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In night at Taehyung & yn's house.

Yn was roaming in her room..

Yn : Is he is really angry from me.? Why didn't he talked.? Should I have to apologise him.? No no and why are you even caring Yn. But you did wrong but still Why do you even caring. But He is a-

Suddenly the door open. You shut your mouth and look at the direction only to find him (taehyung). You were staring at each other and after a couple of seconds you broke the eye contact. He came inside and you was about to go but he hold your wrist.

Taehyung : where ?

Yn : why do you care.?

Taehyung left your hand and go to the closet. Now again you started feeling bad for not answering him correctly. You try to talk to him properly but everytime it turns to cold one. He go inside the bathroom. You sign

Yn pov

Yahh yn why you always make the things worse. Even he is talking to you nicely but you, you didn't understand anything now next time talk to him properly. Yes properly..

I turn on the TV. After sometime I heard the door clicked sound. I looked at the side but suddenly turn my face to TV again gulping.

Yn mind : H-his abs wooa..

I thought he will go inside the bathroom but no he came in front of the TV. In front of me I looked at him and I don't know why the hell I'm heating up and My cheeks turn red. I saw a lot of actors in abs but what is happening now.?

He started coming closure to me. Now I'm extremely red. Feeling a lot of butterflies why why why !? Just why! He come more closure to me. What does this man wants..!

Author : ahem ahem 😏

Now I was totally lying on the bed and he hovered over me. I was soo shocked looking at his eyes, who were already looking mine.

Yn : w-wha-h..

Why I'm shuttering. Before I could complete my sentence. He got up and i saw shirt in his hand and he left from there leaving me dumbfounded.

Yn : so he wants to take t-shirt but why he create that mess.! Uhh yn you need to stay alert from him. Where is he gone now isn't this is his room.?

Because I saw a lot's of photos of him here. So I guess it's his room. Suddenly my phone beep which popped a message.



Umm hii

Who ?


Oh taehyung's
friend right ?


Why did you
messaged me?

Straight to the
Point. What do you
Think about Jennie
And jimin ? 

Well what do
You wanna say I
Didn't understand.

Don't you think they
Have a crush on
Each other.

Well yes but not sure
I saw from some days
Jennie is behaving

Exactly, when today
I asked jimin that
He likes her or not
He blushed and even
Said that how do I know.?

So, what's the
next plan😏





Hey! What's up..

Well are you
free Tomorrow?

Ofcouse I'm!
But why..

What do you think
About watching

Superb ! But
which One?

Umm °•••°

OK! But that's
A romantic movie
Right ? when did you
started watching
Romantic huh ?

From some days 😅
You'll book the ticket
OK I don't want any
No !

OK 😉


Jungkook sunbaenim

Done ✔️

Great 😉


Next day
At school
In departure time

Jennie : Yn let's go to watch this movie you told me to buy tickets na. I bought.

Yn :sorry but Jennie there is already a lot of work.

Jennie : but you said me to buy this..!

Yn : actually there is a lot of work today.

Jennie : please na I already bought these two tickets for us.

Yn was thinking. Then she got an idea.


All the fangirls looked towards you..and surprisingly he came to you..

Girl 1 : what is this happening?

Girl 2 : dunno. I think they know each other.

Girl 3 : 1 year is already going to complete but they never talked and you are saying they know each other.

Girl 4 : whatever they are so lucky that he is listening to them..

Girl 5 : even with that smile..

Jimin : yes yn.. and yes first of all don't call me sunbaenim.

Yn : ok.. but may you please go with Jennie. She already brought two tickets. But I have a lot of assignments so may you please ?

Jimin : okay.. but ask to her that she wants to take me with her or not.

Jennie : ohh no problem. Is it the thing for asking..

She came near your ear..

Jennie : I will see you later on (whisper)

You smile.

Jennie mind : Yahh. First this romantic movie now Jimin. YN NOW YOU WILL NOT BE ALIVE ANYMORE !!!

When they left you wink at jungkook who was watching all this from far.

Taehyung : what is happening ?

He suddenly appear behind jungkook.

Jungkook : huh ? Nothing..

Taehyung:  don't lie..

Jungkook : you will get to know very soon.

Taehyung : whatever..

Jungkook : hmm hmm but yes ! What about you both..? How is going on..

Taehyung : umm good..

Jungkook : did something happen 😏

Taehyung : what with that face ? Do your work..

Taehyung left him..

Jungkook : huh ! Whatever.. but where is girl.?

Author : don't worry 😉

Jungkook : who are you ?

Author : 1 of your lover.

Jungkook : ewww.

He left

Author : 😶

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