Chapter 2

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Sky's POV

      I rolled over as I had lifted my arm where I had thought Rain would be as I felt the spot empty. I opened my eyes to see an empty spot where Rain once was as I had sat up in bed rubbing my eyes as I looked around the room as I didn't see him or even his clothes where they were once on the floor. Confused, I got up out of bed putting on my pants as I walked into the living room and there was no sign of him.

       "Maybe he went to go get some food?" I thought to myself as I had gone to get my phone on the nightstand to call him. 

       I lifted my phone to my after dialing up Rain as I waited for him to pick up. No response as the phone had just gone to his voicemail so I hung up and dialed again. Still, no response as this time I had left a voicemail but still unpleased as I had just decided to leave him a text as I had sat my phone back down heading into the bathroom with a towel to take a shower. 

        After my shower, I walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied around my waist as I had picked up my phone off my bed to check my phone. But still, Rain had not read my text at all.

          "Maybe he's just busy." I tried telling myself not to think too much into it. 

          I got dressed as I had gone to grab our project, noticing that it was completed already. 

         "He completed the whole thing by himself?" I thought to myself as a small smile swept across my face and I had gathered up the project and left the door to head to class. 

         I had finally got to school as I walked through the door to my classroom but soon was sad to see that Rain was not in class today. I had walked over to my seat sitting in my desk which was next to Rain's as I looked at the empty seat. My heart began to hurt as I had to begin to think that something was wrong.

         I turned to Sig to ask, "Have you seen Rain today?" He only shook his head. 

        "I haven't seen him, but I heard that he called out today saying he was sick." Was all he said. I just nodded my head turning back in my seat. 

         "He's sick? Then why didn't he just stay at my place and get some rest? Where did he run off to?" I thought to myself as I was just absent minded throughout the whole class period. 

Rain's POV

         "Why am I the one running away when I was the one who wanted it in the first place?" I thought to myself as I pulled the blanket up to my face in frustration. 

        "How can I possibly face him?" The images from last night replay in my head as I can't get his perfect soft lips off of mind as my cheeks burned just thinking about him. 

        I quickly sat up in bed as I had thought that I should just get up from bed to maybe go somewhere to try and get him off my mind. 

           I grabbed my keys to the car as I had ran out the house yelling out after my mom that I'm heading out before I got into the car and drove off. 

              Thump, thump, my car started to make a weird noise as I had pulled over to the side of the road to check to see what the noise was. I turned on my hazard lights as I put the car in park getting out of the car to see a flat tire. 

           "Great, now what am I supposed to do?" I thought to myself as I had kicked the car tire as I had leaned into my car picking up my phone. 

          "Who am I supposed to call in this situation? I have no one to call." I sighed as I had gone through my phone but knew no one to help.  I had just tossed my phone back into the car in frustration leaning up against the car. 

           Few seconds later, it started to downpour as I had just smacked my lips in annoyance quickly getting back into the car. I grabbed a power towel I had in the middle club department as I had wiped myself off soon after hearing a knock on the window. I turned to see a stranger on a bike as I had rolled down my window just enough to talk to him. 

         "Do you need help?" He asked as I had just nodded my head. 

        "Yeah, I seem to have a flat tire but I don't know how to change it." I said. He looked back over his shoulder to take a look before turning back to me. 

         "I can help you." He said as he had pulled his bike up in front of my car and walked back over to my window. 

         "Pop the trunk." He said walking over to the back end of the car. I turned to push the button to open the trunk as I had looked up in my rearview mirror looking at the man in it. 

         He opened the trunk of the car as I had turned to reach for the umbrella in my backseat before getting out of the car. He had already started taking off the tire as I walked up beside him holding up the umbrella for him to help shield him from the rain. 

          He turned to look at me, "Go back and sit in the car so that you don't get wet. I got it from here." He turned back working on taking off the tire as I didn't budge.

         "I don't know how to thank you enough. I didn't really know who to call. And I know that I'm not much of help but at least I can cover you from the rain." I told him as he had stopped what he was doing looking back up at me. 

         I smiled at him, "Though, is there else I could help you with besides just shielding you from the rain?" I asked him as he picked up his helmet that was on the ground handing it to me. 

       "You could hold this for me." He said. I reached for the helmet as he had turned back to finish changing out the spare tire.


        Few minutes later, he had finished swapping out the tire as he had put the tools back into the trunk, turning to me and pulling down the bandana from his face. His eyes sparkled in the rain as he smiled at me.

       "Okay, you can run along now. I want to go home too." He said but I was stunned at how handsome this stranger was. Now don't get me wrong I'm normally not the type to easily compliment someone but I'll make an exception since he helped me out today. 

         "You're really handsome." I told him with a smile. He smiled back and my cheeks blushed.

        "Thank you for the compliment. But I really would like to go. I don't want to get sick and you shouldn't either." He said holding out his hand. I looked a bit confused as I realized that I was still holding his helmet. 

       "Oh, um yeah sorry." I smiled, handing his helmet as I watched him walk off back to his bike and took off. 

        I smiled as I had made my way back to my car, folding down the umbrella sitting it in the passenger seat as I had gotten back into my car. 

         "I would have been stranded here if it wasn't for that good stranger. I should thank him probably next time we happen to meet again." I smiled as I had put my car in gear and drove off to wherever I may end up. 


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