Chapter 3

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Sky's POV

        It's day 3 and Rain hasn't shown up the past few days. "I wonder if he's here today," I thought to myself as I walked through the opened classroom door head down until I heard a familiar laugh. My head jotted up quickly to see a laughing, smiling Rain sitting next to Sig. I smiled to myself as I quickly walked over to his desk.
         "Where have you been?" I asked but he just ignored me. I began to feel sad as I had tried asking him again in a louder tone in case he didn't hear me but the only response I got from him when he turned to face me was a look on his face that literally broke my heart. He then quickly turned to face Sig again, continuing their conversation as if I wasn't even there.
           I lowered my head in defeat as I had walked over to my seat sitting down, not even grabbing my pen and notebook from my backpack as I had snuck a peak at Rain.

Rain's POV

          It's lunch time and our friend group sat at our usual table. I sat beside Sig as Sky had just sat across from me. It's been hard avoiding Sky, but I've just been needing to control my feelings lately.
        We all just sat and conversed while eating while I noticed that Sky had barely touched his food as he just pushed his food around on his plate.
         "Gosh, why is he so cute when he's all pouty?" I shook my thoughts away as I had turned towards Sig to continue our conversation.
         "I totally forgot to tell you about the other day. I was stranded on the side of the road in the pouring rain with a flat tire until some handsome stranger on a bike helped me." I said all smiley as I had snuck a glance at Sky as I noticed his full attention was on me.
         I smiled a bit as I had turned back towards Sig, but not long afterwards I felt a foot slide up my leg. I had looked over at Sky then under the table to see Sky's foot slightly rubbing up against my leg. I had pushed his foot off my leg as I had looked at him a bit confused as I had just shrugged it off turning back to Sig.
       "You should have seen him when he changed my tire. He was amazing," I said with slight excitement in my voice as I soon was pulled away from the conversation as I turned towards Sky in surprise as I heard a slam on the table and Sky standing beside me with an unreadable expression on his face.
      "What's wrong with you?" Sig asked but I couldn't even protest as I soon was grabbed by the wrist and was pulled away from the table being dragged along to wherever Sky was taking me.
        "Let go, Sky" I said as I had tried prying my wrist from his hand only for him to squeeze even tighter trying to prevent me from pulling away.
      Not long after walking in the halls, Sky had dragged me to the bathroom then pushed me up against the wall.
        "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him, trying to resolute about the situation.
        He sighed, lowering his head, "I don't know, Rain." He then looked back up at me with a look that's hard to read.
        "I don't know why I'm like this. But let me ask you this. Why are you avoiding me? Was I just a toy to you?" He asked with a fierce face that I've never seen before.
         "How about we just forget about it? Like it didn't happen?" I said and the look on his face was not what I was expecting.
         "Forget about it? You were the one coming to me wanting sex because of your so-called curiosity bullshit and you just want to forget about it? Is it fun playing with someone's feelings and mind? Huh? Am I a joke to you that you can just play around with whenever you want?" He yelled. I've never seen this side of Sky before and I'm not sure how to handle it.
          My heart started to sway, but I'm not sure on how things will be after that night and how my feelings towards him would affect our friendship. I just don't want to lose him, maybe forgetting about what happened that night so that we can go back to being best friends again.
          "It was a mistake. Let's forget about it? Huh?" Was all I said before I knew it I was pulled over and pushed into the bathroom stall with Sky locking the door behind him.
       "S..Sky.." was all I said before Sky had leaned in and started kissing me. My heart began to beat fast as I had to pull myself together and push Sky away.
         "Sky…let's not…" I couldn't even finish until he had leaned in and began kissing me again. I tried multiple times trying to push him away, but in the end I couldn't help but to give in. I soon felt myself following suit, kissing him back as I threw my arms around his neck.
          I knew it was a bad idea to do something like this again but I couldn't control my feelings or my body. I wanted him even if we just fucked for his own pleasure, then I'll take it.
          The kiss got more intense as he bit my lip and asked for entrance to my mouth as I had parted my lips as he entered my mouth licking and sucking on my tongue. I couldn't help getting aroused as he then left my mouth trailing his way to my neck sucking and biting as I soon felt his hand reach down my pants grabbing my throbbing dick.
         "You're wet already. I don't think this is the body language of wanting to forget." He said as he then started to pump my dick as he went back sucking on my neck. My legs began to shake from his sweet yet aggressive touch.
       My body had failed me as I couldn't handle it as my own hand reached towards Sky's aroused dick and started rubbing it through his pants. Soon I was stopped by him as Sky's hand began unbuckling my belt then pulling down my pants and underwear all together. 
        "S..Sky…" was all I said as he had gotten down, grabbed my dick and started sucking on it. I soon became a moaning mess as I had put my hands around Sky's head while he had started sucking my dick faster while also using one hand to stroke it and the other grabbing my ass.
       I was in complete ecstasy as he had soon stopped before I could cum, pulling down his own pants and underwear then lifted me as I wrapped my legs around him. Without any warning he slammed his dick in my ass and started thrusting deep and fast in me.
       Both our moans echoed in the empty bathroom as both of us soon began to come to our climaxes. Soon, Sky had released himself in my ass and I followed suit not long after cumming on my stomach.
       We both had to catch our breaths as he had lowered me and pulled up his pants. I did the same as I looked up at him shyly as he had turned to me.
       He didn't really say a word as he then walked out of the bathroom leaving me behind as I had walked over to the sink. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I don't know what has come over me but I couldn't stop myself from thinking that maybe I had fallen for him.
         I adjusted myself to be more presentable as I had walked out of the bathroom and back to our lunch table.

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