Chapter 22

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Rain's POV

          It's been almost a year since Sky left, and it's been one tough year but with P'Phayu and P'Pai around I've been able to get through this year. 

        Sky should be home in a few months and I so can't wait to throw my arms around him because I miss him like crazy.

       "Rain!" I heard P'Phayu as I turned around to see him and P'Pai standing over by the car as I ran up to them.

       "What are you guys doing here?" I said with a confused smile on my face. 

        "We've come to pick you up to take you to the beach with us." I was confused.

         "Beach with you guys? For what?"

          They looked at each other with a smile before looking back at me, " We're taking you to the beach because we have a surprise for you. We know that you've been keeping busy since you've been sad that you haven't heard from Sky lately so we decided to take you to the beach for a breather." P'Phayu said as I felt extremely happy to get a breather but also I could still feel the sadness in my heart because I haven't heard from Sky in awhile and I'm really missing him like crazy.

           "What are you doing? Hurry up and go get packed, we'll wait here for you!" P'Pai said as I smiled and nodded my head as I ran off to my room to get packed to head off to the beach. 

            Finally reaching the beach, I had gotten out of the car as I had walked my way over to the beach as I could feel the warm sand through my sandals.

            "Aren't you coming to the villa?" I heard P'Phayu as I had turned and smiled.

           "Nah, I think that I'm just going to sit here before I head in." I said as P'Phayu had nodded before him and P'Pai had walked their way to the villa as I had sat down on the beach as sudden memories of Sky and I started to flood my mind.

         "It's our dream to live here and be together forever." I heard as I had thought that I was hearing Sky's voice as I just shook my head as I thought that I was imagining things.

        "I'm ready to spend forever with you. And I'm finally here to make that happen." I heard again as I'm pretty sure that I was hearing things as I had turned out of curiosity and I saw him.

       The love of my life standing before me as I had gotten up from my spot as I thought that I was starting to see things now.

      "A…are you really here? Am I not imagining things?" I asked as I could feel tears start to run down my face as the person before me smiled before lifting his arms as I didn't even think twice before my feet had taken off running up to him, throwing my arms around him, hugging him tight.

          "Sky! Is it really you?" I asked as he pulled away, lifting his hand to wipe my face as he had tears in his eyes and he nodded.

          "I'm home, Rain." He said as my tears finally streamed down my face like waterfalls.

         "Sky!" I said as I threw my arms back around his neck tightly as I became a sobbing mess in his arms before pulling away.

           "Why didn't you tell me that you were coming home?!" I said as I was still sobbing as he chuckled a bit before wiping my tears away.

         "I wanted to surprise you." He said as he caressed my hair as I had lifted my hand to gently slap him in his chest.

         "You could have told me! I was worried sick because I haven't heard from you in so long!" I started to cry again.

          "Awe, my poor baby." He said with a smile as he grabbed me by the neck pulling me into a sweet yet passionate kiss.

         "Okay, you love birds." I heard from the side as I had pulled away shyly as I had seen P'Phayu and P'Pai standing up the beach a bit with a smile on their faces. 

       "Come on, we're going to have a BBQ!" P'Pai said as they waved for us as Sky and I had looked at each other smiling as Sky had handed out his hand, looking down I grabbed his hand before looking back up smiling back at him as we walked our way to the villa.

Sky's POV

          "Aww, you're so stinking cute!" I said as I pinched Rain's cheeks as I leaned in and rubbed our noses together.

        "I think I'm going to be sick." I heard Prapai as Rain had pushed me away shyly all embarrassed.

            "Skyyyy…. P'Phayu and P'Pai are here." He whined as I had just pinched his cute chubby bunny like cheeks.

           "I don't care. I haven't seen you in almost a year. They can leave if they don't wanna see it." I said as I grabbed Rain's soft small hands as I lifted it to my cheek.

          "You have no shame." Phayu said as I had just shrugged looking all lovingly at Rain.

        "When it comes to my love for Rain, never." I said as Rain's face was all red as he pulled his hand away from mine.

       "Awe, babe." I said as I gave him the pouty eyes as he just looked away, face all blushed.

        "Anyways, since you're back. What are your plans?" I heard Phayu as I had looked over at them then back at Rain.

           "I'm going to build our dream home, wait for Rain to finish his internship and move out here with him." I said as I could see the sparkle in Rain's eyes like he was about to cry again.

        "Really?" He said all happily.

         "Mmm, plus…" I looked back at P'Phayu and P'Pai.

           "I'm up for that deal we made before I left. Let's make our own company. If it's with friends and Rain, them I'm confident in my choices." I said as P'Phayu and P'Pai looked at each other and smiled before looking back at me.

          "Then, we'll work things out While Rain finishes up his internship and make things official then." P'Pai said as Rain extremely excited as he jumped up from his seat. 

          "Come on, Sky…let's go celebrate." He said with a cheeky smile on his face as I had smiled widely getting up from my seat.

        "I'm out guys, my response ability calls." I said as they just smiled, shook their heads waving us off as I was pulled away from the table to mine and Rain's room to make love for the first time in almost a year.

       I've never thought that I'd end up falling for my best friend, let alone marrying him but here we are. Married and in love and building the future that we both dream of. One day at a time.

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