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At home
In night time 🌃

Yn pov

I am eating food with taehyung. But there was pin drop silence. Then after few minutes he broke the silence.

Taehyung : what do you want to become what is your aim ?

Yn : ARTIST  !! ( yell)

I yelled because no one ever asked me about my aim..

Taehyung : then what are you thing to do next..

Yn : (sign) nothing I don't think that I'll be able to fulfill my dream..

Taehyung : and why do you think so ?

Yn : because I'm married.

Taehyung : (done look) see I never stopped you to follow your passion and will never and nor parents will be.. so follow your passion.. no one have right to stop you.

Yn: Really ??


Yn : who is right now..

I go and open the door.. I found a postman there.

Postman : ma'am here is a letter.

Yn: what's the name ?

Postman : Lee Yn , please sign here

I signed and took the letter. I came inside after locking the door and again sit on the dining table.. I started reading it..

It was saying about some exhibition, that "we are so gratefull to tell you that your arts are selected for the Seoul's biggest art exhibition will be held on 16 August. So , Miss Lee Yn please come we want you to attend this function.."

My hands started shaking and eyes become teary. I looked at taehyung and he was smiling at me.. means he done all this he send my arts to them.. I ran to him and hugged him..

Taehyung : yess follow them and be a artist very soon..

Yn : thank you so much!! I love you too.!! I neve-

I stopped when I realised what I just said.. uhhh over Yn it's over you said it in excitement and he will think that I'm replying him.. arghh!!

I broke the hug ,There was again pin drop silence in between both of us.. I rub my eyes and again looked at him, clearing my throat I asked him..

Yn : how did you know that and from where Did you get my paintings..?

Taehyung : It's a long story..

Yn : tell m-

(Yn Phone rings)

I picked up..

Yn : Hello..

?? :.  .................

Yn : what ?

? ......................

My breaths got uneven listening to him and taehyung made a worried face looking at my expressions..

Yn : w-where ??

??  .................

I cut the phone..

Taehyung : what happen??

Yn: mom and dad are admitted in h-hospital..

Taehyung : which one..?

Yn : h-health care..

Taehyung : come let's go..

I nodded.. he take out the car in in some minutes we reached the hospital. I reached to reception and asked the receptionist..

Yn : is there any patient by the name Lee Miho ?

She : yess.. 27 minutes ago..

Yn : tell me the room no. fast..

Receptionist : it's 124 6th floor.

I didn't have the time to thank her I reached the followed by taehyung. We both enter in the lift and I press the 6th floors botton..

After soem seconds we reached the floor. I don't know but I'm so worried. I hate them but still! I any how found the room 124.

And enter inside only finding my mom lying unconscious. And seeing her in that situation idk why my fucking eyes is getting watered.No no you don't have to be weak Yn..

Taehyung : where is dad ?

Suddenly a nurse came inside the room. I asked the nurse..

Yn : Is there any other person with her ?

Nurse : yess , a old man.

Taehyung : where is he ?

Nurse : in the ICU.

For sometime I feel numb but still I have to face the reality and they haven't even love me like a daughter so why should I care huh ? Let them die they have to pay for thier work..

Taehyung : let's go..

Yn : where?

Taehyung : to the ICU..

I do as he said we reached the ICU and found him surrounded with machines.. my heart started beating fast Watchung hum in this situation somewhere in my mind I'm afraid to loose my dad but still he was the one who made my life he'll in past. So , why should I have to care ??

A doctor came in the room..

Doctor : are you his relatives?

Taehyung : yess..

Doctor : fill this formalities? And may I know your relation with him...

Taehyung : I'm his son in law and she is his daughter..

Doctor : I want to talk to you..

He said looking at me. I looked at Taehyung he gestures me to talk. He is really a understable guy.. I go along with the doctor.

Doctor : after some reports we are able to know that he has a one kidney.. and the another one is not working properly..

Yn : what..? One kidney

Doctor : yes you heard it right.. he is living in one kidney and from so long..

Why didn't I knew about this..??

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