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Yn came downstairs after getting ready for her university. Where she found her mom.

Mom : Yn !!

She didn't go to her and was fully ignoring her.

Mom : Are you getting deaf child..? I'm calling you..

You sign and go to her with a poker face.

Yn : speak..

Mom : after three days be ready for your your marriage..

Yn : 3 Days !!

Mom : yes! you heard it right. I guess you don't have any problem regarding ear.

Yn : Listen after marriage you will lost your daughter so will have no rights on me..

Mom : don't tell us what to do or not.

YN don't wanna have a fight with her mom.
So, she left for the university.

At university

Jennie : YNahhh!!!!

Jennie Hug her tightly

Yn : yess yes what happen ??

She broke the hug Yn look at her eyes. Jennie's eyes were glossy.

Yn : what happen did something happen yesterday..?

Jennie nodded.

Yn : what happened ?

Jennie told Yn everything.

Yn : That jerk have this much courage now, lemme teacher him lesson.

Yn was about to go to him but

Jennie : no yn , don't fight.. Jimin already beat him so much.. I think he will not come to school for 1 month.

Yn : Jimin ?? Who? that one heartthrob?

Jennie : yess..

Yn : oo..

Jennie : come class is going to start

They enter in the class. And take our classes. After lunch break Yn don't have classes today but poor Jennie have  so, she is taking the classes.

At Liabrary

I'm doing some work sitting in the library.I can also go home but I didn't because I have to wait for Jennie.

Yn mind : should I have to tell Jennie about my wedding..? I'll after talking to him.

Suddenly someone sat in front of me. I looked up and My breath stop..

Yn : YOU !

Everyone look at me. Uhh why I have to make noise in library.

Yn : Mianhe..mianhe..😅

Yn : what are you doing here and why are you sitting with me..? What if your fangirls will notice..?

Taehyung : they will not that's why I'm in hoodie and mask..

Yn : I notice you even in hoodie and mask..

Taehyung : because you're intelligent and they are not..

I giggle but when I realised I put a cold poker face again.

Yn : hmm so what's the thing.? Why you came here..? *cold*

Taehyung : did your parents told you about the date of wedding..?

Yn : (nodded) 3 days later..

Taehyung : So can I tell my friends about us..?

Yn : Noo! I don't want to get beaten up by your so called crazy fangirls.

Taehyung : why ? My friends will not tell to anyone and about fangirls (sign) they don't dare touch my things.

Yn : what If someone..?

Taehyung : let them dare then I'll also tell them that the things belong to me..

Yn : means I belong to yo-

You stop in between on realising what you guys were talking..! You got all red.

Yn mind : why this awkward situation !

Taehyung mind: why are you messing up.?

Yn : ahem ahem so y-you can tell to your friends.. but those 2 only

You cursed yourself for shuttering.

Taehyung : okk..

Yn : but if you are telling then I'll too.

Taehyung : sure. (Wink)

He left, you saw at his disappearing figure.

Yn mind : He only came here for asking me that he will tell about our marriage to his friend or not.. oh this man..! (Sign)

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