Chapter 9

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Phayu's POV

        Back at the garage Saifah and I were finishing up the maintenance on the bikes as the next race was tomorrow night.
       "Are you going to invite your boy to go with you?" I had stopped working looking at Saifah.
        "He's not mine, yet. And no, it'll be too dangerous." I said before I had bent back down working on the bike.
        "Speaking of the devil. Here comes your boy now." I heard Saifah as I had stood up straight as I had seen Rain exiting the car.
        "P'Phayu! P'Fah!" Rain said, waving with a smile before running our way.
          "Shouldn't you be in school?" I asked him but he just frowned.
          "I don't even wanna talk about it." He said as he sat down on one of the chairs swinging his feet back and forth. I had sighed before walking over sitting in a seat next to him.
        "I think that I have something else to do." Saifah said as I just waved him off, not even looking his way.
        "What's wrong, Rain?"
          He turned towards me in the chair grabbing my arm, I looked at him confused.
         "I need your help P'Phayu!"
           Even more confused, I asked, "With what?"
           "I need you to tell your friend to leave Sky alone. Everytime I try to talk or flirt with Sky, Prapai is always there." He said with a pouty face but I just shook my head.
        "I can't do that. Once he has his eyes on what he wants, he won't back down until it's his." I told him as he had let go of my arm, turning around crossing his arms.
        I was going to lift my hand to comfort him until he all of a sudden jumped a bit in the seat before turning towards me with another smile on his face.
       "Then help me go after Sky. Help me make him jealous." He said, grabbing my arm again.
         My heart sank hearing him ask me for something like this, as I really didn't want to do that as I wanted Rain for myself.
         "I don't think…." He jumped up from his seat.
         "Please, P'Phayu?" He gave me the puppy dog eyes and it's making my heart weak. I really don't want to help him get With Sky as I had thought of an idea to change the subject but also use this to an advantage.
        "Do you want to go to a race tomorrow night?" I asked, standing up from my seat as his eyes widened in surprise.
        "Really, P'Phayu?" He was smiling from ear to ear as he jumped up in joy.
         "Yeah sure. And I'm sure Sky will be there." I said as he looked even more happier.
         "Really? Then I must go!"
          "How about I pick you up tomorrow I say about 6:30, 7ish?"
           "Definitely! I'll be ready!", he said as he hugged me before taking off to his car, waving at me before getting in and driving off.
           I felt uneasy as I really shouldn't have asked him to go, but I can't stand him talking about Sky so much when he's around.
        I sighed as I had walked over back to the bike to finish working on it as I felt a hand on my shoulder.
       "I thought that you didn't want him to go?" I heard Saifah. I leaned up pushing his hand off my shoulder.
       "I didn't, but I have a way for Rain to go out with me." I said before turning back towards the bike.
       "Tiger is finally going after his pray." He said before patting me on the shoulder as he walked off.

Sky's POV

         We had pulled up, as I had got out of Prapai's car. He followed suit as he also got out of the car looking over at me with a smirk before walking over towards me.
       "Today's your lucky day. You get to the best of the best win tonight." He said as he had lifted his hand grabbing me as I had just pulled my hand away from his.
        "Last I remember I'm here for Rain." I said sarcastically as he just chuckled before turning to walk off, guessing that it's to where P'Phayu and Rain was, I had followed suit.

         "Rain!," I called out as I had finally seen him as he turned with a bright smile on his face for it too soon faded away when he saw the person next to me.
          "You!," He said pointing towards Prapai as he ran over to me, grabbing my arm and pulling me over next to him.
        "Leave him alone. Stop pestering my friend." He said as he had grabbed my hand away over to where P'Phayu was working on a bike then turned to face me.
         "Why are you always with him?," He asked as he had dropped my hand. My heart hurt a bit but a small smile formed on my face as we were finally face to face with one another.
          "It's not like I want to be." I said looking down.
           "Then why are you all smiley?"
            "I'm glad to finally see you. We're always missing each other or someone is always in the way." He looked down at his feet as I had seen a small form on his face. My heart started to flutter seeing all shy as I soon was pulled out of my thoughts as I had seen P'Phayu come over and put an arm around Rain's shoulders looking at me like I'm pestering his boyfriend.
        "So I had a proposition if you're up for it." Rain had looked up P'Phayu with a smile as I could feel my heart shake as I knew something not good was about to happen.
      "What is it, P'Phayu?," Rain asked all excitedly.
       He had turned his attention away from me to turn to look at Rain as he had lifted his hands up to Rain's shoulders looking at him with a smile. 
       "I put in a request to race tonight."
         "That's so cool, P'Phayu!" Rain said so aesthetically as P'Phayu had looked over at me with a smile then looked back at Rain.
       "But, if I win, I want you to fulfill my wish." My heart started to shake just hearing his request as Rain had looked over at me before looking back at P'Phayu.
      "I don't know." Rain said but P'Phayu didn't give up as it sounded like he was begging Rain now.
       "Please, just this once."
        Rain nodded his head, "Okay.." he said as P'Phayu looked over at me with a grin.
        "I'm up after this race." I'll be looking for you at the finish line." P'Phayu said as he walked off, and I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked up to see it was P'Pai.
          "Looks like your friend has been trapped in by P'Phayu." He said as Rain looked up at me, lifting his hand.
           "Sky…I…" I didn't say a word as I had nudged Prapai's arm off my shoulders before turning to walk off.

Rain's POV

        I had no idea what was going on or what was up P'Phayu's sleeve but I don't have a good feeling about it.
        It was P'Phayu,'s turn to race as Prapai, Sky and I stood on the sidelines as we waited for P'Phayu to make his way to the spot.
        Making his way up towards me in his suit, he smiled, "Wait for me." He said before lifting his hand to caress my cheek before walking off putting on his helmet before getting into position on his bike.
       He had turned to look at me one last time before the signal to go as he had turned back around and took off.

      Few minutes went by and it was almost time to see who the winner was as someone had finally hit the finish line.
      To my luck, just taking one good look, I could tell who clearly one the race as I began to panic because I have no idea on what P'Phayu's wish is.
       He had put the kickstand down on the bike as he got off, walking over to me as I could feel my cheeks burn.
       He had took off his helmet, as he had looked over at me with a smile, "You have to fulfill my wish."
        I had gulped as he had slightly leaned down close to my face, "W..what is your wish?" I asked.
        He stood back up straight, looking over at Prapai and Sky before looking back at me with a smile from ear to ear on his face.
        "I want you to go out with me for a week."
        "A week?" I thought to myself as I had looked over at Sky, then back at P'Phayu.
           "You can't back out now. You already agreed to fulfill my wish and that's my wish is for you to go out with me for a week."
         I began to panic as this is not how I wanted my night to go.
         "Looks like your friend has a boyfriend now." I heard Prapai say as I had turned facing Sky, seeing the disappointment on his face before turning to walk away.
       "Sky…" I whispered as I had turned back to P'Phayu.
        "Fine. Only for a week. But don't expect nothing out of it!" I said as he had lifted his arm and putting it around my shoulder.
        I had pushed his arm away off my shoulder as I had turned to walk away and went off to wait in P'Phayu's car for the rest of the night.

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