Chapter 38: Never Leave You

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"Sunshine, be nice to your classmates. Listen to your teachers. But, if someone is mean to you, hit them." Taehyung tells his son as they stand outside of the preschool.

"Hit?" Hoseok's eyes widen in surprise as he looks at his omega parent.

"Yes. Do not let anyone bully you." Taehyung smiles and kisses his son's forehead as he adores his son in a cute white outfit, ready for his first day of school. 

"If anyone is mean to you, tell Eomma and Appa." Jungkook hums as he wraps his arms around Hoseok.

"You gave the school our numbers, too, right? Just in case they can't reach either of you?" Namjoon asks as he worries about Hoseok's first day of school.

"Of course. We even gave them Sungchan hyung's number as a last resort." Taehyung responds and pats Namjoon's back.

"Sunny is growing up." Seokjin sniffles and wraps Hoseok in a tight hug.

"Next will be Moon," Namjoon mumbles with a frown as he looks at the omega pup.

"Sunshine, Eomma will pick you up from school at three. Okay?" Taehyung smiles as he looks into Hoseok's shining eyes.

"Okay." Hoseok nods with the biggest smile.

"Let's bring him in." Jungkook hums and picks Hoseok up to carry him into the school building.

"Jungkook, I know you want to carry him to his class, but there is a big chance that one of the parents will recognize you. The school already promised to protect your family's identity, but the parents may not." Namjoon softly tells Jungkook.

"I'm wearing a mask and a cap," Jungkook mutters as he tightens his hold on Hoseok. Because it is not allowed to turn into one's wolf form inside of schools, Jungkook cannot hide his identity by being in his wolf form.

"Your tattoos are showing on your hand. You walk a certain way. Your eyes are very recognizable. And if you cover everything, people will become more suspicious." Namjoon gently tries to explain to the distraught alpha.

"Hyung, it's okay. I will bring him in with Jin hyung. Stay here with Namjoon hyung and Moon." Taehyung gently tells his worried mate.

Jungkook's eyes tear up as he hugs his pup. He had dreamed of carrying his pup into his first day of class. Seeing his mate's tears, Taehyung instantly wraps his arm around his alpha's waist and guides him into the school. The omega decides that seeing his mate's tears is the worst decision he has made. He never wanted to hurt his mate to hide their pups' identities. The whole point was to protect his family, and Jungkook is his family, his mate.

"It's okay. You can bring him to his class." Jungkook quietly mutters as he hands Hoseok to Taehyung once they reach the doors of the school.

"No. We are his parents, and we will take him to his first class." Taehyung gently smiles and then opens the doors to the school.

As they walk into the school together, Jungkook lowers his cap to cover his eyes. Because the school they chose is filled with pups from influential families, Jungkook relaxes. He is surprised to see CEOs, Chairpersons, and high-ranking government officials walking the hallways with their pups.

When they enter the classroom, the beta teacher's eyes widen in surprise when she recognizes Jungkook but quickly schools her expression to not make the family uncomfortable.

"Welcome! This must be Jeon Hoseok." She smiles warmly as she walks over to the family.

"Yes," Taehyung responds and gently rubs Jungkook's back because he can tell that his mate is not fond of the idea of leaving their pup with strangers.

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