Chapter 20

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Prapai's POV

       "I can't believe that we agreed on a double wedding," I heard Sky from the side as he was getting ready for our wedding in the same room.
       "Your boy wanted it and Phayu was okay with it. So what's wrong in having a double wedding? I find it kind of cool." I said as he leaned away from the mirror to look at me.
      "If it wasn't for Rain, I wouldn't be doing this. I want him to be happy, so I'm capable of doing anything." He said as I had nodded in agreement.
     "I agree. Being able to do anything for the one you love, is the best feeling." I said as I walked over to him.
     "That reminds me. When are you going to tell him that you were offered an internship in Chiang Mai?"
     "I will, it's just that I know how he is going to react. Plus, I have options. I still remember Phayu asking me to open our own business with you investing in it." He said as I nodded.
        "Have you made up your mind? Getting an internship would help in a lot of fields within the industry." I asked but he still looked unsure.
       "I haven't. But, I know that I can't leave Rain. I can just imagine the look on his face when I tell him. It breaks my heart just thinking about it."
      "Then how about asking him to go with you? And that offer from me and Phayu still stands when you come back."
      "I've thought about it, but will he really want to go? I heard that he had an internship at the company where P'Phayu works. He seemed really excited, I can't ask him to give that up."
       I nodded in understanding as I lifted my hand to his shoulder, "Then you can visit when you have time or vice versa. You guys can talk everyday by phone or video calls. You guys aren't countries away so hopefully things will work out."
         "Maybe we jumped into getting married. We just graduated and neither of us has actual jobs, just internships in different companies so we won't see each other much after getting married." I could see the stress on his face as I gave him a hug to comfort him then pulled away.
        "You don't need all of that or worry. If you guys love each other, it'll all work out. The internship is only for a year, you guys can honeymoon afterwards or go on a small one before then go on an actual honeymoon after your internship. And don't worry about Rain, he'll be in good hands. Phayu and I will take care of him while you're away." I tried comforting him more as he nodded.
       "Good idea, and the small like honeymoon would be a good way to tell him. Right now, I should just focus on today since it's our big day." He said with a smile as I patted his shoulder.
         "Good. That's all that matters. Are you ready?" I asked as he nodded his head taking a deep breath.
        "Then let's head out. It's about to start." I said as we both straightened ourselves out, taking a deep breath before walking out to the wedding hall.

Rain's POV

          "This is so exciting! Though, I didn't expect Sky to agree to the double wedding. I saw his look, I was worried." I said as I was sitting in the chair getting the last bit of touches done.
      "He loves you, why wouldn't he agree? I can tell that he puts your happiness before his. That's why he hasn't agreed on that internship yet in Chiang Mai because of you." I was shocked as I thought that my ears were playing tricks on me.
         I jumped up from my chair, "What internship? I didn't hear anything from him about any internship!" I said as I shook my head as I knew Sky wouldn't keep anything from me.
      "Wait, did he not tell you?" He asked but I just shook my head no.
      "…" I still couldn't believe what I was hearing as I ran out of the room as I found Sky and Prapai walking towards the venue.
       "Sky!" I called out as the both of them turned around with a shocked face as I had ran over towards them grabbing Sky's hand.
      "Rain, what are you doing? It's not time for you yet. It's bad luck." He said as he cuffed my hand while looking at me worried.
      "Is it true?"
        "Is what true, babe?" He asked, looking at me a bit confused.
         "That you were offered an internship in Chiang Mai? Why didn't you tell me?"
        "Babe, please listen. I was going to tell you after the wedding. I wanted to go on a small trip so that I could tell you. I couldn't tell you yet because I knew exactly how you'd react and this is exactly what I was afraid of." He only shook his head before tears started to form in his eyes.
         "You could have at least told me before the wedding so that we could figure things out. But you didn't and left me in the dark. How do you expect me to react?" I said as I could feel my heart ache as I felt like Sky didn't trust me enough to tell me.
      I had let go of his hand, turned, and ran off. How does he expect us to get married if he doesn't trust me enough to tell me these things?
     My heart was torn as I had ran off to wherever my foot takes me to think about things.

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