Chapter 1

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            Waking up as my eyes fluttered open to the rays of sunshine shining through the curtains and lazily rolled over in what I thought was my bed as I swung my arm across the bed feeling a warm body. I quickly sat up in bed as I felt a sharp pain from behind before I had turned to look to see who was in bed. My eyes quickly widened as I saw a shirtless Sky laying so beautifully in the sunshine rays of light with his skin so silky white.
           I was pulled out of my thoughts as I felt my cheeks blush as I felt a small swift of air up my back as I had then realized that I too was shirtless. I looked around the room and saw clothes just thrown around the room as I just realized that I just had sex with my best friend.
                I quickly jumped out of bed ignoring the pain from behind as I stumbled quickly putting on my clothes as I had grabbed my keys off the nightstand trying not to wake Sky up to avoid the awkwardness as I had grabbed my shoes and quickly ran out of his dorm room. The only thing that runs through my mind is, how the hell did I think that this was a good idea and why did Sky even go along with it in the first place?


              I was over at Sky's dorm working on a pair group project as a sudden thought went through my mind as I didn't realize that I was just staring at Sky as he was discussing the details of the project.
        "Earth to Rain," Sky said as he snapped his fingers to break me from my thoughts.
        "H..huh?" Was all I could say as I had quickly turned my attention back to our project trying to focus.
         "What's gotten into you lately?" Sky asked. "You're normally overly hyper and love working on projects. But lately, you seem so out of it and can't seem to focus."
           I don't know what's wrong with myself either. There's just something that's been in the back of my brain for a while now and it seems to bother me a lot lately. I've never seen Sky interested in anyone let alone dated anyone. What was the reason?
           "Oh, uh nothing. I just haven't had good sleep lately." I told him as I went back to work on the project. He seemed like he wasn't convinced but just shrugged his shoulders as he went back to work on his part of the project.
           "Rain! What in the hell is wrong with you and why do you keep thinking about these things?" I scolded myself. Next thing I know I felt a bit aroused and my cheeks burned. I jumped up from the chair, "I uh, I have to use the restroom." I ran off to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

Sky's POV

           Rain has never been distracted from his work. I could not point out why he's been so spaced out lately but I needed to know why.
           I was busy with the project as I noticed that Rain was taking too long in the bathroom. "Is he okay?" As I thought to myself as I had thought that I should go check on him. He didn't really look all that well.
          I got up from my chair as I went over to the bathroom to knock on the door to check on him but I suddenly stopped. I leaned my ear against the door as I heard slight moans coming from inside. I was a bit shocked as I had lifted my hand to the doorknob, slightly opening the door to find Rain pleasuring himself. My eyes widen and my cheeks burned as I had quickly closed the door then leaned up against the door. I didn't expect to see Rain in that way as I had quickly and quietly gone back to my desk to continue working on the project to try and forget about what I just saw.

Rain's POV

          I had finally came out of the bathroom after freshening myself up after the episode I had in the bathroom just now. I didn't want to scare Sky or make him feel awkward as I had noticed that the lights were off and Sky wasn't at the table.
         "Did he finish without me?" I thought to myself as I walked over to the table and saw that he had finished his part of the project. I then noticed that my part was also finished as I began to feel bad. I shook my head as I had sat down to finish assembling the project together.
          I had stretched as I had finished putting the final touches together as I looked up and saw what time it was.
          "Wow, it's midnight already?" I thought to myself as I had cleaned up the mess and turned off the lamp on the table. I was wondering how Sky was doing as I had walked quietly to his room to sneak a small peak on him as I realized that he hadn't turned off the light on his nightstand. I quietly walked over to not wake him up to turn off the light and turned to walk out but was suddenly stopped by a hand. I had slowly turned to see an awake Sky looking up at me with an expression on his face that I've never seen before.
         "S..Sky. I thought you were asleep." I said as I had tried to pull my arm away but not fast enough as I soon was pulled into his bed with him over me.
          "S…Sky?" I was confused as to why he was acting this way as I tried to push him off of me but failed.
            "Rain….be honest with me. What exactly has been going through your mind lately?" He asked. I had sighed as I knew that it was no use in hiding it anymore. I took a deep breath and then suddenly trapped Sky's arms as I had flipped him over so that I was on top of him this time.
             "First, before I tell you. You have to promise not to be mad." I said but he didn't say a word but instead he just nodded his head. I sighed as I lowered my head before picking it back up again to look him in the eyes.
            "We've been friends for how long now?" I asked but before he could answer I continued with another question.
           "How come I've never seen you with anyone?" I asked but before I could continue Sky pushed me off of him and sat up.
          "D..did I say something wrong?" I asked. He shook his head.
          "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." I felt sorry for prying into Sky's personal life but I was just curious.
            "I've just had a lot on my mind lately." I said but Sky just said, "Nevermind and just get some sleep." Before laying back down with his back facing me. I followed in suit as I had also laid down still in his bed looking up at the ceiling lost in my thoughts again.

          It's been an hour as I'm still unable to sleep as I had turned over in bed facing Sky but not realizing that Sky had turned over in bed asleep but facing me. My cheeks blushed as those evil inappropriate thoughts rushed through my head again.
            I've never had sex before and yet I can't stop myself in wondering how it would be doing it for the first time with Sky. I know that I shouldn't have these kinds of thoughts but I was curious. I wondered how it would feel doing it with him, but I never wanted to ask because I didn't want to ruin the friendship that we had.
            I lifted my hand to slightly touch his cheek, caressing his cheek feeling that soft skin of his.
           "Have you ever wondered what it would be like sleeping with a friend?" I asked softly to the sleeping boy next to me. I quickly jumped as I saw his eyes shot open and his hand holding tightly onto mind.
          "S..Sky…I thought you were asleep." I said as I had tried jerking my hand away but instead he had just rolled me over as he had gotten on top of me.
           "S…Sky…" I tried pushing him off but he grabbed a hold of my hands pushing them down on the bed. I looked at him confused as he bent down to kiss me. I was startled and shocked as he soon stopped the kiss and looked up at me.
           "If my best friend wants to try, then…" He trailed off as I had flipped him over with me now hovering over him.
           "Sky, we don't have to do this. I was just being stupid and immature." I said looking down at him but all he did was kiss me again. This time it was deeper than the last one. I pulled away and looked at him.
           "Really Sky….let's not. I don't want to lose you as a friend." I said. Sky just sighed as he had rolled over with him hovering over me again.
         "I'd rather do this with my best friend instead of some jerk off that wouldn't take responsibility for it" he said, eyes locked on mine. I'm supposed he's right but still. Would this only make things awkward for us in the future?
            I had no time to think as he slammed his lips back on mine and soon the room got all hot and heated. Next thing was our clothes were spalled out around the room as Sky and I had an heated unexpected sex that night.

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