Chapter 4

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Phayu's POV

      "Are you sure you're not coming tonight?" My frat brother asked me. I'm not normally into these things, "I'm sure. I'm just going to get some work done tonight at the garage."
      "Ah, come on! There's tons of pretty freshmen. I'm sure that you can find someone to your liking." He said. Come to think of it, I had gotten a picture a few days ago of the freshmans this year as I had noticed one particular boy.
       I had remembered that dazzling smile as he had complimented me that day. He had really caught my attention as I knew there was something about him that attracted me to him.
         "On second thought, I'll be there." I said as I hung up the phone. This might be that one in a million chance to make him mine. I just smiled to myself shaking my head at the thought of him as I had just gone back to work.

Sky's POV

        Laying in bed as I layed on my side looking at a pretty Rain, soundly sleeping making my heart flutter. I lifted my hand as I had lightly caressed his cheek as he slightly groaned in his sleep. I quickly removed my hand as I had rolled over on my back placing my hand over my chest where my heart was pounding loudly unable to control it.
        "What's wrong with me?" I thought to myself as I soon was pulled out of my thoughts as Rain had woken up sitting in bed. I sat up as well looking over at a sleepy Rain lifting my hand as I had started fixing his nappy bed hair.
        "Why don't you sleep more, hmm?" You must be tired." I said as I then started gently rubbing his back.
        "I'm fine," he said as he leaned away from my touch as I had just lowered my hand feeling a bit hurt. "Am I really not that likable?" I thought to myself.
         "What time is it?" He turned to ask me as I had picked up my phone to look at the time.
         "It's a little after 7pm. Why?" I asked as he had stumbled out of bed grabbing his clothes as he had rushedly put them on running out of the room.
         "Where are you going?" I asked getting up out of bed after him as I had stopped him before he had opened the door.
         "The Seniors are throwing a get together and I'm running late." He said buttoning up his shirt.
       "Can you not go and stay with me tonight? It's late and it's raining pretty hard." I asked him but he shook his head.
      "I can't. The Seniors put this together for the freshmens. I can't be rude and not go." He said. I lowered my arm as I just nodded my head in defeat as he had just rushed out the door.
        My heart broke in two as I thought that I must just be a toy to him. I leaned up against the door as I slipped down the door to the floor lowering my head into my knees as I began to cry.

Rain's POV

        I felt bad for just fucking and dipping, but I just know that he doesn't feel the same. He must just be infatuated with my body instead of actually liking me.
       I shook my head to get away from my thoughts as I had just tried enjoying my evening with the Seniors.
       "Aren't you going to drink?" One of the Seniors asked me but I just shook my head.
      "I really shouldn't. I drove here." I politely declined. They just sighed as they had just continued drinking themselves and continued with their conversation.
      "Did P'Phayu really say that he was coming? That's so not like him, he never comes to these things." One of the Seniors said as I was interested in the conversation.
        "Who's P'Phayu?" I had asked with a slight smile on my face.
     "You don't know who P'Phayu is? Are you sure you're an Architecture major?" He asked as I was confused. We soon all was pulled away from the conversation as we heard a chime coming from the entrance of the restaurant. I had turned my head to be overturned with joy as I had remembered him from the other day.
          I quickly got up out of my seat with a huge smile plastered on my face as he had walked over to the table saying hi to the Seniors.
        "You're P'Phayu?" I said face beaming with excitement until….
       "Yes I am. I'm Phayu, how are you?" He said as he had acted like he didn't remember me.
        "Did he really forget me?" I had lowered my head in disappointment as he had walked on over to another table and sat down talking to his friends.
           I had sat back down in my seat as I had picked up a glass of beer and chugged it as I had then slammed it back down on the table.
        "Calm down, Rain. I thought you had to drive home?" One of the Seniors said but I just ignored him by just shaking it off. He just shrugged his shoulders as he had went back to the conversation he was having with another Senior as I had looked over at the table where P'Phayu was sitting as he was just smiling and enjoying himself.
       Throughout the whole night I just couldn't stop looking over at him. Like, why am I so mad that he forgot about me? I didn't understand at all as it was nearing the end of the night we had then gone separate ways after saying bye to everyone.
      It was pouring down rain, more than it was when I left Sky's dorm as I had sighed before putting my hand over my head before running over to my car. I quickly opened the door and got in as I had whipped myself off thinking that I could get the rain off.
      "Why am I so unlucky?" I thought as I had tried starting up my car but it wouldn't crank.
    "No, No!" I said aloud as I had tried one more time and still it wouldn't crank.
      "I'm really unlucky! With love and with cars!" I said as I had just started bagging my head up against the steering wheel as I had accidentally hit the horn and the horn went off. I had quickly jumped in surprise as I thought that today really couldn't get any worse.
     I had leaned my head up against the head rest of my car seat when I was then startled hearing a knock on my window. I quickly jotted up when I noticed it was P'Phayu as I rolled down my window.
          "I heard the horn from across the parking lot. You good?" He said. I shook my head as I pointed to the car.
         "I don't know what's wrong but it won't start." I told him. I was facing the dash of the car before I had turned my head as I then noticed that our faces were so close. My cheeks blushed as I had pulled away clearing my throat.
        "Open up the hood and I'll take a look." He said as I nodded and pushed the button opening the hood of the car. He walked over to the front of the car with me turning to grab my umbrella. I had gotten out of the car walking to the front where he was.
        "Do you know what's wrong with it?" I asked as I had moved the umbrella where both of us were being shielded from the rain.
         He leaned up looking at me, "You're going to need a tow truck." He looked back towards the car.
     "But it's raining heavily," he looked back at me again.
      "I don't think that you'll get a tow truck at this hour. You might have to leave it here." I shook my head. "No, I can't do that. My parents would kill me." I grabbed his arm. "Can't you help me?"
       He sighed as he had pulled my arm away as he closed the hood to the car. "I suppose I know a towing company that might be able to pick it up." He said. I smiled widely.
       "But it's expensive, can you pay the price?" He asked, facing me again.
          "I can pay any price, just please help me." I said eagerly.
          He took his phone out of his pocket, dialing up a number before placing it to his ear. A few seconds later he hung up putting his phone back in his pocket.
        "A tow truck is on its way." He said. I smiled happily as I had thanked him as I'm already in debt with him. 

        "Thanks for letting me use your shower and clothes" I said as I was drying my hair before looking around the room.
        "You live here?" I asked before shaking his head.
      "Nah, it's a room I have in my garage for when I work late, I can just crash here." I nodded my head as I sat down beside him still drying my hair as I soon then felt a small peak on my neck.
       "W..what are you doing?" I asked as I had jotted up from the bed holding onto my neck where he had kissed it. With no response he grabbed my hand and shoved me onto the bed with him hovering over me.
      "P'Phayu…what are you doing?" I asked as I had tried pushing him off of me but with no luck as he had leaned down and started kissing on my neck.
       I knew this was wrong as I had managed to push him away just enough so I could talk to him.
        "You tried seducing me? Didn't you not?" He asked as he had leaned in to kiss my neck again but I had finally managed to push him off of me onto the bed as I had jotted up from the bed.
       "You're wrong. I'm not trying to seduce you. I was just being appreciative that you got it all wrong." I said as he stood up from the bed grabbing a pillow and tossing it on the loveseat near the bed.
        "If you say so. Now, go to bed. I'm going to bed myself. Unless you prefer to sleep on the bed." He smirked. I shook my head walking over to the couch grabbing the pillow.
        " I'll sleep here." I said. He just smiled wider as he had climbed across the bed and rolled over like he was already passed out asleep.
          I had laid down on the couch as I soon began to start thinking about Sky. I had rolled over facing the back of the couch as I began missing him hugging the pillow thinking that it was him as I soon drifted off to sleep.

That Morning

       I had fluttered my eyes open due to the sunshine coming through the window as I had then realized that I had somehow winded up on Phayu's bed. I had turn to see him still asleep as I had lifted the blanket to make sure that I still had my clothes on and sighed in relief when I seen that I was still fully clothed.
       "All because we have our clothes on doesn't mean that nothing didn't happen." I heard as I had turned to see P'Phayu close to my face as I had panicked before falling out of the bed. I had quickly gotten up rubbing my sore behind as I had looked at him with a pissed off expression on my face.
        "What did you do to me?" I asked as I lifted my arms covering my body. I started to feel bad as I thought about Sky and thinking about how bad of a person I was for sleeping in another man's bed.
       He got up out of bed leaning in with a smirk on his face, "Absolutely nothing." He backed away laughing as I was pissed as I had quickly ran over to the door about to leave as he walked in front of it putting one hand on the door preventing me from opening it.
       "How rude of you to seduce me, then just bounce," he said as he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. My cheeks flushed as I soon was pissed off at myself as I had gotten myself in this situation before prying the door open from him and ran off as I had called up a taxi heading home.

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