Chapter 7: The Blossom of a Dream

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As Jungkook sits on set, he continuously looks at his phone with a smile on his face while he scrolls through his pictures of Taehyung and Hoseok. The other actors on set mind their own business and do not bother him as he quietly sits on his own. Jeon Jungkook is not known for being the most social actor.

"Jungkook, it is time for the first kiss." Jungkook's manager tells him. Whenever Namjoon is not playing Jungkook's manager, Jungkook has a manager who is not allowed into his private life only on set and at events.

"Very well." Jungkook hums and quickly texts Taehyung telling him that he will be busy for the next hour.

When Taehyung's phone buzzes, he looks at the message with a smile and quickly responds encouraging Jungkook. Once he is finished messaging Jungkook, Taehyung continues packing up his apartment.

"You must really like flowers." Jin notices as he looks at all of the dried flowers that Taehyung has collected.

"I find them really pretty." Taehyung hums and tapes a large box closed. "I dreamed of having a flower shop." Taehyung smiles as he imagines caring for flowers and being surrounded by flowers all day.

"What if you don't give up on your dream? What if you get a flower shop?" Namjoon asks and watches as the omega's eyes brighten in excitement.

"I can always work to save up for it." Taehyung hums and looks at Hoseok who is playing on the floor of the boxed-up apartment.

"Taehyung, you are no longer alone. You can use the money that you saved up for legal expenses, and we can invest in your shop. I know that you are independent and do not want to depend on Jungkook, but I know that he would love nothing more than to help you fulfill your dreams." Seokjin softly smiles and sits down next to Taehyung.

"I will think about it." Taehyung quietly mutters and looks at the beta by his side.

Once they have everything boxed up, Namjoon moves all of the boxes to a vehicle that he rented. Because they are keeping Jungkook's family life private, Namjoon and Seokjin move everything without hiring movers. They do not want to take a risk by hiring outside help.

"I will cook dinner to thank you for helping me move everything," Taehyung tells Namjoon and Seokjin and then goes to the kitchen.

"Do you want me to help?" Seokjin asks as he walks into the kitchen.

"No. Go and relax with your alpha." Taehyung smiles and motions Seokjin out of his kitchen.

While Taehyung cooks, Hoseok plays on the living room floor while Seokjin and Namjoon watch the alpha pup and adore him.

By the time Jungkook's shoot for the day is finished, he is exhausted and ready to go home. As he packs up his belongings to leave, the female alpha lead walks over to him.

"Are you going home?" The female alpha asks as Jungkook checks his phone for notifications.

"I am." Jungkook hums and looks at his manager motioning to the manager to prepare his vehicle.

"Since today's shoot finished early, we were all thinking of going and getting something to drink and eat." She tells Jungkook who nods.

"Okay. Have fun." Jungkook mutters and walks to his car.

"Do you want to come?" She asks and follows after Jungkook.

"I am going home." Jungkook hums and gets into the vehicle.

Once his door is shut, Jungkook sighs and closes his eyes. It is not new for the one to play his love interest to invite him out to eat, but he has always turned them down. However, now he turns them down because he has a loving family to return home to. He smiles as he thinks about his omega and alpha pup.

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