Chapter Forty-Three

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"Wow! This place is beautiful!" Mar says as we break apart from one another. I set down the duffle bag, looking around in awe.

"Thank you," Kansas replies, smiling. Nate was also grinning.

"Boy, does it feel good to be back here!" he states, looking around with love in his eyes.

The lot of us were standing in front of a huge lakeside cabin house. Ivy ran up both sides of the house, giving it a lost to the world feeling. The front porch, which had a few chairs and a swing, extended all the way around like the houses you see in the southern living magazines.

Bugs buzzed around us, drawn to the house by the smell of summertime flowers. The flowers were of all different types, giving off an array of pleasant smells and a beautiful display of colors. I smiled when I saw my favorite; a bright red Amaryllis.

"You guys own this?" Goten asked, looking at Nate and Kansas incredulously. "This is freaking amazing!"

Laughing, Kansas brushed some of her hair out of her face. "Technically, its not really ours. Mary, Nate's grandmother, owns it. But she doesn't get out much anymore, so she lets us use it."

"It's the one good thing my dad left when he walked out," Nate added. "Well, besides me of course." He flashes a grin that has most of us rolling our eyes but smiling.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Bulma asked, grinning as well. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm itching to get in the water!"

A chorus of agreement rang out. Smiling, I reached down and picked the duffle bag, heading for the house.

"Follow me if you want your suits!" I called over my shoulder, bounding up the stairs and pushing the door open.

The inside of the house was just was breathtaking as the outside. Large glass windows gave way to a perfect view of the lake. Expensive looking furniture and other knick-knacks sat in various spots in the rooms that I could see. A large kitchen sat to my left, looking as if it had never even been used.

"Jesus, Nate," I said as he and the others walked on behind me. "I can't get over the size of this place!"

The blond laughed. "I'll assume that was a complement."

"This house must cost a fortune!" Gaea exclaimed. "Did you guys win the lottery or something?"

"Oooooh, can I be the one to tell 'em?" Bulla asked. Then, without waiting for Nate to give an answer, she continued. "Four score and seven years ago Nate's great-something grandma came to America from some country no one's ever heard of with riches beyond your wildest dreams. Here she met the love of her life, a dirt ass poor farmer who had settled on the very land we're standing on now. Together they had a bagillion kids and had to build a mammoth house to fit all of them. Fast forward a few hundred years and who knows how many renovations later, you have this wonderful house we find ourselves in today." She turned to Nate. "Did I get it right?"

Laughing again, he nods. "Pretty much."

"I think you forgot the part where his grandma was like a queen or something," Uub added. "And she left because she was threatened or something."

"Whoa so you're like the long-lost king of some country?" Mar asked Nate who shrugged.

"I guess. It doesn't exist anymore, so my title is useless."

"The majority of our friends are royalty in someway, Rosey. I wonder what that says about us," my brother joked, nudging me in the ribs with his elbow. I chuckled.

"What are you all doing standing around here?" Videl asked as she and Gohan came inside.

"Nate's giving us a history lesson, Momma," Gaea replies.

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