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Next day's MIDNIGHT

I was in my room, listening the song.. 

' I need somebody

 who can love me at my worst

No I'm not perfect but 

I hope you see my worth'

Suddenly a message popped in my phone. I look and frowned. It literally 12:45Am then who is at this hour I know Jennie is sleepy head.. I look at the messager I'd showing 'unknown' 





Who ?

Your soon to be

the matter?

Why can't I
message you
without any matter..


Bad night

Good night..


Next day alt uni
In the hallway.

Jennie : tomorrow will be your last day at university..?

Yn :why are you saying this..?

Jennie : because I don't think so that his parents sent you here for studying.

Yn : don't always think negative Jennie. What if they..?

Jennie : what if they not ?

I look her with a done face.

Yn : don't worry. I'll come in anyway.. at least I want to complete the university.

Jennie : that's my girl.

I chuckle we both entered in the class. Take our lectures. After sometime it was our free period. And day spent like this

At night 
Jennie pov



Hiee! Sunbaenim..


What's going..

Nothing but sorry 
I didn't recognise you.

Oh it's Jennie..

Ohh Jennie..
How are you doing.?


Btw from where 
Did you get my number.

It was a long story 
when We will meet 
I'll tell you..

Okk you are talking 
About Sunday right.
You have some work.

Yess.. but not 
this Sunday. Next 
Sunday I'll call you
Actually I have 
some urgent work 
This Sunday.. 

Same as mine 
I also have some 
Urgent work..

Save my number
For later.

Already saved.

OK then
 good night 🌃 

Good night 
And take care 🙂


Jennie : What happens to me when I talked go him.. no Jennie no this is just attraction.

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