Chapter 8

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Sky's POV

      Leaving my dorm to head to school, I saw the one person that I least wish to see standing by the door.
      "There's that cute sassy boy." Prapai said, leaning up off his car, walking up to me.
       "Don't you have work to be doing?" I asked him in annoyance, rolling my eyes.
       "I'll always have time for you." He said with a silly smile on his face.
        "Well, why don't you use that time to go find another toy to play with? Cause I'm not going to play with you again." I said with a sarcastic smirk on my face as I had pushed past him to walk to school but not with him running up to me grabbing my arm turning me back around to face him.
        "What if I'm not wanting to play around? What if I'm actually serious?" I sighed before pulling my arm away from him.
          "I just wish that you'd leave me alone. I have enough problems right now." As I had turned to walk off until…
         "It's about your friend Rain, isn't it?" I had stopped before turning back to face him.
        "I know the situation between the two of you. Why don't you just forget about him? Phayu likes Rain and he wants to go after him." He said as I felt my heart hurt.
         "I don't care what's going on between them. I don't have the right to go after Rain. I've hurt him countless times. I'm pretty sure that he hates me." I said looking down as I tried fighting back the tears in my eyes.
        I had sighed before pushing back the tears before looking back to him, "Look, I really don't have the time for this right now. I'm going to be late for class." I said as I had turned to walk off but felt a hand grab my wrist.
         "Least let me take you to school." He said. I was hesitant cause I know that it wasn't a good idea since Rain already has that impression that I've been sleeping around with him, even though it was true that I slept with him once.
        I turned towards him, "Fine, but don't think that I'll fuck you again." I said as I had removed my wrist from his hand walking over towards the car, getting into the car.

Rain's POV

      Lifting the flowers in my hands to sniff them, I stood there by the door with a smile on my face as I had waited on Sky to get to school.
      "I've been really rude lately, and I should try and make it up to him." I said to myself as my smile got wider just thinking about him.
         I had looked down at my watch as I noticed how late it was getting and class was about to start soon but still no sign of Sky.
      "Rain, class is about to start. You should take your seat before the teacher gets here." I heard Sig say as I felt a hand on my shoulder.
      I shook my head without even looking back at him, "No, I'm going to wait for him."
      I felt a pat on my shoulder, "If you insist." He said before removing his head and walking off.

      I had paced back and forth in front of the school still waiting on Sky when an unnoticeable yet kind of familiar car pulled up. I was confused as to who it was before I had seen the driver seat open revealing Prapai as he had walked over to the passenger seat.
         "Why is he here?" I said to myself as Prapai had opened the passenger seat and saw a familiar person exit the car.
        My eyes widened as I didn't expect to see Sky with Prapai again as I had ran over to hide behind one of the pillars to avoid being seen.
       I leaned up against it lifting my hand to my chest as I could feel it race quickly, but not in a good way as I had slightly looked out from behind the pillar to see a Prapai waving off after Sky as he walked off to the entrance of the building, walking in.
      I had quickly ducked behind the pillar again as I felt tears forming in my eyes. I had tossed the flowers onto the ground as I had stormed off to skip class today.

Sky's POV

       Walking into the building walking off to my class, I was stopped by Sig in the hallway.
       "You're finally here. Did you meet Rain out front?" He said all smiling before he had looked down at my hands pointing at it.
     " I didn't see him. Why?"
      "He was waiting out front with flowers for you. You didn't see him?" He asked, looking at me confused.
         "Flowers? What are you talking about?"
         "He felt bad for how he's been acting and he wanted to make it up to you." He said.
      I didn't think as I had turned on my feet running off to the front of the entrance of the school. I had bent over using my knees to hold me up as I was out of breath.
      I had leaned up to see no one in site, as I had looked around thinking that maybe he was hiding somewhere.
      "Rain!" I called out running over to one of the pillars to see no one. I quickly turned to run up behind another one, still seeing no one.
       I had kicked the pillar in a fit of rage as I had pulled my hair looking over at another pillar seeing some flowers thrown on the ground. I had tilted my head as I had felt bad, walking on over to the pillar picking up the flowers looking at them with tears in my eyes.
      "I'm sorry again, Rain." I said as I had walked off back to the classroom sitting down in my seat still holding the flowers.
      "Did you two make up yet?" Sig had asked as I had shook my head, not turning to look at him as I couldn't take my eyes off the flowers in my hands.

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