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At uni ground

My class was completed and I come in the ground but i didn't found Yn there. I told her To wait for me then where she is gone..?

I take out my phone and was about to call her but suddenly someone said.

? : hiee! How are you..?

The same guy Jimin who saved me yesterday..

Jennie : I'm fine.. what about you..?

Jimin : I'm also great well I'm jimin.

Jennie : who doesn't know.

Jimin : so you can call me jimin. No need to say 

Jennie : okk well I'm Jennie nice to meet you.. and yes really thank you for yesterday. I wasn't able to say thank you that time.. 😅

Jimin : why to thank it was my pleasure.

Such a gentleman he is.. I want give him a treat..

Jennie : are you free this Sunday..?

Jimin : yess but why..?

Jennie : I have some work for you..

Jimin : ookk..

Then suddenly I feel a hand upon me. And I heard a creepy voice that made me scared..

?? : j-jennie.. (sign)

Jennie : aaaahh..

I heard someone is laughing 

?? : what happen pabo..? Why are you shouting..?

Jennie : Yn youu !

Yn : no my ghost.. (laughing)

Jennie : why you scared me..

Yn : oh see your face.. Jennie.. 

Yn start laughing more.. Jimin chuckle looking at both of us..

Jennie : Yn meet Jimin he was the one who helped me..

Yn : Hello nice to meet you and thank for yesterday.

Jimin : why are you guys thanking me.. don't do thank I hate this. It's their fault that they don't have humanity. And I have, because of the god I was there at correct time so, thank to God not to me. (Smile)

I and yn smile. He is really something. Don't fall for her Jennie. 

Jimin : okk byy guys meet you later..

Jennie/yn : byy..

He left.

Yn : I have to tell you something..?

Jennie : First tell me where you was..?

Yn : in the liabrary my phone was silent..

Jennie : oohh that's why you was not picking my calls.

Yn : hmm..

Jennie : tell me what you were saying..?

Yn : I'm going to be married..

Jennie : ohk- wait WHAT !??

YN : don't shout…

Jennie : Why ? What ? When ? How ? 

Yn : oo it's just my parents wants to get me married..?

Jennie : but why so soon..?

Yn : because of some business issue.

Jennie : don't tell me you're soon to be fiance and husband is an old person.

Yn : noo., he is so young even from this university.

Jennie : do I know him ? Tell me who..?

Yn : Kim taehyung..

Jennie : wai- WHATT (gasp) KIM TAEHYUNG..

Everyone look at us because of my voice.

Yn : don't shout and overreact Jennie.

Jennie : when this happened..?

Yn : somedays ago..

Jennie : why didn't you told me before..?

Yn : because it wasn't fixed..

Jennie : so that's why your mood was upset that day.. are you happy for this marriage?

Yn : there is no other option.. if he didn't so, there are alot.

Jennie : then why him?

Yn : I don't know.

Jennie : did you talk to him??

Yn : yess..He is nice person.

Jennie : hope you'll be happy.. and I also have a plan you can ran at your marriage day

Yn : oohh Jennie.. if I'm going to do this then I was surely ran a years ago from my house.

Jennie : okk so when is your marriage.

Yn : 3 days later..

Author pov

Jimin & Jk : WHAT 3 DAYS LATERR!!???

Taehyung:  yess

Jimin : it so early..?

Jungkook : hyung are you happy..?

Taehyung : No I'm not but I have to do it one day so why not 3 days later…

Jimin : but what about your dreams..

Taehyung : it will be fulfill. My parents want this and I can't deny you know..

Jungkook : why can't you it's your life..

Taehyung : I know mom and dad never forced me. They even said me to marry the love of my life..

Jimin : so why only Yn ??

Taehyung : I don't know but when I saw  her parents, they were totally obsessed for her to getting married. And for that they can give her to a old ass too..

Jungkook : so, that's why you you are marrying her..

Taehyung nodded.. Jungkook and Jimin smile..

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