Chapter 21

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Sky's POV

       "What are you doing? Go after him!" Prapai said as I nodded my head as I had taken off to go look for Rain.
         I literally looked everywhere and not a sight of him as I remembered the beach. Since we decided to get married by the beach I instantly ran to the beach as I had seen Rain sitting in the sand with his head in his lap.
       I knew he must have been crying as I had walked over towards him, sitting down beside him as I had lifted my hand to his shoulder as I felt him jump a bit as he looked up at me with red eyes.
        "Babe…" I said as I had lifted my hand to wipe his tear stained face as he had moved his head away.
          "This is exactly why I didn't tell you. I knew how you would react, and I just couldn't stand seeing you like this. I had wanted to take you on a small vacation to tell you. Prapai told me to ask you to go with me, but you had the internship at Phayu's company and I knew you were happy and I didn't want to take that from you." I said as he then looked up at me as I lifted my hand to wipe his tears away.
          "You could still have told me, I would have been sad, but we could have worked it out. I'm not in college anymore, I think that I can handle these things. You have to stop babying me, and let me make adult choices." He said as I soon started to tear up. I know he's grown up a lot, but he's still my baby boy.
              "I know, and you're right. But I like babying you. But I suppose you're right and I'm glad that you're wanting to make adult choices." I said as I lifted my hand to caress his hair.
            "Then, I'll let you choose. You can come with me, or you can stay and do your internship and wait til I get back after a year."
          He turned towards me and grabbed both my hands and looked at me.
          "It's just a year. And it's not like we're in different countries. When we get breaks we can visit each other. We can also talk on the phone or text too. I'll have P'Phayu and P'Pai watching over me so you don't have to worry about anyone else. Plus.." he trailed off as he smiled and leaned in a bit.
        "I'll have a loving husband that I'd be waiting patiently for." He said as I smiled widely before pulling him into a tight embrace.
         "Loving you was the best choice I could ever make." I said as he slightly pulled back from the hug.
       "Then you must reward me later." He said with a cheeky smile on his face as I had went in to kiss him, but he stopped me and I looked at him confused.
         "Save it for our wedding." He said as he had gotten up from his spot as he reached out his hand as I smiled back, grabbing his hand getting up from the ground as we both had brushed ourselves off from the sand.
         "Let's go get married!" He said as I had nodded as we both ran off back to the wedding venue to get married.

Phayu's POV

       After finally saying "I do's," everyone was in the venue enjoying dinner and a bit of music, I had walked over to Rain and Sky.
         "I'm sorry for letting it slip about your internship. I thought that you had told Rain." I said as Sky had turned towards me with a smile and Rain by his hip.
       "It's okay, we worked it out." Rain said all happily looking over at Sky as I had felt a hand around my waist.
       "What are you guys talking about?" I heard Prapai as I had turned my head as I saw him smiling down at me then over to Sky and Rain.
       "I was apologizing to Sky and Rain. I almost ruined their wedding." I said as I could still feel the guilt.
        "It's okay, we worked things out."
          "Oh, really? Then what did you guys decide?" Prapai asked with a smile on his face.
         Rain grabbed Sky's hands in his, "I decided to let him go while I stay here to do my internship." He said as he looked back towards Prapai and I.
       "I'm okay with waiting. I have you guys to watch over me while he's gone." He said all happily as Sky wrapped his arms around Rain's waits.
      "Let's go dance." Sky said as Rain had turned around, waving bye to us as they went off to the dance floor to enjoy their day.
       "How about we go join them and go dance?" Prapai said as I turned to look at him with a smile and nodded as he grabbed my hand and we made our way to the dance floor to enjoy this beautiful day.

Few weeks later

At the Airport:

Rain's POV

       "Come on babe, your flight is gonna take off in like an hour!" I said as I had his luggage and his hand in mine as we ran our way through the airport.
      He had finally stopped me to calm me down, "It's fine babe. I'll make it in time." He said as I nodded and he had reached to caress my hair.
       "I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me. I guess that this day is finally here, I'm starting to feel uneasy." I said as Sky had pulled me in a tight embrace.
       "It's okay, babe." He said as he pulled away and smiled at me.
        "Don't forget to call me or text me that you've made it. And not an hour too late." I said as he just giggled at me as I heard a familiar voice from behind me.
       "Leaving so soon without saying goodbye?" Prapai said with a smile as I turned to see Prapai and Phayu walking their way to us.
         "What are you guys doing here?" I asked as they just gave me a look.
        "What? We can't say bye to your hubby?" Prapai teased as I had just folded my arms in annoyance.
        "Plus, we have to keep an eye on a certain troublemaker." Phayu said with a smile as I had ran to Sky grabbing his arm.
       "Is it too late to change my mind?" I whined as Sky just chuckled and laughed.
       "What happened to the" I graduated and stop babying me, I want to make adult choices?" He teased as I had let go of Sky's arm and crossed my arms as I had pouted.
        "Not you teasing me too!" I whined as he just chuckled as he ruffled my hair.
        "I should really get going." He said as I had turned towards him, grabbing his hands as the water works finally made its way to my eyes.
           "I love you, Sky. Call and text me everyday if you can. And video call me so I can see your face! I'll miss you." I said as Sky started to tear up himself as he pulled me into a tight embrace.
         "I love you too, Rain." He said pulling away as he had lifted his hand to wipe away my tears.
       "Please, you guys keep an eye on him. And text me updates on him." He told Prapai and Phayu as they had nodded as Sky had grabbed his back about to walk off before stopping turning and waving bye as he turned around again walking off to his gate to catch his flight.
        I could feel my heart begin to hurt as I started to tear up again cause I couldn't hold back my tears as I stood there and watched him until I couldn't see him anymore before turning and walking off back home with Phayu and Prapai following behind.
       It's going to be a tough year, but I know that I can make it through it.

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