Chapter 16

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Rain's POV

             It's now our Sophomore year and Sky and I are doing amazing. I had started to help him with all his extra work as a quality time for us to spend together more but still manage to go on little dates when we're free. That trip literally was life changing.
           "Sky! Wait for me!" I yelled out as I had a handful of supplies for the upcoming event.  I had tried catching up with him but he was just too fast as I had managed to drop everything. 
        He finally stopped and turned towards me, "Babe, I told you not to carry more than you can handle." He said as he walked towards me bending down helping me to pick up the supplies.
         "I just wanted to help. And the faster we get things done, we can go on that date you promised me for getting a good grade on my project." I said with sad pouty eyes as he had just smiled and chuckled, lifting his head to flick me on my forehead.
          "Ouch!" I winced as I lifted my hand to my forehead, rubbing it to ease the pain.
          "We're still going out tonight. Chill. There isn't much left to do but the next few days after tomorrow are going to be busy so we might not get to go on any dates until after the event." He said as we both had gotten up as he had a hold of some of the supplies so I wasn't carrying so much.
          "But I can sleep over at your place! I can just tell mom that I'll be busy and she'll understand!" I said as he had just smiled and shook his head.
           "Are you sure that's the only reason why you wanna stay at my place?" He leaned in close as I could feel my heart start to pound fast and my cheeks burned.
        "I…I don't know what you're talking about." I said as I had walked past him as I had then seen too familiar people ironically at the University.
        "P'Phayu! P'Pai!" I said as they walked over, waving.
         "Sky, why are you letting this fragile thing carry heavy stuff?" He asked as he had reached up to crap the boxes with the supplies in it as I had backed away a bit.
        "He didn't make me do anything. I volunteered to help." I said as Sky came over holding the smaller box in one hand and throwing his other arm around my shoulders.
          "I tried telling him, but he was being stubborn." He said as he had smiled looking down at me as I had slightly nudged him in his side.
         "And why are you worried about it for? I'm sure Sky has things under control." Prapai had said crossing his arms but Phayu had wrapped his arms around him giving a sweet Loving look on his face.
         "Stop being jealous. I was just worried for my junior. That's all. Nothing else." He said as Prapai just nodded his head.
        "Anyways, what are you guys doing here?" Sky asked I had shook my head in agreement cause I was just as curious.
        "I'm actually here to help some Juniors and teachers with the upcoming event. Then a few weeks from now, Prapai and I are actually going on a trip."
       "No way! Where too?" I said all perky.
        "We're going to China for a couple of months." Prapai said as Phayu and Prapai looked at each other with a loving gaze.
        "Awe!" I turned towards Sky, "Can't we go on another trip? I've been craving to go back to the beach." I tried reasoning with him but he just shook his head.
        "Babe, we just got back from the beach before our Sophomore year started. Can't you wait for a while? Maybe we can visit Father soon." He said as I had lowered my head in disappointment.
         Soon I had ran off, with supplies as I had started to tear up and I didn't want Phayu and Prapai looking at my ugly tear stained face.

Prapai's POV

          "I feel bad for Rain. Too bad we can't ask them to go." Phayu said as I had stopped in my tracks as Phayu did the same.
        "What's wrong, Pai?" He asked as he looked at me confused.
        "Don't tell me that you still have feelings for him." He just sighed as he shook his head no.
       "No. I consider him as a junior and a friend."
       "You sure?" I asked as I was feeling a bit jealous.
        "Babe, really? It's been how long now since we've started dating and you're still jealous over Rain? I have no feelings for him and he and Sky look so much in love, how could you still be jealous?" He said as he pulled my hand from me and walked off.
       "I can't help it…it took so long to get you, that I don't want to ever lose you." I had said as I had shook my head feeling guilty as I had ran off after him.

Sky's POV

          I didn't mean to make Rain cry, just I thought that we could go at the end of our Sophomore year, so that I could propose to him and show him the house that I've been designing for us to move into after we graduate.
         I had finally found Rain, standing in the room where we store our supplies in, crying. I could feel my heart break in two as I had slowly walked up behind him slightly lifting my hand on his shoulder.
        "Rain…" I didn't finish my sentence as he had turned around throwing his arms around my neck in a tight embrace.
        "I'm sorry…" he said as I had slowly pulled him away from me, cupping his face in my hands as I had used my thumbs to wipe his face.
        "It's okay, babe. I understand how you feel about the beach. But, I promise that we'll go again one day, but right now let's focus on school, hmm? We can always go visit father to keep him company and go on plenty of dates." I said as he sniffled a bit, nodding his head.
         "I'll make a deal with you, if you behave, I'll take you to the beach when it's time for our vacation. Hmm? I wanted to do it after our Sophomore year but I guess I could push it up a bit. We have vacation time soon, like 3 months, maybe we can go then. How about that?" He instantly perked up grabbing my arm.
          "Really? You really mean it?" He said so happily as he had then started jumping up and down.
          "Okay, my little Kangaroo. Calm down." I said as he nodded his head.
          "Come on, looks like we finished early, let's go on that date love? Then we can stop by your house to pack some clothes so you can stay for a few days." I said as he beamed and didn't even say a word as he had pulled me out of the storage area as we made our way to his car to go enjoy our little date.

Prapai's POV

            I had got home from taking Phayu home as it's been a few days since I've been home.
         "Finally home for once I see." My sister nagged as I had just rolled my eyes.
         "Been enjoying yourself with P'Phayu lately, huh?" My brother teased me as I had just ignored him as I had started to go up to my room to be stopped by my mother.
         "Where's my handsome son-in-law?" She asked as she looked behind me to frown in disappointment.
        "He's home. I came to get a few things and pack up my bags so I don't have to come back to pack them when we leave." I said as I was going to walk past her up the stairs to be stopped.
       I looked at her confused, "When are you proposing to my son-in-law?"
      "I have planned to do it on our trip away." She beamed in happiness.
       "Good, I had a wedding to plan!" She beamed as she then turned and walked off. I had just shook my head a bit as I had thought that maybe my mom likes Phayu more than me. I had just smiled as I had made my way up the stairs to my room to pack my bags, and get the important essentials.

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