakfast,” Pan said, poking at what once was food with the spatula.

“Crap!” Moon cried, racing over. She turned the stove off and pulled the pan away. “Shoot, there go our pancakes...”

“Don’t worry, Mooney! That’s why we have cereal!” Goku told her.

“Yeah, don’t worry!” Goten agreed. “Besides, that gives us more time to have fun before we work!”

The next song on the CD had started by now. Moon smiled, set the pan down in the sink, and reached for her brother’s hand.

“Come on! You haven’t danced yet!”

Goten took her hand reluctantly. Moon pulled him out into our make-shift dance floor and immediately started dancing. Soon Goten was dancing with her, laughing.

“I don’t know if I’ve seen them this happy since they were kids,” Goku commented, suddenly at my side. “Even then, that was me looking down from Other World.”

I smiled at him. It seems I’ve been doing a lot of that lately; smiling at people. Or maybe just smiling in general.

“Well once we return to Earth, you can see this more often,” I said. “You can all be a family again.” Goku smiles at that, his eyes never leaving his children.

“That’ll be nice. And this time, we’ll have you and your family to join us.” At first, I’m a little surprised. But that surprise soon fades, turning into joy.

I didn’t realize the song had ended and yet another started until Goten was pushing me out to Moon. Her cheeks were flushed red, her eyes shining. I took her hand and instantly started dancing with her.

Yes, I thought as we spun. I’d like that.


Filler, I know, but hey, why not! ^^

I also have something important about the future of this book! Don't worry, it's not going away or anything like that! It's simply taking a different route than I first expected! After I finish writing about their time on Imekca, I'm going to skip the rest of The Grand Tour. Though I have plenty of ideas, I don't feel it's necessary to continue writing it. Plus, I don't know about you guys, but I'm anxious to get back to their normal life on Earth! So I'll simply Time Skip to when Rosamoona and team arrive back at the Look Out on Earth! The story will continue from then on, just as I had planned before!

If you guys would end up really wanting a story written about The Grand Tour, then just tell me and I'll do a novella on it! But, other wise, once they're done with Imecka, I'm not going to go any further into it.

Just thought I'd let you all know a few chapters in advance! :3

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