Chapter 59: Protect You

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As Hoseok sits at his desk, he waits for Bogum. He drew a flower and wanted to give it to his classmate. When Bogum limps into the classroom with a hood covering his face, Hoseok suddenly stands up, causing his chair to fall.

Bogum flinches when Hoseok suddenly stands in front of him. "What happened?" Hoseok asks as he tries to look at Bogum's face. "Y-your uniform is torn."

"It's my o-only one," Bogum whispers and looks at the ground as a tear drops from his eyes.

When Hoseok gently pushes Bogum's hood off, he gasps in horror and then releases an angry growl. "Who did this to you?"

"N-not now." Bogum whimpers when the group that beat him watches him with intense stares.

"Did you attack him?!" Hyesun shouts as she storms over to the group. "You three! Your older siblings are in my Appa's company! I will not let this go!" She growls as her eyes flash red with anger.

"Let's go to the hospital." Hoseok takes Bogum's hand before pulling him out of the classroom.

"I-I'm okay," Bogum whispers as Hoseok drags him down the hallway.

"I've called Jungkook samchon! He's coming!" Jongin shouts as he chases after Hoseok.

When Jungkook frantically pulls up to the school, he sees the superintendent and two teachers standing with the four students. There are several police pulling onto the campus.

"What on earth happened?" Jungkook asks as he rushes over to his son.

"There has been a case of bullying. He is your son's friend." The superintendent explains as Jungkook checks on the shaking student.

"I will take him to the hospital. Make sure the police find out who did it." Jungkook responds as he gently lifts the trembling young alpha into his arms. "Come on. You're his friends." He motions for the three to get in the car with him and Bogum.

When they reach the hospital, there are several medical staff waiting for them to check on the student. Jungkook quickly places Bogum on the gurney and lets the medical personnel wheel him away.

"Don't worry, Sunshine. He will be okay." Jungkook softly tells his worried son as he makes sure that all of their masks are properly covering their faces.

"I should never have let him walk home alone." Hoseok cries and clings to his father.

"You did not know this would happen." Jungkook picks his crying son up and holds him. His son has grown, but Jungkook still lovingly holds him.

"I don't think he went home yesterday like he texted saying he did," Jongin mutters as he looks at the messages. "Everything he wore is the same as yesterday, even the hoodie."

"Appa, their younger siblings are in our school, and they bullied our friend that I told you about. You should watch them to make sure they are not bullies like their younger siblings. Yeah ... it's bad." Hyesun tells Namjoon as they talk on the phone. "We are at the hospital. Jungkook samchon is with us. Okay. I'll see you soon." 

As they wait in the waiting room, Namjoon rushes in with Seokjin. "What happened? Is he okay? Hyesun told us a little about what happened."

"Their friend was attacked on his way home yesterday," Jungkook explains as he holds his worried son.

"How bad is it?" Seokjin asks as he sits next to his daughter.

"The doctor hasn't come out to tell us yet." Jungkook sighs and looks at his crying son.

"I am a better person than them. I will not retaliate with violence. I am a better person than them. Violence is bad. I am a better person than them. Violence is not the answer," Jongin chants as he clenches his fists.

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