Chapter 14

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Sky's POV

         Sitting at the restaurant, Rain and I were enjoying our dinner.
          "Can I try a bite of yours?" I asked him but he just looked up at me, cheeks all puffed, stuffed with food as there was a little bit on his lip.
             "Okay, you little chipmunk." I said with a giggle as I had lifted my hand to clean off his lip with my finger, then licking my finger.
          "Takes good." I said as his cheeks flushed red looking away.
          "S..shut it Sky." He said as he wiped his face with the sleeve of his shirt as inhast shook my head.
          "Stop eating all messy then. And stop using your shirt as a napkin." As I had grabbed a napkin to wipe his face off for him.
        "Now about that bite?" I said as he just sighed picking up some of his food as he had lifted the spoon to my face.
         "Hmm…" He said as I smiled leaning in and taking the bite as I leaned back in my chair as I looked up at him.
          "Really is tasty." I said as his face just went to a bright red shade.
           "So cute." I said as I had lifted my elbow up on the table propping up my chin in my hand as he had avoided eye contact with me.
          "Why are you like this?" He asked, still avoiding eye contact with me.
           "I'm just admiring your beauty, my love." I said as he had quickly looked at me, face so red you'd thought that he had drunk a bit.
          "Stop being so cheesy!"
            "Why are you acting so shy for? Not like I didn't just blow your back out earlier." He looked even more blushed as he quickly stood up from his seat.
           "I'm sorry to interrupt." We both heard as we both turned our heads to seeing P'Phayu. I quickly gotten up from my seat grabbing Rain's hand.
            "What do you want? You're not taking Rain away. He's mine." I said as he had just lifted his hands in defense.
           "I'm not here for that." He said turning towards Rain.
            "I'm sorry for pestering you so much. I should've gotten the hint a while ago. But I at least wanted to try so that I didn't have regrets later." He said as he gave a small slight smile with hurt in his eyes.
           "'s okay." Rain said as he had pulled his hand away from mine.
            "Another thing, about Prapai. Have you seen him? What room number is his room?" I looked at him a bit confused.
           "What for?" I asked as I had crossed my arms.
            "I have something to discuss with him."
            "Why? It's not like you like him or anything. You have no idea how much that man loves you." I said as I had noticed Rain's look at me as I turned to look at him.
          "It's not like that babe. At the time Prapai and I were going after you two, I was about to give up at one point." I said as he gave me an I'm sorry look.
         "I'm sorry!" He said as he ran over throwing his arms around me as I had lifted my arms to hug him back as I had caressed his hair.
          "It's okay, I have you now." I said as he had pulled away with tears in his eyes as I had lifted my hands to wipe his tears away before looking back up at Phayu.
           "I'm not sure his room number. Maybe ask the front desk clerk?"
            "It's fine. I'll find him." He said as he had turned and left as Rain and I parted from each other as I smiled and caressed his cheek.
          "Let's finish eating" I said as he nodded his head going back over to his seat on his side of the table as I had followed suit sitting down as we continued to eat our dinner.

Phayu's POV

            I literally just had so much on my mind, and I was heartbroken let alone shocked by the sudden confession that I panicked.
           I had dialed up Prapai's number as I had finally got an answer.
          "Where have you been? I've been looking for you! I've even messed up Rain's and Sky's date to look for you!" I had said in a tone in which it seemed like I was yelling at him.
           "What's wrong with you? You seemed mad at me earlier." I sighed as I had taken a breath before I spoke.
              "I'm sorry about earlier. I was just taken aback from the whole sudden confession and was dealing with the whole Rain situation that I wasn't thinking straight."
           "Again with the Rain this, Rain that. When will you stop talking about him and look at what's in front of you, damnit!"
          I could feel my heartbreak as I'm still not sure on how to handle this.
          "That's why I've been looking for you. I wanted to have a talk with you."
            I heard a sigh, "I'm on the beach. I'll send a pic of my surroundings so you can find me." He said as he hung up the phone.
           Soon my phone went off with a text as I had opened it to see what part of the beach he was on as I had put my phone in my pocket and ran off to find him.

           I had soon came up to a place that looked similar to the picture he had sent but it looked a bit dark. I was a bit confused as I had walked up the beach closer a bit til a bunch of bright lights had brightened the night sky as I had seen Prapai standing by a candle lit table. I was confused as I walked up to him.
            "What's all of this?" I looked up and around at everything before looking back at him.
          "I wanted to do something for you." He said as he had grabbed my hand as he walked me to the table with me sitting down in the chair as he had kissed the top of my hand before walking over to the other end sitting down.
         "I'm confused, I thought that I was just coming here to talk."
          "Can't we talk over dinner?" He asked as he had taken the lid off of the plate revealing my favorite dish. I looked up at him as he had reached over to the cooler that had the wine in as he popped the top and filled out glasses.
          "This is a bit over the top, isn't it?"
          "Fine, you want to talk, then let's talk. What's so important that you were looking for me for?"
          "I'm sorry about earlier." He rolled his eyes.
           "You said that already over the phone. What could be so important that you ruined Rain's and Sky's date?"
            "Look, I don't know how to tell you I'm sorry about the past. I can't change that. But one thing I'm not sorry for is loving you. I know I've done some shitty things, but I've changed and it's all Sky's help in making me drop my playboy ways to get the courage to go after you. I don't really know what else I can do to prove to you my love. But I'm not forcing you either."
         I could see the hurt on his face as he just shook his head.
         "Nevermind. I just can't do this." He said as he had gotten up from his chair to walk away but I had jumped up from my chair running up after him, hugging him from behind.
         "I'm still confused. I can't love you yet, but I can try. We can try." I said as he had turned around facing me with tears in his eyes as he grabbed me by my face as he had kissed me. I didn't know why, but I had lifted my hands as I had kissed him back with our lips in sync with each other before he had pulled away from the kiss.
         "That's more than what I could ask for." He said as he had then pulled me into a tight embrace as I had hugged him back.
        "I love you, Phayu and I'll do my best in showing you how much I love you. My focus and attention will be only on you." He said as he had pulled away and looked at me with a smile and teary eyed.
         "I'll try my best to like you back." I said as he had grabbed me by the neck as he had leaned in and kissed my forehead as he had backed away.
         "Let's eat. I'm sure the food is already cold." He said as I had nodded as we had walked back to the table, hand in hand as we had sat down to eat our cold dinner by the beautiful view of the beach.

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