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At home..

I take my phone and type..



Hiee! I'm not coming today..


Not in mood..🥱

Uhhh.! Okk fine
then never talk to me.


Hmm okkk 😚


Finally ! I really don't want to go school after all this happen I just want to have a peaceful day. I changed my clothes. And went outside..


Jennie was going through hallway because it's break time. But yn was not there with her, So she was just roaming around. But suddenly Jeonghan came in front of her. She got scared and he pin him to the wall

Jeonghan : ohh ! I know that your so called brave friend is absent today.. and you're getting bore right. So why can't we have fun together.

Jennie : Jeonghan!!! (Shout in low voice )

Jeonghan: yess baby because you have to pay for what you did.. you spill on my shirt now it's time for pay (smirk)

He was going closure to her. She close her eyes in fear her tears started flowing. He was about to kiss her but


Jennie open her eyes only to find that Jimin was punching Jeonghan..

Jimin : how. can. you. touch. a. girl. without. her. PERMISSION ????

Jennie tried stop him..

Jennie : please s-stop..

He look at Jennie and stop Jeonghangot a chance and ran away..

Jimin : did he harm you..?

Jennie : n-no (she was trembling in fear)

Jimin : where is your that friend..?

Jennie : she didn't c-came..

Jimin : don't cry now. And please be strong.. and come to me if he did anything again try to fight..

Jennie nodded he rub her tears with his hand and smile at her and he left.. Jennie was standing there dumbfounded.

Inside the classroom after lunch

I was attending the lecture but my whole focus was on my thoughts that did I do right ? Is my decision of marrying her is right ? I don't know but I also can't denied as my mom and dad wants this marriage. So how can I denied.


Mom : Taehyung will you do us a favour.?

Taehyung : why are you saying favour mom..? I can do anything for you..

Mom : please do marriage..

Taehyung : what soo soon ? I mean why not after I turn 26 or 28

Dad : listen carefully Taehyung, we want you to get responsibilities at this age. After that you have a lot of things to do and you also have to become the next CEO of Kim Enterprises..

Taehyung : o-okay..

Mom : see we are not forcing you.. if you have any girlfriend so tell us.

Taehyung : No I don't have any.. and I will marry a girl of your choice.

They smile at him.


I don't know much about Yn but I saw her always rude and cold. That day when someone tried to slap Jennie, at that day when a boy wants to talk to her and that day when she gave that Girl a savage answer.

But after last night I can say that she is sensitive too. She cried inside the bathroom yes I followed her because I sense something is wrong with her.

(Sigh) I really don't know weather my decision is right or wrong but I know that she is the right person.

At park

I was sitting in the park everything soo good and fresh. It was not that sunny day but yes breeze is also flowing.. I hope that I can fulfill my dream to become an artist.

My parents never want me to become an artist. But what if my in-laws will. But what If they don't (gasp) no no this will not gonna happen.

After a lot's of thought I tried to convinced myself that I have to marry oneday then why not now. And 2nd thing I always wanted to marry the love of my life but this time luck is not in my side.

That's all right just chill.. I don't know what is going to be happen in future but my present is also the worst. I just want to make my future bright and I'll

Author pov : and day spend like this. They both are thinking for their life..

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