Chapter 19

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Sky's POV

        Finally arriving on the beach, as it's our vacation finally and I couldn't see Rain any happier than he is now as he had ran across the beach with his arms wide open all happily as he closed his eyes as he was trying to get a whiff of the air.
       I smiled as I had walked over to him as I had wrapped my arms around his waist as he then suddenly opened his eyes and turned towards me.
           "Sorry it took too long to bring you back." I said as he then turned around facing me with a slight smile on his face and shaking his head.
        "It's okay. We're here now so it's fine. I just wish that we could visit more often." He said as he then turned back facing the sea as the waves crashed on the beach as I had soon felt a hand grab a hold of mine.
       "One day, I hope we can live out here. It's so beautiful." He said with a huge smile on his face.
        "Come on. We should go to our rental and get unpacked and settled in. I booked it for a whole week. But, tonight, I have something special for you." I said as he looked at me a bit confused.
       "Something special? Also I've been meaning to ask. Why have you been carrying around your portfolio even when there isn't any class or like now? We don't have any projects due." He asked as I just smiled and shook my head.
        "I'll tell you later, just let's get settled in and just relax until later tonight. Hmm? We can find something small to do until then." I said as I ruffled his hair a bit, smiling, as I had grabbed his hand and walked our way to our rental to get unpacked.

Rain's POV

       It's just before dark, as the sun hasn't completely set yet as Sky was taking me somewhere as he then pulled over somewhere that I had no idea where we were as we had gotten out of the car and Sky had came over to me with a slight smile on his face.
            "I'm going to blindfold you. Is that okay?" He asked as I looked at him confused.
          "Blindfold me? What for?"
           "Just, trust me okay?" He said with a slight nod as I had nodded back in response as he had lifted his hands with the blindfold, tying it around my eyes.
          "Can you see?" He asked as I shook my head no as I then felt hands on my shoulders as I soon felt the nudge to move as I suddenly started to walk as I was being led somewhere.
            "Okay. We're here." He said as the blindfold suddenly left my eyes as we were at a bit of an isolated place that seemed like a bit of an empty field as he had walked in front of me with his portfolio again as I looked at him confused.
            "It's an empty field in an isolated area." I said as he shook his head as he walked up towards me putting his hands on my shoulders turning me around pointing out to an amazing view of the ocean as my breath was taken away by how beautiful it was.
            "It's a beautiful view of the ocean." I said with a slight smile as he then walked in front of me as he started to open his portfolio.
         "What are you…" I didn't get to finish as Sky had pulled out a sketch of a house as I was still a bit confused as to why it had similar structures to my dream house as I looked at him trying to comprehend the whole thing.
          "Do you remember how you talked about moving out here, and how you told me how you wanted the house to look?" He asked as I was still confused.
       "I've been working on a sketch with the details that you've mentioned along with adding a few tweaks that I would like as well." He said as I was loving the details but I still didn't understand a thing.
       "And I've found this very place, and I think it would be a perfect location for us to build our future home." I soon finally got the hint as my eyes instantly lit up.
       "You don't mean what I think you mean?" He nodded with a smile as I had jumped up in joy as I had quickly thrown my arms around him as I couldn't believe what was happening right now.
        "You're literally the best!" I said as he had slightly pulled me away as he had put the drawing back up and reached his pocket kneeling on one knee as he took whatever it was out and then opened it revealing a ring as my eyes started to tear up as I looked at him in shock.
           "Rain, I brought you here to show you the land, and house that I plan on building for you as to hope that you'd spend the rest of your life with me. Rain, will you spend forever living with me in our dream home?" I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.
          I nodded, "Yes!" I said as he had gotten up and I had threw my arms around him hugging him tightly as this is literally one of the happiest days of my life as he had slightly pulled away, lifting my hand to put the ring on as he then looked up at me with loving eyes as I had leaned in kissing him with my arms wrapped around his neck.
        I pulled away slightly, "I love you so damn much." He smiled as he was about to kiss me but I had stopped him, with him looking at me confused as I had grabbed the portfolio, and his hand as we made our way back to the car, I had sat the portfolio aside on the hood as I had pushed Sky up against the car as I had threw my hands up around his next kissing him passionately.
          Sky had put his hands on my waists as he had slightly pushed me away, "W..what's gotten into you? This is the first for you to…" I didn't left him finish as I had leaned in and started kissing him again as our lips were soon in sync as I had then pulled away grabbing his arm walking over to the backseat opening the door as I had pushed him down signaling him to move in more as he had positioned himself sitting up as I crawled in afterwards, shutting the door as I had positioned myself straddling him.
        "Rain…" was all he said as he grabbed me by the neck pulling me in kissing me as I had started to literally dry hump him as he had left my lips and made his way to my neck as he started to leave love bites.
       "Mmm…" I moaned as he pulled away grabbing the hem of my shirt pulling it off of me tossing it towards the front seat as I lifted my arms to lifted up his shirt and off also tossing it in the front seat as he pulled me back in kissing me, then making his way back to neck then to my shoulders then to my chest as he made his way to my nipples as he sucked and played with them as I could feel that we were both aroused.
       He had grabbed me as he turned positioning me on the seat with him hoovering me as he reached for my pants, unbuttoning them as he took them and my underwear both off as he then bent down grabbing my hard dick and shoving it in his mouth as he began sucking me off as one hand jacked me off while he sucked me and the other reached up to my nipples playing with it.
        "Fuck…" I moaned out as he had picked up the pace as I could feel that I soon was about to cum as he stopped before then as he looked up at me with a smile.
      "No, babe. You can't cum just yet." He said licking his fingers before putting them in my hole as he started finger fucking me as I had grabbed a hold of the seats head rest as he had leaned down kissing me as he continued to finger fuck me as he would slowly enter another finger a bit at a time.
      "Sky..Please.." I pleaded as I had wanted more as he had then stopped fingering my ass, pulling them out as he then took of his pants and underwear all at once as he positioned himself by my hole as he grabbed my hips as he shoved himself fulling in literally balls deep as he just sat there for a bit as I had started moving my hips up and down as I had wanted more as he just smiled before pulling all the way out as he had sat up in the seat with me looking at him a bit confused.
       "Ride me, Rain. Ride me until you can't anymore." He said as I felt my cheeks flush red as I had gotten up and straddled him, positioning myself as I had lowered myself on his dick letting out a slight gasp as he had grabbed me by the neck and kissing me as I had started to move my hips.
         "Mmm…" he moaned into the kiss as I had slightly started to pick up the pace a bit as he bit my lower lip for entrance as I had parted my lips giving him access as he literally started to suck on my tongue.
      Soon, I was literally bouncing hard and fast on his dick as our lips never parted as our tongues were literally intertwined together, lips all swollen.
       He eventually pulled away, "Fuck, Rain.." he moaned as he had grabbed my ass spreading my ass cheeks as the car was getting hot and steamy with the windows getting all clouded up, still bouncing hard on his dick.
        He leaned in and started to kiss on my neck then to my shoulders leaving a trail of love bites as I had thrown my head back as my body felt like I was on ecstasy.
         He then slightly pulled away, "I love you so much, Rain.." he said as our breathing was in sync as he soon pulled me in by the neck, grabbing my ass cheeks again with his hands spreading them as he started to pound in my ass hard and deep with each thrust as he hit my prostate each time.
       "I..I'm about to.." I said as I had soon cummed as Sky had gotten faster with each thrust as he soon was about to cum.
      With a few more thrust he had finally cummed in me as he still held me close as I could feel in cum in me as he finally let loose of my ass as I had sat there as we both had slowly started to control our breathing.
       I sat up a bit as I had looked at him with a smile and he smiled back as he leaned up kissing my forehead and started to fix up my hair a bit.
      "Be with me forever." He said as I had smiled and nodded before leaning in and giving him a small sweet kiss on his lips.
         "Forever and ever."


Just a slight note.

Which proposal was the most

Prapai's or Sky's?

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