Chapter 12

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Sky's POV

       "Are you sure that this is gonna work?" I asked as we had reached our hotel by the beach.
      "Yes, he texted me back as soon as I sent it." He lifted his phone as I indeed saw a text from Rain. A small smile formed on my lips.
       "Look at you getting all happy." He said as I had lifted my hand and slightly slapped him on the arm.
        "Ow!" He whined out as we both just chuckled.
        "Do you think P'Phayu will actually follow Rain?" I asked as his smile dropped from his face.
       "I'm not sure. I hope he does." He said as he looked away.
        "Let's go get checked in." He said as he turned and grabbed his bag, but also grabbed mine as we walked up to the front desk.
         "I'm here for a reservation." He told the front desk clerk as she had smiled as she had looked up the name then turned and gave us the keys.
         He turned towards me, "I got separate rooms. Just in case, well you know." He smirked a bit as I had slightly hit his arm again.
        "Shut up…" I said in embarrassment as he had just chuckled giving me my room key.
          "Are you sure you'll be able to carry your bag?" He asked as I had just smiled as I had grabbed my bag from him.
        "I'm not that incapable." I said as I had turned to walk my way to my room.
        I had reached my room as I had unlocked the door with the key, opening the door as I had sat my bag down by the entrance as I had walked over to my bed just plopping down on it as I let out a sigh. Will Rain really come for me?

Prapai's POV

       I had made my way to my room, as I had taken the key and opened the door, tossing my bag on the floor as I had gone over and just plopped down on the bed.
        "Should I invite Sky to go eat? It's lunch time and he should be hungry." I thought as I had reached and grabbed my phone out of my pocket as I had called him up.
        After a few rings, he picks up. "Wanna go grab some lunch?" I asked as I heard the excitement in his voice.
        "Definitely, I'll freshen up and meet you out by the lobby." He said as he hung up the phone.
         "Should I dress nice just in case Phayu shows up?" I had shook my head as I'm not completely sure if he'll show up or not as I had just gotten freshened up myself.  

         We met up in the lobby when I had asked him what he wanted to eat.
         "Uh, anything is fine." He said as I had just shook my head.
          "It's my treat. So whatever you're craving, I'm all for it."
           "Really?" He beamed, "Hmm, then I want to eat something that has a good view." He said and I smiled.
          "Then I know the perfect place." I said as I had grabbed his hand as we made our way to the perfect scenic restaurant of the ocean.
          We were seated by our waiter as I turned towards him, "How's this?"
         "Perfect." He said in awe as he was enjoying the view as the waiter had brung us some water. He asked for our order.
           "I'll take the seafood special." He said as he gave the waiter his menu as I had ordered the same. The waiter had bowed as he had taken the menus and walked away.
           "It's so pretty." He said as he had continued to look out at the sea in amazement as I had taken out my phone from my pocket as I had snuck a picture of him.
         "Hey, don't be taking pictures!" He said as he had tried reaching for the phone but I had moved it away out of his reach.
         "I'm going to send it to Rain to tease him." I said as I was sending the picture, Sky had reached across the table taking the phone but not with him losing his balance as I had reached up to help him as I heard a familiar voice.
          "Don't touch him!" I heard as we both had turned our heads to seeing Rain as he had stormed over, pushing me away and grabbed Sky.
         "He's mine!" He said as we both looked a bit shocked as he had turned walking away, dragging Sky away with him.
       I had soon noticed that Phayu was standing where they had entered as he had turned about to leave as I had ran up to him.
        "Let him go." I said as he turned towards me giving me a screw off look before pulling his hand away and walked off. I ran after him.
       "It isn't gonna be any good if you keep chasing after him." I said as he had stopped and quickly turned towards me with a pissed off expression on his face.
        "What happened to you chasing after Sky? Why did you try encouraging me to go after Rain? And now you want me to let him go easily?" I knew he was pissed.
       "I…I didn't expect you to. I mainly said those things, because I wanted to make you jealous and make you notice me." He looked at me confused.
       "What the hell are you talking about?"
         "I love you, Phayu. I've always loved you." I reached for his hand, holding it in mine but he just pulled away.
         "You're fucking crazy." He said as he was about to walk off as I had thrown my arms around his waists in a tight embrace.
          "I've always had my eyes on you. Everything I've done was to make you notice me. But didn't matter what I did, you never looked my way." I said but he just pushed my arms off of him as he had angrily turned to face me.
           "You're saying, you being a play boy and fucking around was a way to get me to notice you?" He looked confused.
           "Y..yes. I thought I could get you to notice me and make you jealous." I said but was so pissed that I didn't know what to do.
         "How about just letting me know how you feel instead of doing shit like that?" He yelled.
       "I…I didn't want to ruin our friendship and make things awkward. I thought you would know the hints everytime I bragged."
       "How could I have known? Who brags about the people they sleep with just for the hell of it? How could you even call that love?!"
       "Phayu, please. I've changed. I really wanna prove my love to you." He only shook his head.
        "You better think long and hard on how you're going to do that. It's not going to be easy." He said as he had turned and walked off.
         I could feel my heart break in two as I could feel tears stream down my face. "How can I make you believe me?" I had whispered to myself as I had left the restaurant after leaving money for the food that wasn't even out yet, as I had walked to the beach as I had a lot to think about.

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