Chapter 6

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Phayu's POV

      I was busy with work trying to do maintenance on the bikes before the next race as I soon felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see my friend smiling from ear to ear as I stood up wiping my hands off.
      "What's with you?" I said as he just shook his head.
      "Something good happened to me and it's all thanks to you." He said still with that stupid smile on his face.
       "Me? What's it got to do with me?" I asked confused.
           "That friend of that boy of yours." I was still confused.
         "He's not my boy, yet. But I don't know anything about that friend of his you're talking about."
         "Yet. See, you're already head over heels for him." I had just smiled, shaking my head.
        "Anyway, what are you here for? Just to brag?"
       "Nah, I also came by to see how you're doing with bikes. Ready for the next race?"
       "It's going fine. I'm just checking up and doing maintenance." I said as my phone went off.
          "Hello?" I answered.
         "We're having a slight problem at the site and need you." My boss said over the phone.
        "Alright, I'll be right there." I said as I hung up the phone.
        "Prapai, I'll talk to you later. I have an emergency at work." I told him as I waved bye to him as I had ran to my car and drove off.

Sky's POV

       Walking into class, I had seen an all smiley Rain just chatting away with Sig and the rest of our friends. I had tried fixing the collar of my shirt to try and hide any visible marks on my neck as I had walked over to my desk, sitting down.
      I reached in my backpack grabbing out my notebook and pen as I had sat my backpack on the ground next to my desk as I soon felt a hand on my shoulder.
       "Sky, I'm glad to see that you're okay. I'm sorry for leaving you behind." Rain said with a smile on his face.
        I just nodded my head as I had then turned in my seat facing the front but not long as Rain had turned me back around facing him with a serious look on his face.
        "Where'd you get that?" I gave him a confused look but I know that he knows me better than that.
        He had quickly gotten up from his seat as he grabbed my hand pulling me up out of my seat as he had dragged me off into the hallway.
        He pulled down my collar on my shirt and pointed to one of the hickies on my neck.
       "That, Sky! That hickey on your neck!" I lifted my hand covering it as he looked at me pissed.
           "I know damn well, that hickey didn't come from me. Who did that to you?!" Almost literally screaming as I had covered his mouth but not with him removing my hand.
        "Tell me, Sky. Are you dating someone and didn't tell me?" He asked, this time he looked at me like he was hurt. I really didn't want to tell him, but I can't lie to him either.
      "No." I shook my head.
       "No, what?"
       "No, I'm not dating anyone." I lowered my head in guilt.
        "Then, what? Are you just sleeping around with random men now?"
       "It's not like that, Rain.'s hard to explain, but I had no choice."
       "No choice, huh?" He said just nodding his head as I saw tears roll down his face. My heart broke in two as I felt bad for doing this to him. But did I really have a choice? If I didn't agree to do what I did that night, things could have gone wrong and my least worries bout myself I didn't care about. I was more worried about what would happen to him.
         "I'm sorry, Rain…I'm.." I lifted my hand to try and soothe his crying but he just pushed my hand away and ran away.
       I wanted to so desperately go after him, pull him into my arms and tell him everything and tell him that it meant nothing, and that I thought it was the best choice at the time, but I guess that I was wrong.
       I stood there with tears in my eyes as I had hated seeing him like this.
      "You fucked up, Sky." I told myself as I had just stood there as I watched his figure slowly disappear in the distance.

Rain's POV

       I never thought that Sky was the type to do such a thing. My heart was broken as I had not realized that I was standing outside of P'Phayu's place in the pouring rain.
       I lifted my phone as I had realized that I didn't have P'Phayu's number when someone I didn't really recognize came running out the house with an umbrella as he had grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the house.
       "You must be Rain, I'm Saifah. Phayu's younger brother. You can go up to his room and wait. I'll give him a call." He told me as he pointed to where the room was. I bowed to thank him as I had walked my way up the stairs to his room.

         It's been about an hour since I had been sitting on the floor by the bed so that I didn't get his bed wet. Not long 30 more minutes went by and I saw the door open seeing Phayu standing by the door. He slowly walked over, kneeling down lifting his arms.
        I got up as I threw my arms around him, crying onto his shoulder. I have no idea how or why I wound up here, but I didn't know anyone else to go to.
        He slowly backed away looking up at me as he lifted his hands to my face as he wiped the tears from my face.
        "What's wrong? What made you so sad? Hmm?" He asked. I looked up, shaking my head as he got up from his spot, walking over to the closet grabbing a towel before walking over towards me handing it to me.
         "Take a shower so that you don't get sick. We can talk about it afterwards. Okay?"
      I nodded my head as I had taken the towel and got up walking to the bathroom to shower.

       Walking out of the shower, I walked over and sat in the bed drying my hair until Phayu came over taking the towel from me drying my hair for me.
      "Feel better?" He asked and I nodded my head in response.
        "You ready to tell me who or what made you this sad?"
         I sighed as I turned to look at him, "It's my friend." He looked at me a bit confused.
         "What about him?"
          "He slept with another man." I said. He looked at me a bit confused.
         "What does that have to do with you? Why are you upset about your friend sleeping with another man? He's able to sleep with who he wants, right?" He asked. I had stopped him from drying my hair before I turned away.
         He lifted his hands to my face as he lifted my face up so that I was looking at him.
       "Because why, Rain?"
        "Him and I, have been sleeping together." He slowly let go of my face as I couldn't understand the look on his face as he just smiled.
       "How long have you two been sleeping together?"
        "It's been awhile. It hasn't really led to anything. But I couldn't take the pain in my heart when I found out that he slept with someone else." I said as I could feel the tears forming in my eyes again.
        "Do you like your friend?" He asked me. I had to think for a moment before I could answer him.
        I looked up at him, teary eyed. "I think that I've fallen for him. But I'm not sure how he feels about me." I started to cry again as Phayu wrapped his arms around me giving me a hug.
          "You won't know unless you talk to him and ask him. Try letting him know how you feel, and see if he cares. You won't know until you try." He said as I had nodded my head as he caressed my hair.
       He slowly pulled away as he pushed my hair back behind my ear before smiling looking at me, "Stay the night here. It's late and raining. You're welcome to sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch." He said before getting up from the bed grabbing a pillow and small blanket before laying down on the couch.
       "You can sleep on your bed and I'll sleep on the couch." I said walking over to him, grabbing his arm.
        He looked up at me and smiled, "I'm fine. Get some sleep, you must be tired." He said as he had rolled over facing the back of the couch. I had smiled to myself knowing that I had someone like P'Phayu to talk to as I had walked over to the bed getting in and dozing off fast asleep.

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