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AT UNI departure time

Author pov

Jennie : Yn send me the notes when ever you are free..

Yn : hmm..!

They were in the ground of university.. a girl came to yn and throw water upon her face by her water bottle by knowingly..

Girl : Oops sorry.. *smirk*

Jennie : yahh this Lily what she want ??

Yn : I know what she wants.. *smirk*

She dry her face.. and they all went outside..! Yn buy a mug of milkshake for Jennie and herself.. she was drinking it standing on the road..YN was planning to do something..

She found that Girl who throw water upon her some minutes ago.. she was crossing her path in front of Yn and YN's next step make her freeze at spot. YN throw the milkshake which was in her mouth upon her face.. ewww

Yn : Oops sorry.. 😬

All the crowd started shooting the videos of her..

Yn : actually I was drinking it and you came in front of me that's why I wasn't able to control my laugh that's why this happened..

Girl : you did all this because of that incident right *whisper and grin*

Yn : ohh if you know then from next time don't mess up with me..*whisper back* come Jennie..

Jennie was shocked but not that much cuz she used to this all.. she followed yn..

Jennie : wahh Yn I'm proud of you.. her face was just like a rat at that time..

Yn : it's her fault that she mess up with me

Jennie : calm down girl calm down.!!

Time skip now it was evening.. yn enter in her house.. she found her mom and dad sitting on the couch.. when her mom noticed her presence she smile at her.. yn was surprised to saw sudden change in her behaviour

Mom : come here Yn have a seat !

Yn mind : something is really fishy..

Yn do as her mother said she went and sat on the couch.. her father was taking the sip of the tea..

Mom : yn you are in your 3rd year.. and you are now 22 years old..

Yn : come straight to the point *cold*

Mom : hehe ! My child

Yn mind : oo my child..!

Mom : it's time to get married..

Yn : again that mom if you bring me here for this things then I'm going ..

Dad : you already denied for 3 marriage proposal before.. now we want to hear yes otherwise we have 6 more !!.

Yn : what if my answer is still no.!

Dad : you can't disobey us like this and it's really a big party this time so say yess if you didn't then be ready for 6 more.

Yn : what if i don't..what will you do..?

Mom : YN ! Don't reply to us just do what we said. Otherwise ready to see he'll

Yn : just do whatever you want.. you and your sitty things are just getting onto my nerves..

You left from there..

Dad : YN!!!!

Mom : don't worry she have not any other way..


I rush towards my room.. and shut the door.. why can't they understand.. I want to fulfill my dreams.. I look at the wall with my teary eyes.. there were a lot of paintings made by me.. yes I want to become an artist..

But there is no way to fulfill them.. I hate my parents.. I really want to take a break from my life. How can I live like this.? I always wanted a love marriage , I want to marry with my love when I found one.. but no I didn't found one and here my parents just want to throw me out..

I'm feeling helpless for myself.. it's not thier fault too. It's my fault that I born in this family.. I just hate the fact why I have parents? I hope I was an orphan..God what do you want !? This life is sucking me very badly.. I feel useless God..

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