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In university

I was about to enter inside the class.. but

? : BOOH..

Yn : 😑 what Jennie.. atleast learn how to scared people..

Jennie : and atheist learn how to get scared..

I put my bag upon the table

Yn : hmm so how was your movie date..?

Jennie : you know it was - wait FIRST DIE BY MY HANDS..!!!!

She started punching me. I take the notebook for defence.

Yn : ohh sorry sorry. It is hurting please stop now..!

Jennie : you ! Don't tell me it was all your plan.

Yn : yes it was..

Jennie : 😤 I knew that..

Yn : ok now tell me. You were blushing.😏 what happened last night..

Jennie : hmm listen

Flashback >>
Jennie pov

Yahh this Yn I'm gonna kill her. I really don't know that I want to come with jimin or not but I can't deny my feelings too. Umm maybe yes I have some feelings for him but I don't know how to confess. We sat inside his car he starts the driving and said.

Jimin : ok, so what's the movie about?

Jennie : that's the problem(mumbled)

Jimin: hmm ??

Jennie : aa.. you'll going to watch it very soon. So let it be a surprise

He nodded.

Jennie mind : wow what a romantic surprise.

The whole ride went silent and after sometime we reach the theatre. We get inside the hall and I found our seats

Jennie : there that's our seat.

He nodded.. I was going in front of him but my heels they stuck in the carpet by which I loosed my balance and


Author :  hmm you guys are thinking right.😉

Jimin, He grabs my shoulder and saves me.

Jennie : thanks.

Jimin : walk properly jennieahh

I nodded and went to our seats. The curtains got up and the movie starts by the introduction.

Jimin: wow I never thought you were that romantic. I mean.. it's full of romance you know.

Jennie : hmm but that wasn't me who choose it it was my friend..

Jimin : oooo… alright let's watch (wink)

Jennie mind :  what! Aaahh that wink I don't know what is going to happen..?

Author :  it's just starting the whole movie is remaining girl 😁

Jennie mind : YNNN !!!!


Yn : then nothing happen in between you.?

Jennie : (death glare)

Yn : I mean what happen next.😅

Flashback >>

Suddenly that scene came..


Author : oho innocent people, it's just that normal kissing scene🤦🏻‍♀️

And you know what was the worst thing there was a couple in front of us and they were kissing. Then I looked at my side there was another couple kissing. In short the whole haul was full of couples. I looked at Jimin's side and he was like.

Jimin: 😅 lemme buy popcorn for us..

And he left after sometime he came back and take the seat again but only after 10 seconds another kissing scene came..

Jimin: 😅 Aaaa. Sorry actually I forgot to buy cold drinks yeah cold drinks..

And he left for buying it..

Flashback ends <<<
Author pov

YN looked at Jennie sadly.

Jennie : what happened ?

Yn : nothing that's why I'm sad that nothing happen in between you both..

Jennie : so what do you want.. you want us to kiss like the other couple

Yn : yess..

Jennie : you !

Yn : don't lie but agree that you like him.

Jennie : umm.. We can say that but-

Yn : Oh my god !!! It means he was right.. you both have crush upon each other..

Jennie : what ! Who he ?? Is there someone also with you..? How do you know.. tell me now


Jimin : don't tell me it was all your plan jungkook..

Jungkook : no it wasn't mine..

Jimin : take swear of your underwear..

Jungkook : what the hell Mochi. You're acting like you don't like her.

Jimin : it is but she doesn't li-

Jungkook : ohh I was sure about it you like her..and she likes you too. I know that

Jimin : but..

Taehyung : No buts jimin.. just accept the feelings.. not let the brain work in between the feelings.

Jimin: so what's next ?


Yn : 😏

Jennie : don't give me this look., just tell me what to do next ?

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