Chapter Thirty-Five

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The rest of our time in space passed smoothly.

We collected the rest of the Dragon Balls with ease, only encountering a few other problems. One included me having to dress up as a bride to an giant catfish. Trunks wasn’t too happy about that one.

Earth still had three months left on it when we returned to the Look Out.

“Where do we put them at?” Trunks asked as he and I landed on the platform. We had left the others in the ship, which Trunks had put on Auto pilot to hover next to where we were at. This was something we had to do ourselves.

“In here,” I replied, walking back into a large room. Dead center sat an empty pedestal. A dark blue pillow sat on top, seven indentations in it.

Trunks handed me Gaea’s backpack, which had all the Dragon Balls in it. One by one, I pulled them out, setting them down gently in their respectable spots. Finally, all seven sat before us.

“What now-” Trunks was cut off by as the balls started to glow. They grew brighter and brighter, eventually making us have to cover our eyes. As the light washed over us, I could feel it.

It was a warm feeling - like in the summertime when you’re sitting at the pool, or just out in the sun in general, and the sun is beating down on you. The warm feeling filled me completely. My body tingled slightly, reminding me of when you’d touch the end of a plug you were pulling out or plugging in.

The warm feeling pushed passed me, like an energy wave. Even though I didn’t see it, I could tell it was spread across the Earth, repairing it. Faults in the ground from earthquakes closed up, winds returned to normal (though they weren’t that bad when Trunks and I stepped off the ship), the ocean calmed. Everything returned to normal.

The light subsided and the warm feeling passed, but my body still tingled slightly. Slowly, I lowered my arm, looking at the Dragon Balls. They rested placidly in front of me.

“We did it...” Trunks breathed. For a moment, I had forgotten he was here.

A smiled worked it’s way onto my face. It spread until it was an ear-to-ear grin.

“We did it!” Trunks repeated, cheering this time. I jumped into the air, doing some flips and laughing. Suddenly, Trunks grabbed my arms and pulled me into him. My lips met his in a passionate kiss. When he pulled away, light was shining brightly in his deep blue eyes.

“I love you Monkey Boy,” I said, moving some hair out of his face. Trunks mirrored the grin that was still on my face.

“I love you too, Pigeon. How about we go get the others so we can finally end all of this?”

I pulled out the hug and took his hand. “Sounds like a plan.”

We walked back the the ship like that. Grinning like idiots and holding hands. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt this happy. And it was only going to get better, once we moved everyone from Vegeta back to Earth. We’d finally have a life again.

The entire planet was overjoyed when we returned and informed them of what has and is going to happen. I was briefly reminded of when Dad beat Buu. Before everything will Baby even began. And, of course, before we wiped their memories.

I don’t think Mom has ever hugged me as tightly as she did when I walked back into that castle. Though we had managed to video chat from our ship to ones on Vegeta, it was still like I hadn’t seen her in seven months. She wasn’t even mad that Gaea and I had snuck on board. She was just happy we were home. In celebration, we had a feast.

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