Chapter 10

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Phayu's POV

        It's day one of the week where I get the chance to win Rain over. I'm nervous as I had never really had to work so hard to win someone's heart before but excited because I get to see and spend time with Rain a bit more.
        I stood by the gate of the amusement park, as Rain refused to agree to let me pick him up as a familiar car had pulled up.
        Prapai had told me to take him to the amusement park, because the rides were a good way to be intimate with each other as I had seen Rain getting out of the car walking my way as I could feel my heart start to flutter.
        "You look good." I said with a slight smile.
         "Thanks," he said with a slight nod of the head as both our heads had heard a horn to see another familiar car pull up and two familiar faces exiting out of the car.
         "Damnit, Prapai. What are you doing here?" I said in annoyance as I had thought that it was just going to be just Rain and I.
         "Double date." He said with a smile putting an arm around Sky as I noticed the expression on Rain's face as he had turned to walk to the entrance.
         "What makes you think this was a good idea?" I asked as I didn't even wait for a response before turning and running off after Rain.

Rain's POV

       "Sky is dating Prapai?" I thought to myself as I couldn't help seeing him all smiley with Prapai.
        "Maybe I can use this as an opportunity to make him jealous by being close to P'Phayu." I thought to myself looking over at a smiling Sky as I had rolled my eyes as I had run up to Phayu.
        "P'Phayu, I Wanna go on that ride " I said trying to be as flirty as I can be by grabbing P'Phayu's arm. Phayu had smiled, turning towards me with a smile patting my head, "Okay", he said, turning towards Prapai and Sky.
          "Do you guys wanna ride too?" He asked but Sky just shook his head no as Prapai had got behind Sky giving him a bit of a push.
        "Of course! Looks fun!" He said we all made our way over to the roller coaster getting in line.
          A few minutes had passed and it was our turn to ride as Phayu and I made our way to the seat that was in front of Prapai and Sky.
        "P'Phayu, I'm scared. Hold my hand," I said, even though I was far from scared as I had looked back at Sky as he barely gave a response, as P'Phayu smiled and grabbed a hold of my hand. Soon, the coaster took off, as P'Phayu literally squeezed my hand as if he was the one who was scared.
         Soon the ride was over and P'Phayu had quickly gotten off the roller coaster grabbing his chest as if he was trying to gasp for air. I had quickly followed suit as I had went over by P'Phayu, "Are you okay?" I asked but he just nodded his head.
        "You were scared weren't you?" I tried teasing him as he looked up at me with a slight smirk on his face.
          " I wasn't scared at all!" He said as I had just smiled widely, teasing him more.
           "You totally were scared, don't lie." I laughed as I grabbed his hand, "come on, let's go to the Haunted House," I said pulling him along as he had tried fighting me.
       "No, anything but that!" He said but I ignored him as I had continued to drag him over to the Haunted House.

Sky's POV

          "I can't believe that you talked me into coming here." I told Prapai as he just put his arm around my shoulder as we followed Phayu and Rain towards the Haunted House.
         "You wanted to try and spy on them, so I brought you here." He said with that stupid silly grin on his face.
         I turned towards him, " Admit it. You wanted to spy on them too because you like Phayu."
          "I'm trying to make it easier for us to try and make them jealous, but it seems like they're actually enjoying each other's company." He said as his smile dropped from his face.
        "Well got any other ideas, Einstein?" I asked sarcastically.
         He turned towards me with a grin on his face, "Phayu is terrified of Haunted Houses. That should be the perfect time for us to switch. I comfort Phayu and you can act all scared with Rain and make him worry about you."
        "I'm not even scared of Haunted Houses."
          "That's why I said act. Like when we go in, we go our separate ways. I'll look for Phayu and you'll find Rain."
          "And how do you know that this will work?" I looked at him like I'm doubting this whole thing.
         "It's worth a shot." I had just nodded my head to agree as we went in by pairs, we both had to find the perfect timing to find them.
         "I'll see you guys on the way out!" Rain said aesthetically as he had grabbed Phayu's arm, dragging him through the entrance.
         "You ready?" Prapai said as I nodded my head in response.

         Making our way through the Haunted House, Prapai had turned to me, "Okay, I'm gonna go find Phayu, good luck with Rain." He said before leaving my side.
        I had walked my way through trying to hear even a slight scream come from someone who might have been P'Phayu but I heard nothing but silence.
      I continued to walk as I had thought maybe I could try screaming to see if Rain would run to me, but something had seemed a bit off.
        "Prapai? Rain? P'Phayu?" I called out but no response back as I had soon seen a figure up ahead as I thought maybe I had found them.
       I smiled as I had started to jog up to them, but suddenly stopped in my tracks. I could my heart rip in two as I saw the sight right before me.
        I saw P'Phayu leaned down as he had kissed Rain as I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I had quickly turned on my feet without even thinking as I had run off in a different direction hoping to find the exit as I had soon bumped into someone knocking me down.
         "Sky! Are you okay?" I looked up to see Prapai looking at me worried as I had soon lost it and tears heavily streamed down my face.
         "P…P'Phayu kissed Rain." I said as I looked up to see Prapai's eyes. He was hurt as I could see tears forming in his eyes as he had just smiled as he had pulled me into a hug as he had tried comforting me instead of dealing with his own heart.
       I soon heard footsteps in the distance, "Sky!" I heard from behind as I had finally gotten up from the floor as I had turned towards Prapai.
        "Get me out of here." I said as he nodded before grabbing my hand as we had found the exit, leaving the park as I couldn't deal with seeing Rain anymore.

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