Chapter 18

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Prapai's POV

        Our little vacation has been going really well, as Phayu just keeps showing me a side of him that I've never seen before, and it just makes me fall in love with him all over again.
       "Prapai, we leave soon. Are there any special memories that you wish to make before we leave?" He asked with a huge smile on his face, as I could feel my heart thump loudly in my chest.
       "I do as a matter of fact. Later tonight I have a special reservation for us." He looked at me a bit confused but I couldn't help but to think about how cute he is.
          "Special reservation? What's the special occasion?"
         "Don't worry about it babe, you'll know later tonight. And you must wear the suit that I got you as well." I said as I went and took the suit that I had bought the day that I had bought the ring.
         "I actually have to go and make sure everything is almost done being prepared for, so I'll be back to pick you up in a while, so make sure that you're ready." I said with a smile as I had put the suit in the bed, leaning in and kissing his cheek before I had left the hotel to go check on things.

Phayu's POV

            I had finished getting ready as I heard my phone go off to see that it was a text from him.
      'Come down to the lobby when you're ready, I'll be waiting for you.' It read as I had adjusted myself to make sure I was presentable as I was feeling a bit nervous for this "special reservation" he mentioned earlier as I had left the room after grabbing the key and took off to the lobby where Prapai was waiting.

          We finally got to where we were supposed to go, as he had gotten out of the lemon, handing out his hand for mine as I reached for it as I had gotten out of the car as I noticed that we were by one rivers as I turned to look at him confused.
           "Why are we here?" I asked in confusion as he had smiled and pointed to a yacht as I still was a bit confused.
              "We're eating there." He said as he guided me to a dock where there was a small boat waiting with life jackets as I'm still confused as to what all of this meant.
            He had grabbed the life jacket as he helped me out on mine before putting on his as he got into the boat handing me his hand as he helped me into the boat.
       Soon we reached the yacht as he had gotten out of the boat, taking off his life jacket, then helping me out of the boat and taking off the life jacket as he had grabbed my hand walking me over to a table that was lit with candles and what looked like a special made dinner just for the two of us.
       He had pulled out the chair as I had sat down as he then walked over to the other end of the table also sitting before looking up at me with a smile.
       "Surprised?" He asked as I nodded.
         "Definitely. Like, what's with all of this anyways? With the limo and a yacht and a fancy dinner? Haven't we been just enjoying the scenery and quality time together?" I asked as I was still confused as his smile just dropped a bit.
       "I just wanted to do something like this before we left. Should I not have?" He looked a bit hurt as I then felt a bit quilty, shaking my head.
         ", Pai. I'm sorry, I'm just not used to all of this." I said as I had looked around a bit as I avoided eye contact with him.
        "It's okay. I'll treat you like this all the time. Maybe not so extravagant, since it seems to make you uncomfortable." He said with a slight smile as he reached across the table putting his hand on mine.
       "Let's eat before it gets cold. I have another surprise afterwards." I just nodded as I didn't want to hurt him more as we had then ate our dinner in somewhat of a silence.
        After dinner, he had gotten up from the table as he handed his hand out to me as I had grabbed it, as we walked over to the side of the boat just looking up at the beautiful night sky.
        "It's beautiful." I said with a smile as I felt him let go of my hand as he then wrapped his arms around me as he was standing behind me with his hand leaned up on my shoulder as I had leaned into his embrace.
       "It really is." He said as I was enjoying the night sky with his arms around me until I felt him remove his arms as I was a bit confused to turning around and seeing him kneeled down on one knee with a box open and a ring shining bright as I was a bit shocked.
           "Phayu, I know you might be too sudden, but I've loved you since day one. And I know that I've done things that's unforgivable, but you gave me a chance anyway and it made me the happiest man. I just want to forget all the bad things, and just think about the beautiful future, and I hope that we can share that together. I love you, Phayu. Will you marry me?"
        I was lost for words and started to feel a bit choked up a bit as I could get the words to escape from my mouth as I could do was nod my head in a yes response as I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes as I jumped a bit as I then heard fireworks as Prapai jumped up from his spot, putting the ring on my finger before kissing me then pulling me into a tight embrace.
        I couldn't help but think that marrying my best friend would be the least thing on my mind until this day came and now, this is probably one of the happiest day of my life.
       Soon Prapai had pulled away from the embrace, "I'll love you and only you." He said as he then pulled me into a kiss.
      I had given in as I had started to kiss him back as he then pulled away, grabbing my hand and pulled me to the other side of the yacht where there was something like a sofa as he had pushed me down, taking off his shirt and throwing it aside as he got down hoovering me.
      I had smiled as I had leaned up a bit, taking off my shirt as well tossing it to the side as I had grabbed him by the neck pulling him into a kiss again as things soon got a bit heated as he started to kiss down my neck to my torso making his way to my pants as he unbuttoned them taking them and my underwear off exposing my hard erection tossing the pants aside as he started to play and stroke my dick a bit.
       "Mmm.." I moaned out a bit as I soon felt his nice wet mouth around my dick as he soon started to suck me off, as I threw my head back as my fingers had ran through his hair.
         "P..Prapai…" I moaned out as he had fastened his pace as I could feel my toes curl before he had then leaned up before I could cum, leaning up and kissing me again as I had pulled away from the kiss, licking his fingers before putting in one into my hole, followed by a second then a third as he had started stretching my hole as he had leaned in kissing me as he started to finger fuck me with me moaning into the kiss.
         Breaking away from the kiss and removing his fingers from my hole, he had unbuttoned his own pants pulling them down along with his underwear, pulling them off and tossing them aside as he had positioned himself by my hole as he had grabbed my hips lifting them a bit as he then shoved his whole dick into my ass as a slight moan escaped my lips as he slowly started moving in and out of me.
         "I love you, Phayu." He said as he leaned in kissing me as he started to pick up the pace, thrusting in me a bit faster as I moaned into the kiss until he had pulled away until I grabbed a hold of his neck making him look at me.
         "I love you too, Prapai." I said as a smile spread widely across his face as he leaned in kissing me again as his thrusts got deeper and faster in me as I had a hand wrapped around his back with my nails digging into his back.
        He soon stopped as pulled out, as he then positioned me up against the rail of the boat with me grabbing onto the rails and my knees up on the bed like sofa as he then shoved himself all the way back in as he started pounding me harder and faster.
        I threw my head back in ecstasy, as he grabbed a hold of my neck, turning my head a bit to kiss my lips and made his way to my neck leaving love bites all over as he didn't miss not one beat as he continued thrusting fast and deep at a steady pace as he then reached around the front of me grabbing my hard throbbing dick as he started stroking me while pounding my ass making me into a complete moaning mess.
        "F…fuck.." I moaned out as I soon felt close to my climax as I had soon cummed into his hand with him soon cumming into my ass as he had leaned over me for a bit as we both had to catch our breaths as he then pulled out, laying on the bed like sofa as I had then laid down next to him while laying on his arm cuddled up to him.
        "I'm the happiest man alive." He said as he leaned down kissing my forehead as I looked up at him.
            "And I'm glad that I'm the reason that you're happy. I love you, Prapai." I said as I leaned up kissing him on his lips before laying back down again on his arm cuddled up to him.
        "I love you too, Phayu." He said as I felt another kiss on my forehead before I had then dozed off into deep sleep.

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