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Yn pov..

I came back from the university and stand in front of the main door. Suddenly I feel something beside me. And I found him. (Taehyung).

I looked at him I'm literally behaving so rude with him. But why am I even caring. But does he deserve all my behavior. Uhh Yn don't try to be a good girl. But still-

Taehyung : stop staring and open the door.

He said and I realise I was staring him and not opening the door. I open the door and he came inside. Last night he again slept in the guest room. Why isn't he sleeping in his room..

He go inside our shared room in which I'm sleeping from past days. I also enter following him. He go inside the bathroom. Yah I also want to change. I go inside the bathroom of guest room.

After completing with bathing and dressing. I again come in our shared room and found him doing something in the cupboard. I take the pillow and duvet and was about to go but his voice stopped me.

Taehyung : No need to sleep in other rooms.

Yn : no it's ok with me.

Taehyung : I'll sleep and I'm sleeping from past 2 days there.

Yn : no need to leave your room because of me. ( looked at him)

Taehyung : I'm not leaving it because of you I'm just sleeping in another room.

Yn : all right.. i know you are not comfortable with it so, you don't have to sleep in any other room leaving yours. and why are you even caring about me.?

Taehyung :.............

Yn : see you don't have the answer I'm already a burden to you. So please I don't want to become a curse.

Taehyung : why are you thinking that? You are not a burden to me. And I'm caring about you because you are my wife. I'm not mentioning you as my wife because I think you're uncomfortable with it.

You looked at him with teary eyes.

Taehyung mind : she is this much sensitive?!

Taehyung : w-what happened? (soft voice)

You didn't said anything but just looking at him while your tears were flowing.. he didn't took a second to hug you. You didn't sob just tears were flowing.

Taehyung : you can tell me. It will help you.

Yn : why ? Why are you caring about me..

Taehyung : I told you na you're my wife.

Yn : please I'll give you divorce after sometime. Don't need to behave good towards me.

Taehyung : I know but till you didn't gave me divorce. You'll be called Mrs. Kim Yn the wife of Mr. Kim taehyung.

You looked at him. As you realised how pure he is, now you realise you were doing wrong to him.

Yn : I'm sorry..(cracked voice)

Taehyung : shh..

He caressed your hair. And you stop crying.

Taehyung : now let's sleep..

Yn : hmm.. but in one condition.

Taehyung : what is it ?

Yn : sleep in your room..

Taehyung : then my one condition..

You smile..

Taehyung : sleep in our room..

You chucked and you both lay down on the bed. You were thinking about him.

Taehyung : sleep well and don't overthink.

You turned your face to opposite side. And smiled.

Next day morning..
Yn pov ~

I opened my eyes I found myself hugging someone and the person also hugging me. Wait a minute did I slept like a koala with him. Yaahh it's so embarrassing. Lemme wake up before him otherwise for sure I'll be a red tomato..

I tried to freed myself from him. But suddenly he spoke.

Taehyung : yahh stay like this for few more minutes.. (sleepy voice)

He hugged me more tightly..aishh, I look at his sleepy face. He open his eyes with a shock, left me and rush towards the bathroom. I think he also don't know with whom he was sleeping..

I also got up and get ready in another room. after sometime I came downstairs and found the food upon dining table. While taehyung is sitting there using his phone.

Maid : Good morning ma'am..

I nodded. He look at me and turned off his phone. I also take a seat and start digging into the food. There was pin drop silence in between us.

I took a glance at him.. and he was eating like a child.. is he acting cute or he usually eat like this.. anyways he is cute.. hmm he is..

Taehyung : I know I'm cute

Yn : hmm!?

Taehyung : don't stare at me and eat your food.

Huh! Yahh why you made every situation embarrassing Yn.. I again started eating i saw he has done with eating but still sitting there after some seconds, I also completed eating and when I get up he also get up. Means he was waiting for me to done. Not to lie but he is a gentleman as well.

Taehyung : I'll drop you.

Yn : no no I'll go by my own.

Taehyung : you don't want to show our relation right.?

Yn : hmm you can say that..

Taehyung : Alright.

He left from there. Well still I'm not comfortable to release our relation. I mean who gets married at this age ! Then I also left for the university

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