Chapter 15

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Prapai's POV

        After the dinner, Phayu and I had just walked along the beach, hand in hand as we just talked a bit.
      "So..uh, when did you know that you had feelings for me?" He asked as I had stopped walking as he did the same as I turned towards him and him turning towards me confused.
       "It was at first site. I didn't even know if you like guys or not back then. I was scared so I hid it." I said as he had smacked me on my shoulder. I lifted my hand to rub where he hit me, confused.
        "I'm still not over the fact that you became a playboy just to get my attention." He said as I had just pulled him into a tight embrace.
        "I'm sorry. I just didn't want to lose you, even if it meant that we stayed friends." I said as I could feel him lift his arms as he hugged me back.
       "I wish that you would have told me. Maybe we could have figured things out then." He said as he had pulled away looking at me.
       "But, I guess that I could look past it since it is the past." He said as I smiled happily as I had slightly leaned in to kiss him but stopped midway.
      He had grabbed my neck, looking into my eyes, "If you're going to kiss me, just do it." He said as he had pulled me in kissing me then pulled away.
      "It's getting a bit chilly." He said as I had just shook my head and chuckled.
      "What's so funny?"
        I shook my head, "Nothing babe." I grabbed his hand.
         "Come on, we can go back to the hotel. Do you have a room? I can walk you to your room." He only shook his head no.
        "I came here in a rush, then things happened and I tried looking for you. I didn't have time to book one."
        "Then…you can sleep with me in my room." I said with a smile on my face as I saw his face becoming a bright red.
       "I…I don't know.."
         "It's fine. I don't mind sharing a room." I said as I nodded my in confirmation as he had then nodded his head back in response.
        "Okay…" he said as we had then started to walk our way back to the hotel.

Phayu's POV

         We had made it back to his hotel room, as we both had showered and were sitting on the edge of the bed.
          "So, uh, I'll sleep on the sofa." I said as I was still drying my hair until Prapai stopped me and I looked at him confused.
        "Dry your hair better or you'll get sick." He said as he started to dry my hair for me and I could just feel my heart throb.
        "There, all done." He said as he had lifted the towel from my eyes as we had locked eyes. My heart started pounding even faster in my chest.
        "T..thanks.."I said as I had reached for the towel to turn away but he had stopped me. I could feel my cheeks start to burn.
       Soon, he leaned in and kissed me. Not long after the kiss got a bit heated as he had tossed the towel to the floor, pushing me down on the bed and hovering over me not breaking the kiss once.
        I had lifted my hands wrapping them around his neck as he deepened the kiss as he bit my lower lip asking for entrance as I had opened my mouth and he explored my cavern tongues all intertwined together.
       He then broke away from the kiss, going over to my ears licking them and nibbling on them before heading to my neck, leaving love marks.
      Leaning up he took his shirt off, then reached towards the hem of my shirt. I sat up a bit, enough for him to take off my shirt then tossing it to the floor as he leaned in and attacked my lips in a heated kiss again.
       He left my lips and went to my neck then made his way to my chest as he kissed his way to one of my nipples, licking and sucking on it as he played with the other with his hand.
           "Mmm…" I moaned as he then made his way to my torso, lifting his hands to my pants button but I stopped him.
         He looked up at me with a bit of a worried and confused expression.
         "I…I don't think that I'm ready for this." I said as he had removed his hand from my pants sighing and looked down before looking back up at me with a smile on his face.
        "It's okay. I can wait." He said as he had rolled over off my laying down as he had patted the pillow neck to him.
        "How about cuddles?" He asked as I nodded my head as I slid up the bed laying my head on Prapai's arm as he had taken his other arm and wrapped it around me.
         "I'm sorry." I said as he had thought that he might have been mad at me but he just shook his head.
         "It's okay, babe. I understand and can wait til you're ready. Let's just get some sleep." He said as I nodded my head and cuddled into him more as I could feel my eyes get heavy, soon falling into a deep sleep.

Sky's POV

        Rain and I were just laying in bed in our hotel room just watching a bit of tv and chatting.
        "I don't wanna go home!" He whined as I had just chuckled.
         "Babe, we can't stay here forever. We have to go back to school." I said as he had then jumped up in bed looking at me.
       "Sky….can't we stay just one more day?" He gave me pouty eyes as I just chuckled more sitting up in bed and grabbing his hands.
          "We can't. We have school. But, I'll make a deal with you." He quickly perked up as he was all smiley waiting for me to speak.
        "We can come back after our freshman year is up?" I said as he did a little jump and hugged me tightly.
         "Really?!" I just chuckled more at his cuteness as I hugged him back.
           "Mmm." He had pulled away from the hug as he leaned in and kissed me.
           "I love you!" He said all happily as he had laid back down down and I had followed by lifting his head to put his head on my shoulder as we had cuddled.
           "Sky?" He said under a bit of a hushed tone as I could tell that he was slowly getting sleepy.
            "Can we move out here one day? I think that it'll be a perfect place for us to grow old together." I couldn't help the tears in my eyes as I didn't expect Rain to want to spend the rest of his life with me.
          "Of course." I said as I leaned up and saw that he was already fast asleep as I had reached to turn off the TV and lamp, turning to kiss him on his forehead, "I love you too," I said as I cuddled into him and went off to sleep myself.

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