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Yn : taehyung we need to go!!

Taehyung : where ?!

Yn : to their house ?

Taehyung : but why ?

Yn : please

Taehyung : hmm..

We both sat in the car and he drove after 12 minutes we reached my parents house.. I go to my mother's room and open the locker.. as I know the password.

I started searching for something.. taehyung stands there and asked me ..

Taehyung : can you tell me what are you finding so I cam help you too..

Yn : ............

I was really super confused.. i found it and take it .. he looked at me confusingly and I opened it when I started reading my hand started shaking.. I started trembling my whole face got pale. And tears started flowing continously..

I left the papers and sat down on bed.. taehyung took the papers and start reading.

Health care hospital

Patient name : Lee Yn
Age : 3 years old
Date : 22 April 2002

Kidney transplant successful.
As her both the kidneys were damaged.

Donater's name : Mr. Lee Hoon.

Taehyung looked at me. As I was looking at him and shaking my head continously.. he hugged me

Yn : How can I be so selfish with my parents where they were the god of my life.. they were the one who gave me life and here I'm complaining and blaming them to destroy my life where they made my life.. I always Said that they are the worst parents not knowing how much they sacrificed for me in past.. I will not be able to forgive me if something will happen to them..

Taheyung : d-don't say like this..

He also having tears in his eyes.. suddenly we heard someone broke down in the house broking all the materials..

Taehyung : wait a minute..! Who are you ??

Man : these people are not repaying their debt..

Yn : no please don't broke all this..

Men : Don't tell us what to do or not..

Yn : taehyung come I want to talk to Dad please come..

After sometime we again reached the hospital.. I looked at my dad who was unconscious lying in the ICU.. the doctor was operating on him.. After some 39 minutes, the doctor came out..

Yn : what happen doctor..?

Doctor : he is living his last few minutes of his life..

After hearing this it feels like my life destroyed.. there is no land down under my feet..

Yn : d-don't say l-like this doctor..

Doctor : sorry..

Yn : why can't you save him.. if there is any way to save him then please do..

Doctor : we have no other option..


Doctor : take care of her.. don't let her shout their are other patients too please..

Doctor said to taehyung.. he came to you and hugs you and tried you to calm down... you broke the hug and rub your tears and go inside the ICU..

You look at your dad with red puffy eyes from which the tears were continously flowing down..

Yn : I know I was dumb from my childhood that's why I wasn't able to know how much you sacrifice for me.. I wasn't able to understand you. Please please don't leave me.. I want to play with you like you play with me when i was small.. please take the time back. I promise I'll never hate you.. please.. why didn't you told me before why were you always like that?? Now, when i got you you're leaving me that's not fair and today i know how much it's hurt when a person left us.. the part which i was calling the worst was the best part of my life...... appa.. I love you so much appa don't leave me life without you was impossible and will be..please appa i was wrong appa..

Your father open his eyes and tries to remove his oxygen mask, you looked at him and he said..

Father : (smile) you was never wrong my child it was me who wants to make you hard for your future.. I don't want to see you in pain like I'm watching you today.. please don't cry it broke my heart..

Yn : a-appaa..

Father : a Father always want to see his children touching the sky.. but children always take it in wrong way.. sorry for being rude towards you but I don't have any other chance.. I love you from when you came to this world.. but now I'm tired of acting rude towards you I have completed all my work now it's time to take a sleep imreally very tired..

You shake your head as no..

Father : do you know the reason why I forced you to marry him.. because he was the one who came to me and said..
"I want to marry your daughter in any condition I love her so much and promise I will take care of her.. I will fulfill her all the wishes and treat her like my queen.."
And I see the truth in his eyes..

Father chuckled meanwhile taehyung years were also flowing.. your Father called him near him he take his hand and my hand in his hand  and said..

Father : take care of my daughter you promise then fulfill it..

Yn : appa how will I be able to live like this..? Please somedays please..

Father : I'm going to your beloved god.. I will tell him how much you love them too.. I'll say them to fulfill your wishes.. I will tell him to amke you a biggest artist one day.. never forgot inwas somewhere near you that time and yes congratulations The Artist Miss Kim y-yn..

He left our hand.. and there was pin drop silence in the room..

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